That's right, I said SLAVIC UNION thread. No matter how you oppose this idea, the goal is ultimately good. It's the only way to preserve Slavic culture and languages from disappear under globalization. The most influential and the most powerful Slavic country should be the one who would unite us. And that should be Russia.
Ask yourself: "why am I even oppose the idea of Slavic Union?". I'm sure the answer will be "Russia". But why not Russia? We take the great care of minorities. In the ethno-Slavic Republics the Russian government will be established of course, but laws will also be passed on the preservation and popularization of Slavic cultures, languages and production, as well as a tons of subsidies. Come the fuck on with your autism, why cares of who controls whom as long as it's one of our own. I'm absolutely convinced that in the future small nations that are not able to defend their independence from global threats will be assimilated and oppressed by their more powerful neighbors, leading your culture to disappear (that's called cultural expansion). So it's really better to stay with your kind from one ROD and not letting the outsiders impose their rules, laws, and culture. I'm even ready to accept the Polish president as my own, if it helps to unite the Slavs. Because it's really doesn't matter as long as he's one of our own.
Of course Russia have problems, I have zero illusions about that. But the truth is, we all have our own problems. By working together we could solve them. By creating global Slavic political, cultural, economical and language sphere we can secure the very existence of Slavs. The future will be Slavic.
Yes, poland and east europe should be part of same country but.power in moscow should not rule but be another province, all balkans and east europe should be part of this country.
Thomas Murphy
>Don’t trust the PiS and le based Poland meme - its a cucked shithole of course - otherwise you wouldn't be outside your homeland shithole in the UK wiping asses of old Anglo farts, Krzysztof
>only way to preserve Slavic culture and languages good >The most influential and most powerful Slavic country should be the one who would unite us. >And that should be Russia LOLLOLOLOLno
Connor Rivera
Someone have to rule over that self-hateful bunch. Masses are usually dumb and they need a strong hand that will lead them.
Owen Morris
Slavic is just a linguistic group.
We have barely any cultural ties with West Slavs and South Slavs.
Genetically we're closer to Baltic Latvians and Finno-Ugric Mordvins than to South Slavs.
tl;dr: OP is a retarded shitposter.
Connor Martinez
Robert Hernandez
Only way union is possible is if power isn't concentrated in moscow but a free union of representatives of all provinces like the USA.
Ethan Miller
Learn how to read, American. I said >Slavic country Polish toilet cleaners is sad meme that is direct result of globalization and cultural expansion.
Ryder Carter
>Slavic is just a linguistic group This meme notion only exists because of dinaric goblins down south. Slavs are homogenous enough if we take those out. Although should be noted that Slovenians and Kajkavians are Hyberboresn gods comparing to romanoturkic cockholes A meme really. Most Poles in the UK are middle class
Joseph Stewart
>We have barely any cultural ties with West Slavs and South Slavs. Well let's see >Same core religion >Same core genetic >Same core language >Same myths and legends >Even during the late medieval period we were practically the same people with minor differences
>power isn't concentrated in moscow That just simply not possible. Moscow is very wealthy city with 12 millions of population. Such an amount of population will surely make this city a center of commerce throughout whole Slavic Union. Trade domination means political domination.
Thomas Hill
New york does not dominate politics of say vermont.
Because of seperate institutions and representation.
Jackson Thompson
>Most Poles >in the UK And that's the problem.
Landon Evans
Slavs are vermin.
Liam Rivera
>Polish toilet cleaners is sad meme that is direct result of globalization and cultural expansion. what? It's a matter of division of labour you retard
>A meme really. Most Poles in the UK are middle class kek. Poles are lower middle class at best. Middle class are businessmen, managers, programmers, lawyers, doctors, economists etc
Joseph Fisher
Hm. Good point actually. Okay, maybe USA-like structure will work afterall. But be ready for insane amount of propaganda to keep that structure together.
Brody Jones
If you give Karelia, Kola, St.Petersburg and the territory down to Estonia and let us have Estonia and Latvia we would support a grand Slav empire. Grand Slav empire for Grand Nord Empire
Parker Wood
Agreed, but Polish exodus is nothing comparing to the infestation that goes on in Russia. Even if all immigrants left tomorrow and you got rid of the Caucasus region/Tuva/Kalmykia, you still would be left with landlocked orc zones like Tatarstan and Yakutia >when a mainland Pole tries to teach a British resident about the class system Entrepreneurs, doctors and lawyers have always been a part of the upper middle class
Luke Richardson
I don’t see anything wrong with this. Neither did Hitler actually, he mentions it in Mein Kampf. He wished that Slavs had formed a union of sorts instead of embracing Bolshevism.
