Gritty has given up his hobby as a hockey mascot and has chosen to become an alt-right advocate! He's killing kikes and nothing can stop him. Post your Gritty Memes to make him more powerful.
Gritty Thread
fuck ur gay hockey mascot dumb nigger
It warms my heart to see that anti-semitism is on the rise here.
same, when I first became alt-right I thought things were moving fast, but now I see with gritty memes, the shootings. Things are moving faster and faster by the day
its a subversion attempt you stupid fucking cretin
>There are literally groups of leftists trying everything they can to force a meme on Jow Forums just so they can prove they know how.
>multiple failed attempts with 0 traction ("shellacked", forced fox, factual falcon)
>I know, let's just randomly pick a hockey mascot for no appreciable reason
>but we'll make up stories about how antifa claimed him so the right actually participates
>nobody gives a fuck
I am reporting this thread for spam
the obvious false flags, actual violence, and mainstream politicians fueling it all didn't convince me either. Gritty's the canary in the coal mine though.
shellacked was a good meme, those were the days
nono keep it its so cute.
the left cant meme and they constantly prove it by trying to prove the opposite. this thread is pottery incarnate
"became alt-right"-quote from faggot basedboy who guzzles cum
Wait. I thought Gritty was being meme'd by the left as their 'Pepe'. What's going on here.
fags getting their shit pushed in
fuck you fucking completely manufactered sharblue faggot panama porchmonkey niggers, everyone knows the entire threads are fake becuase you type like fags and your shits all retarded, fuckk off back to your safe space cum cave
I'm not talking about Antifa getting stomped by superior Proud boys. I'm asking a legitimate question.
they do have a podcast called cumtown, its really fucking sad
But that's what fags love best.
Am I the only one suspicious about the whole Gritty thing? It's too fucking easy. I know many leftists are stupid for the most part so a lot probably just think it's their counter meme but anyone with half a brain knows it will just get co-opted, turned right and used against them if they try use it against Jow Forums because the right is just so much more adept with memes. I can't help but think some lefty think tank is studying the ways in which Jow Forums takes seemingly innocuous or left memes and weaponises them against the left.
Gritty was at unite the right, I spit out my drink on that one. Cheers to the creator of that meme.
perhaps gritty if used as a way to study Jow Forums could be used as false flag, make stupid cringey memes with gritty to make antifa copy and make more cringey memes and wonder what happened
we can all thank our little orange friend gritty
This post was written by a Jew
Trump needs to grow balls and declare the caravan an invasion force constituting an act of war, sending the military.
Investigate and kill all those who provided funding and support to this invasion which violates our national borders undermining our national security jeopardizing our national sovereignty. Make anyone or institution aka media supporting the invasion guilty of high crimes for providing support to the enemy, its really that simple.
Make no mistake an invasion with intent to violate US National Security is an act of war and all those involved should be treated as enemies
its shareblue glowniggers trying to make a meme but they dont spend more than 5 minutes on the chans a day becuase they need to go back to getting their shit pushed in so they fail
Wtf, I love hockey now.
What kind of gay retarded faggot saw Pepe, and thought to themselves... yes... the left needs this.
yes its fucking obvious people come here to study how internet ideas work but they dont realize that they are massive faggots and lust for cock which distracts them from their mission of studying pol memes, so they just go gif and jack to traps
The Jews believe Americans are lazy, they believe mexicans are hard working, so if mexicans work hard then Israel gets their billions of dollars from the sweat of the mexicans.
I did not know the Jews were such humanitarians that wanted to help such poor people.
You're trying too hard. Leftists can't into subtlety.
>subversion attempt
If it hasn't taken off by now it's not going to. Take the hint already. It failed because you stormfags spent all your efforts trying to shill this lame shit on Jow Forums instead of actually putting in the work on social media yourselves.
i wonder who is paying these migrants...
>Pepe started on twitter
I hate Gritty, I hope he becomes toxic for being appropriated by the Alt-Right and the Flyers have to dump his retarded ass.
What an absolutely fucking terrible mascot.
I was thinking more along the lines of the left being able to make more effective propaganda in the Internet age.
Nah, mate
I wonder how many shills have been redpilled along the way. Or if you were willing to be a shill are you already too far gone?
All my commie friends in Philly kept saying they were horny for Gritty last night.
I don't get it.
>stormfags shilled this meme
OK Jew whatever you say
fuck off faggot these memes are funny
Jews will help any underclass as long as it subverts whites.
"i declare a meme war!"
*5 memes later*
"s-stop nazis!"
The whole thing is fucking weird. It's probably just a shit attempt at their own meme but I can't help but be suspicious.
lol i put no effort into it, ive only seen gritty on Jow Forums but i just assumed the left adopted it in full because of how gay it was
>Yess... Yessss! This is what the left needs to win youth votes!
him being "claimed" by the left is fake bs as part of a larger tactic to force this meme
it's not working because it's so garbage Jow Forums doesn't want it even if they can "own the libs"
Do you have any arguments or just making false assumptions
Gritty threads should be a bannable offense.
This shit thread reeks of faggot outsider that thinks Jow Forums is the same thing as "alt-right" doing some fishing.
the left never actually claimed him, it's all part of a shitty op to force the meme
Just give it time. It will die on it's own. In their effort to spam this gay shit mascot all over the place they forgot 1 key thing. That memes actually have to be good to catch on outside your own social circle.
>this is going in my "forced meme" collection