Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Would you say she has a “punchable face”?

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More like fuckable.

Fuckable but psychotic

The same glazed over, half way cognizant look that cultists sport.

I’d say she’s got an adorable face and a pleasant smile

I want to cum all over it.

She has crazy bitch eyes

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if a punch isn't the most worthless strike in the human arsenal

she seems so moldable. Someone from Jow Forums could probably date her and influence her. She's always surrounded by her beta orbiters, but someone could actually find her and date her

Punchable with my dick, if you know what I am mean.

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Don't hate me for saying this, but you all are literally under her spell. She occupies your mind because she has that effect on people. Stop talking about her. Calling her dumb and ugly makes normies (who are under her spell) perceive you as a jealous asshole who wants her but can't have her. Yes, life is unfair.

>Someone from Jow Forums could probably date her and influence her.
See? Too bad she's a politician and not your redpilled trad wife.

You're all disgusting.


I wanna smash

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Based huebro. Unironically whiter than anyone who would fuck that dumpster fire whos an anti white commie to boot.

Found the incel nazi larper

>YoU ARe aN inCeL

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Imagine deepthroating her and cumming in her throat and she starts choking on your cum haha who would ever want that am i right haha

I'd say she has a fuckable pussy.

Nah, but she has a hangable neck.

Her neck is also quite strangleable too.

Found leftypol nigger lover
You are a blight.
White guilt is a sin user.

no, women don't have punchable faces. she has a stupid face though.

Her chocolate star is punchable.

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>Her neck is also quite strangleable too.
This is one of my fetishes.

She is a FOUR you desperate fucking weirdo

She's attractive. Good god when she's dancing in that music video it's hot.

I don't give a fuck about her political opinions. All women have stupid political opinions... they're women!

no, she's acting. she's probably smart but not that smart. nobody says all the stupid shit that she does on purpose.

Is she the new right wing boogyman? I am a leftist and no one in my leftist circle seems to give a shit about her.

>Nice legs
>Nice body
Who cares?

nah you wanna doggy style her, face down into a pillow so she cant talk or make faces that you can see.

Attached: face down pillow.jpg (800x800, 40K)


This has far surpassed all other Shill campaigns.
The shilling of this bitch is like nothing I've ever seen.

>iM NOt a INceL

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