Why is attacking the perceived virginity of men in political debates the default tactic for lefties?

Why is attacking the perceived virginity of men in political debates the default tactic for lefties?

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we seriously need to start making civil rights complaints against these fucking people

Because virgin men have been judged worthless by society

>T. Incel

Because they're too stupid to think about anything deeper than sex, and because deep down they're really jealous of virgin males' superior intelligence.

>t. flaggot who's a cuck to his own penis

Reminder that anyone who uses this term in a derogatory manner is not from here.

Because nothing else will work. They know they are wrong, they know they are evil. There's no other explanation for this kind of behaviour beyond self-hatred

But lefties are the virgins. Obvious projection.


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they're trying to tap into the insecurities of men in order to make them conform to their standards of behaviour.

when a woman calls a man a virgin / incel what she means is "you behave in a way that is in contrast with my best interests, I disapprove, and I'm going to shame you until you capitulate and do as I please." it's really that simple. they're just trying to control men through shame.

the left operates in the exact same manner, the left is essentially the feminine aspect of politics if you look at it in terms of archetypes.

they sexualize everything.
any time they get sour grapes abotu someone on the right they revert to saying stuff like "ew imagine how boring their sex is"
or insinuating theyre women want kinky sex and stuff with niggers, or that theyre virgins.
They think their degeneracy makes them enlightened, brilliant and bold. It is their defining feature.
Additionally with women they virgin shame people on tv and over the internet, where their pussy has no power.

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Yeah, it's the same thing that happens when some fat cow hits on your and they call you a faggot for not wanting to plow her sweaty folds.

The interesting thing about progressives is that because they have no moral standards they can say and do anything and you have no standard to hold them against.

This is one reason why Trump is correct in acting in the "unchristian" way that he does. It's reactionary and necessary. It's the same reason violence will at some point be reasonable.

>>"libruls too shallow to think of anything but sex"
>No fap whatever-month
>hurrr roasties, durrr no fat chix
>why no underage virgin blondes make masturd race family with me?
>how do made baby instain mother?

Social hack. You have evolved instincts to do what it takes to get the pussy.
They're saying your views are what cause you to be incel (rather than the fact that you never approach women and don't lift).
So just change your views and agree with them like a good boy, and maybe there will be a reward. (There won't)

Because for them this is the peak of human achievement, is getting laid. A sad worldview.

agreed user. looking forward to the future.

Do you think if you act more like a woman you'll attract women? Do you even understand how wrong you are?

Because they will only understand the size of their mistake once there's a boot in their necks.

It is the leftist frame to build up a world of absurd rules and then ridicule and mock anyone that does not live up to them. In this case, they have built a world of exceeding moral degeneracy an sexual fixation and by focusing on an individual's lack of participation in that 'brave new world' simultaneously reinforce their world view and shame whomever doesn't adhere to it, willingly or not.

Especially when it's really not that hard. I'm a literal 6/10 and have been with 9 women because I'm funny.

>the fact that you never approach women and don't lift
No. Incels are either too ugly or mentally ill to be improved by anything. Gymcels can bench 300lbs and it means nothing.

Sex is for reproduction, and most of you non-virgins aren't even having kids, I don't have to cope. If you yourself aren't "passing on your seed", you're no better off than me in that regard.
The fact of the matter is you don't actually need to ejaculate in a female to feel confident and happy to be who you are.

This. Surely, one of you assholes is a lawyer.

Exactly. it's also why they fetishize nigger cock. Most women if you talk to them are extremely uncomfortable physically but aroused visually by a giant dick. Date related to dick size shows that, yes black men have larger dicks on average, but not even an extra inch larger than white dicks. Why then is nigger dick portrayed as much much larger? Who benefits from this inaccurate portrayal? It's shown that only black women are less sought after than black men in online dating applications, but the black man is shown to be a loving and compassionate replacement for the white middle aged husband in media.

You all know why. I'm just repeating redpills, but I hope you all keep this shit in mind.

>you never approach women and don't lift
h-hey, I lift

>you're no better off than me in that regard
I am because I have more connections and plenty of choice.

I don't agree. Disfigured and crippled dudes fuck. Girls have 1-4s as well. There is no excuse for not fucking. It always comes down to not trying.

they pettle in shame tactics and they want to link sex with shame and use it as a cudgel to bonk you over the head with whenever they dont have a good argument.

>ask dumb questions because you're offended

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I'm not offended at all. This is another liberal strategy where you call someone offended so you can show us "who the REAL snowflakes are!" not totally understanding how ironic it is to do so of course.

No, I'm taking pity on you and hoping you rethink your life as a beta orbiter.

It's literally the same as pointing your finger and shouting LOL VIRGIN at someone. It's the mentality of a dumb highschool girl, which is perhaps why dumb leftist women who have the mentality and political awareness of a dumb highschool girl use it as their repackaged insult.
meanwhile we toss pedo at them, but that's mostly because they run human trafficking networks and a good chunk of the jewish DNC mafia leadership legitimately are pedos.


Really think about it and it's obvious that progressivism is really just toxic femininity.

simple, they are perverted perverts

We should meme that we are all going join the Democrats and return it to the good old KKK days - watch them get them even more paranoid about white Democrats.

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>just vote for democrats for the lulz

But that's fucking retarded.

I can't wait til the identity politics comes back to roost with white women. They're by far the worst offenders re: the microaggression shit they always make a big deal out of, going back to antebellum south. They've just never been called out on their shit coz dudes want to fuck them.

These people will devour themselves. Just give it time

I dont even trust those studdies.

My wheel chair bound uncle fucked his nurses. 7s to 9s. Im telling the truth. He even married one, my Aunt. Sadly there both deceased. He had alot of charisma thou.

You're not wrong to distrust it. I tend to give some credence to things researched before the 90's but I get what you're saying.

>Why is attacking the perceived virginity of men in political debates the default tactic for lefties?
Because they're perverts obsessed with sex and since they're run by women the idea that low status men exist is disgusting to them

I wish I was still a virgin. We've been had about it via media. One god; one woman.

Absolutely, which is why when they get drunk and get fucked by one of their orbiters they cry out "rape".