>black person speeds >police pull their gun out and play simon says for a bit >black guy understandably panics with a gun in his face and the warrior cop stereotype in america >BANG BANG BANG >"man if only he listened to the cop he wouldnt have been brutally murdered #bluelivesmatter"
Josiah Carter
The majority of police officers are racist and engage in racial profiling.
Plus research the history between the two groups. How did the police behave during the Civil Rights era?
Austin Bell
Did you learn that at your job?
Wyatt Williams
Blue lives don't matter, but niggers are stupid and do WAY more than panic. They actively attack the police. Nogs having it coming 99% of the time but our police are militant and violent.
Ayden Bailey
criminals usually oppose law enforcement
Easton Rogers
But isn't a few people being unjustly and justly shot every now and again better than being mass murdered? Why not view it through that lense instead?
Jason Evans
>cops can only resort to lethal force you boot lickers disgust me
Angel Brooks
Tattoos show bad decision making and should disqualify you from being a police officer.
Juan Garcia
Have you ever met a cop? Not my type of person. I understand their job is hard and they get a lot of shit from it, the left/media constantly bashes them. But a lot of them are gigantic pieces of shit, the job just attracts about 20% honest to god good men that will always do the right thing, and 80% power obsessed vermin. Nobody really cares about black people or what actually goes on in the ghetto, they get to basically do whatever they want out there and nothing will happen.
Jace Cook
They think cops are racist towards them. Which is true. Because of their behavior. A closed loop of hatred. Like pottery.
Isaac Phillips
>and 80% power obsessed vermin
That's due to the fact that police departments give preferential hiring to military veterans. It saves them money because military veterans are trained how to use firearms already and other things.
The majority of police officers who get in trouble for excessive force are dumbasses from the military. I don't know how society can expect someone who was sent to a foreign country and allowed to commit disgusting human rights abuses, maybe he even shot children in Afghanistan, then he comes back and is expected to uphold the law professionally and honorably.
Nah. The fuck up cops you hear about are the dumbass military hires. You can tell because they always release a statement like, "BAHHHH I HAVE PTSD. THAT'S WHY I COMMITTED THAT VIOLENT ACT," when they get in legal trouble.
Alexander Howard
Lol americans cops always shoot for absolutly no reason. >GET ON THE GROUND,PUT YOUR HANDS OF YOUR HEAD >Suspect panics and does nothing for a couple of seconds because he is being pointed at with a gun but does nothing to show he is a threat >BANG BANG BANG Its always the same shit in cops videos but dumb right wingers go on social media and say "he was justified!!! blue lives matter!!" instead of realizing that cops are playing soldier with the citizens.
Gabriel Lewis
black people view the police the way you view black people
Chase Flores
>Black People's Perception of the Police What about cops perception of black people? Shouldn't that be a question asked? They are just people to.
Andrew Powell
blue lives don't matter and neither do black lives. the best thing that can happen is the two groups killing each other
Logan Cox
I’d be racist too if I had to deal with nigger bullshit on a daily basis. They should be allowed to kill as many as they want.
Blake Ortiz
Because niggers
Zachary Phillips
>we must resort to lethal force, we do not have tazers >headshot niggers to the head yes!!! fuck optics we nu-pol and we have no sense of logic
Austin Perez
For fucks sake. STOP. SAYING. THE. N. WORD. Seriously, get your point across without the blatant fucking racism, it's really uncalled for.
Jayden Allen
Skips leg day, confirmed fag.
Luke Cruz
just people that can brutally murder you and get fired while still receiving pension and no jail time because he "got scared"
Got's to get dem victim dollarz an shieet and more money for dem programs.
Brody Butler
They're literally raised to.
Aiden Ramirez
It's because there is actual history of police brutality on black people. Blacks hatred for the police sort of slowly grew before 1992, then Rodney King happened and all hell broke loose, and the general consensus among most blacks is that the police are the enemy
Jacob Jones
>The majority of police officers are racist and engage in racial profiling. >Plus research the history between the two groups. How did the police behave during the Civil Rights era? You realize, user, that black people are allowed to be cops now. Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, most of the cops are black.
Daniel Howard
>I am having trouble understanding why black people are so hateful of the Police and consider them an adversary. They are the literal antithesis of each other. It's no wonder they are natural arch enemies.
For real though the answer is social conditioning. Music is an insanely influential thing on somebodies life. Growing up with wonderful nigger classics like "fuck the police", and "You'll cowards don't even smoke crack" has a toll on a human being. Especially one in their formative years.
So if anybody takes anything away from this comment just be sure to use your headphones as positive role models. It is literally training your subconscious
Connor Rogers
There are some token black cops out there, yes.
They can't change the violent, racist police culture. Only prosecutors and judges can do that.
>blacks would be killed in mass. Like Dylan Roof did?
Juan Taylor
THIS many replies to a post that is obviously just fishing for attention. This is exactly what kikes want the (((far right))) to look like. >HAHA LEL NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER I HOPE I OFFENDED YOU KEK xddddddddd All of you are pathetic excuses for white people, if you even are white (probably not).
Jace Lewis
Andrew King
>muh police brutality What about black on black brutality? The only reason blacks care about police brutality is because black politicians know that their policies are shit and directly responsible for keeping black people down, so they blame whitey and by extension cops so they can escape responsibility for not improving their own communities despite having control over them. Political corruption is always endemic in the same places that people whine about "police brutality".
niggers get harassed by pigs constantly and then this thought gets perpetuated from generation to generation that they're going to fuck them over one way or another. pigs in general are power trips who deserve bullets between their eyes
Jayden Peterson
The police are a lot like niggers. Both have low IQ and are always up in people's business interloping where they are not wanted. Both are dishonest Both have a inflated opinion of themselves, both have no problems with stealing shit that doesn't belong to them, both are technically on welfare of some sort or another, both LARP out and even think they are TV characters, both are detrimental to any type of "free society", both have their ignorant, homoerotic fan base that WRONGLY sees them as godlike characters no matter how shitty they are, the list goes on.... Usually people who defend either are the types that watch way too much TV.