What I loved about Russia was that anybody that didn't look white had their passports checked in Moscow. Never had my passport checked and Russian police was really nice and helpful. Some Gopniks tried to rob us and stalked us to our Hostel and the police arrested the bunch of them. Didn't see them again.
Brayden Morales
Which pages? I actually have the book, don't remember this though.
Jordan Williams
>It's a matter of division of labour Memes is a matter of division of labour? I think you get me wrong.
Aaron Flores
I love you polish people ... can you just stop being autistic tho?
Been thinking of visiting St. Petersburg and maybe Moscow as well, looks nice. Think I would have any trouble being American? I have a copy on my lap, I’ll try to find it. It’s been a while so all I can remember is that it’s in the first half. Lol
Agreed, it's the problem that should be dealt with.
Carter Diaz
>Think I would have any trouble being American? Other than language barrier - not at all. People here loves Americans even if they too ashamed to admit it. Just don't be a nigger.
Leo Morales
Hitler now is eternal enemy to the Slavs, I don't give a rat shit about this jewish faggot.
Kayden Ortiz
That’s because they are locking to get bribes from the illegals Only one way to deal with it. Cleansing tatars, bashkirs and yakuts to Central Asia. Think Circassian clean up 2.0. No other way around landlocked clay Depends on the Slavs, Vanya
>Hitler now is eternal enemy to the Slavs general Vlasov disagrees
Parker Perez
>Rape Germany >Rape Afghanistan tour of booty style. > Rape US and western Europe filled with exotic Latinas and middle eastern women because of declining white populations hence low IQ destroy western civilization where nukes no longer become a threat because of growing military tech like air defenses.
Why cant we stop winning along with a buffet of pussy to choose from? Should be tradition at this point.
Christopher Edwards
Right on, would love to visit those castles you have over there
>Hitler now is eternal enemy to the Slavs Stalin killed far more Slavs the Hitler ever did. He didn’t hate Slavs at all. Give Mein Kampf a read sometime.
James Cox
The Soviet Union was already tried, it failed. Get over it.
By definition you can’t since you are not a part of the Perun-chosen folk. No traditionalist/ethnonationalist woman will ever date outside of her ethnic group. Especially Ustaše chicks. If your surname is Austrian - get yourself some Midwestern chick of German descent, if your surname is Russian, get yourself a Russian girl. Not that difficult for you to preserve and multiply your heritage General Vlasov was a coward that fought against the White Army back in the civil war days
If you are looking for a proper hero, try General Smyslovsky >Stalin killed jews Name me a single racially motivated cleansing against the jews in the Soviet Union. You can’t. In fact, Stalin introduced the capital punishment to combat anti-semitism
Also, he was a fucking shitskin. Imagine being ruled by a literal non-European mongrel
Chase Wright
14 million people where put into the Gualg system, the vast majority where not Jews.
Matvei Davidovich Berman Who headed the Gulag system from 1932-1937 was Jewish. Naftaly Frenkel Who was one of the architects of the Gualg system was also Jewish. The list goes on.
Aiden Sanders
I would choose Asians as the 2nd race to rule the world before whites.
General Vlasov was a hero because he literally admitted that the red army betrayed the goals of communism. Also
>midwestern chick of german descent gross
Daniel Cox
It's not compatible.
Adam Watson
Interesting, I’ll have to read more about this. Do you think the Gulag death/occupancy numbers are accurate?
Cameron Reyes
Better than niggers, spics and sand niggers.
Josiah Harris
How should I know? I weren't anywhere near.
Dominic Miller
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Gavin King
In case you forgot his daughter married a jew
>It wasn’t racially motivated In other words Stalin was a cuck. But then again what can you expect from a commie shitskin that worked as a head of the committee dedicated to wiping out the “Great Russian chauvinism”?
Again, Stalin was a FUCKING GEORGIAN.
nonwhites can’t rule over Slavs. Period >thinking that the goals of communism were good for Slavs or other Europeans to begin with
Jonathan Cruz
fuggen saved :DDD
But seriously, can Poles and Russians pls get along? I went to a polish dance (zabawa) with my polish girlfriend recently, and I was able to get along just fine with most of the poles I ran into.
John Wright
>In case you forgot his daughter married a jew His quote about it: >All older generation is infected with Zionism, and they're teaching the young people... and it was the Zionists who threw your hubby to you
Jason Carter
Chinks are the lowest of the low. Niggers are even above Chinks.
Hunter Reyes
>nonwhites can’t rule over Slavs. Period georgians are white you idiot
Andrew Young
Poland is in Central Europe
Levi Cox
>We have barely any cultural ties with West Slavs and South Slavs.