Are white Chinese white?

So China is going to come out with designer babies... and we know the Chinese admire white aesthetics and a lot of these "designer babies" will be white with round blue eyes.

But they still will be culturally Chinese... so...

Do we consider them white? I mean, we consider G*rmans to be white despite their hideous language and shit food.

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theyll be whiter than a canadian but still not human

Don't insult them by calling them white. Whites are the niggers of the Asian world. They're not as smart and have a lower work ethic

atleast they'll be more human than the guys who lost a war to birds

>the Chinese admire white aesthetics and a lot of these "designer babies" will be white with round blue eyes.

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>tfw asians are saving the white race

>hideous language
>shit food

oui oui oui all the way back to your refined mountain of fries and curd drenched in gravy plz

If it's like the stat chooser in rpgs and games like fallout and you put all the skills at 10, isn't the baby going to come out fairly white?

They have a much different beauty standard stop sucking your own dick.

>American mad that Québécois can make greasy American-style food better than them

yes white asians are white.

>we know the Chinese admire white aesthetics

Lol this isn't japan. The kid will be an ugly commie goverment cock-sucking chink

Good news. They say they are going to make waifus for in incels.

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Have you applied for yours?

cure manletness

>losing a war to birds
>losing your women to niggers


Expose them to European Culture and history. Subvert them by making them wonder why the Chinese would go so far as to have them emulate the European people. Make them feel alien in their own Chinese upbringing. Recruit them as spies for the west.

Not humans.

lol fuck off Chang, even the muttiest German is 100,000,000 times whiter than the whitest chink


Nah, but they'll all be seven feet tall and look like Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors.

Nah, you Chinks are some of the worst sub-humans likable only to niggers. The only REAL difference is you take yours to a global level. Shoving your tiny penises in everyone's face.

Designer chinese babies will not "look white". The Asians like round eyes and light skin- this means "plastic korean k-pop girl" will become the norm in China

It's Brazil and Latin America where all the "designed to be Aryan master race" babies come from, as rich castizos purge their genetic line of undesirable Indio and African traits acquired when their conquistador ancestors decided to fuck the first pussy they came across.

China is now a fuse between brave new world and 1984

White enough for muh dik.

Reminder that if China does this and the West doesn't it's OVER for the West.
Even if you kick out immigrants you will be basically subhuman compared to the 150IQ gods they will produce. It will be quite literally impossible to compete.

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Europeans Asians and Semites (not just kikes, also Babylonians, Egyptians, etc) all share a common Eurasian ancestor which is why they all relatively have the same complexion. You could base their “whiteness” off of that, but I would say no.

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Chinese food is delicious.

This is to keep the chinese insectoids out of this thread and bring their social credit score down

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Only those which are blonde with blue eyes are whites.

>implying that's not happening now
look at the country most of the adopted kids come from.
glow in the dark niggers are already training a generation of spies

they are all gay

Those are some very pretty finnish girls.

Chinese have no imagination they steal white people's thoughts in order to produce like soulless robots

ITT: Nobody reading the article which states the Chinese guy is some physics major with no experience running human clinic trails and his teammate is some white physics teacher from Houston who also has no experience doing human clinic trails, and both are just fucking around in China and this Chinese guy probably is running a scam.

Also, there's no proof the female twins are real and the AP journalists basically admits its impossible to confirm if the female twins exist.

tl;dr Shitty written article about a potential con artist in China.

You guys could probably report that White Teacher from Houston, though. He could be blacklisted from ever becoming a doctor due to his lack of ethics, from going to China and participating in this shit.

Being white is about Christianity and shared cultural aspects, not facial features or skin color. Even Pajeets are closer to whites than fucking chinks lmao.

>poo in loos are closer to whites than gene editing chinks

what did he mean by this?

No wonder why you guys are the blackest country in Europe

The Chinese are soulless and robotic.

you can't stop this. humans bump into things that screw up their health and lives,this never stopped them from putting up a resistance.through the environment or inoculations.

pure delusion on your part. blacks are to whites as whites are to asians by every single metric. whether it's crime rate, murder rate, iq averages, avg income, births out of wedlock, sexual partner count. whiteys are inferior.

This will likely cause a phenotypic revolution that will undermine the future of all DNA based life forms. If we give over the control of reproduction to other non DNA based entities (computers) we will eventually be replaced as it creates humans more beneficial to its own survival as opposed to ours. These type of phenotype revolutions have happened before in history. RNA was replaced by DNA in a very similar way.

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