I never understood why they're so afraid of dogs either desu.
Luis Smith
fuck I love this image so simple yet so correct
Brayden Wilson
Levi Walker
this guy gets it
fuck pigs and fuck niggers
Camden Evans
From the black person's perspective Police and American laws are basically antithetical the cultural norms that black people want to develop amongst themselves, which is basically an animalistic self-enforced model of instant justice. Imagine if you were white and had to live in a society that constantly produced media that portrayed your race as dumb, showed your women breeding with every race, and surreptitiously usurped all of your opportunities that your ancestors created for you, it would be kind of the same thing and you would be very angry at certain people for imposing on you a culture that was not your own. Really, the best we can do is to support black nationalism and separatism. They have a right to their culture, as base and undesirable as we perceive it, just as we have a right to our culture.
Ian Howard
Racial profiling saves lives...
Isaiah Taylor
Lol at retards blaming the gun. If a cop stops you and points a gun at a your face should that should make you more compliant not aggressive and chimpout like some fucking nigger
Aaron Diaz
>Imagine if you were white and had to live in a society that constantly produced media that portrayed your race as dumb, showed your women breeding with every race, and surreptitiously usurped all of your opportunities that your ancestors created for you You can't be serious right now...
Ian Phillips
Blake Sullivan
Implying niggers know history
Daniel Sanders
Nice ID. I'd say it's appropriate but Jews tend to have a high IQ, something you clearly lack.
Matthew Roberts
Guilty as charged but at least I'm not a nigger.
Colton Stewart
lmao saving dis one
Luis Morris
>t. butthurt military veteran
Michael Reyes
When it comes to niggers, force is literally the only thing they understand, you fuckin AIDS receptacle faggot.
Aaron Martinez
>headshot nigger
>implying killing the nigger was a bad thing
GTFO of here you faggot
Josiah Gomez
Jackson Jackson
>The majority of police officers are racist and engage in racial profiling. GOOD...imagine if they wasted all their time with asians
Landon Myers
STFU nigger, no one cares wtf a faggot leaf thinks, KYS
Leo Martin
And them nigger cops shoot niggers too. They know exactly how niggers are.
Angel Bennett
If I were American I'd hate the police, too
But you people are just too subservient by nature, so the police remains above the law
Liam Cox
Cops and Niggers.. I dont know which is worse? In a country with just Land owning Protestant whites, would we even need cops?
Mason Green
because they are told to
Matthew White
>I am having trouble understanding why black people are so hateful of the Police and consider them an adversary. It's a mystery. youtu.be/eqBAOX6Qegk
Alexander Myers
>I am having trouble understanding why black people are so hateful of the Police and consider them an adversary. Because most of them don't know how to behave as human beings. This pic says it all.
David Peterson
No one is addressing your post. You are absolutely right. In the 1800- early 1900s, they would have just shot and hung everyone. Society was too spread to accept any bullshit.
Michael Edwards
It's why Jim Crow was so effective. Entire communities lynched any black person who didn't follow every rule exactly.
Grayson Harris
my brother was 5-0 for a while. Niggers made him more racist than he was when he started.
>Niggers can even make BLACK cops racist Actually true. Black cops shoot blacks more readily according to statistics
Sebastian Perez
Fucking dumb Canadien nigger
Benjamin Collins
but i am racist. there are definitely differences between the races.
Liam Carter
I don't like negros at all but cops tend to be retarded government lapdogs, and we all know who controls these institutions. They're are the ones responsible of putting goys in line after all
Jaxon Adams
Unpredictably violent, rapey, ugly, stupid-sounding subhumans with no soul or empathy whatsoever who can only ever detract from society?
Elijah Robinson
Fucking bullshit I have had a whole swat team run up on me for an incident. If you panic, cry and get shot it's 99/100 times your fault. If you cant handle a gun in your face dont put yourself in a situation that leads to it. Act like a man, follow instructions and if you are unsure ask. And instead of getting uppity, how about keeping your big nigger lips sealed until it's your turn to talk. It's almost like acting like a man and not a cunty woman gets you farther. Almost like having a male role model in your childhood and not having a bitchy woman who lifts her leg to piss is important in learning values.
>There are some token black cops out there, yes. >They can't change the violent, racist police culture. Only prosecutors and judges can do that. Not true. Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orleans, Baltimore, all have black chiefs of police. Not sure who's more responsible for police culture than the Chief of Police.
Anthony Lee
>Imagine if you were white and had to live in a society that constantly produced media that portrayed your race as dumb, showed your women breeding with every race, and surreptitiously usurped all of your opportunities that your ancestors created for you,
That's unironically not that hard to imagine.
t. Appalachian
Benjamin Williams
blacks have massive inferiority complexes and always try to act tough and in control therefore when a man that they cant control has authority over them they get pissy and whiny fuck niggers. 100% fuck em
>Imagine if you were white and had to live in a society that constantly produced media that portrayed your race as dumb, showed your women breeding with every race, and surreptitiously usurped all of your opportunities that your ancestors created for you, hmmmmmm. yeah we dont have to imagine, thats called being white
Andrew Butler
I'm white, worked with police, and I hate them even more after working with them.