How do I stop jacking off so much? And please don’t say willpower I don’t have any.
How do I stop jacking off so much? And please don’t say willpower I don’t have any
Take olanzapine daily
I don’t want to kill my sex drive, I want to actually build it for when I’m with a girl
>hurr durr i am a retard what can i do to stop fapping
>hurr durr i am a retard to and i suggest you take pills, because there is no drug that that can't fix anything
get a fucking hobby
Another person looking for a quick fix for a problem that wasn't developed quickly.
Sorry, willpower is exactly what is needed. It's like asking to save a person from drowning who's too lazy to swim.
1. Identify your triggers
2. Make porn as unaccessible as possible
3. Get busy
4. Don't give up if you have a relapse# just pick up the pieces and get back to it
5. Have some kind of goals and keep reminding yourself why you want this
6. Visualize yourself having met your goals
7. Log your progress and difficulties somehow, for example a diary
8. Get fucking busy
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Porn Addiction Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
Literally get a gf.
Yep, another guy addicted to porn. Let me guess, you’re a 6/10 or below?
Guys, op never said anything about porn. There are guys who still have this issue even without porn. There's guys that make it a personal thrill mission to jerk off in public as much as possible.