the trail continues... Meuller is closer than ever to inpeaching and arresting Trump
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isn't his sentence for 14 days
Yeah, he got 14........days. He'll be out in 10 if he keeps his nose clean.
aw yeah nigger, mueller is gonna impeach his ass
>Jews are going to arrest their best goy puppet.
Genius take, nu/pol/. Republicans and Democrats are the same party with the same goal. They just disagree on how to achieve said goal. And that goal is the extinction of white European Americans. This is all political theater to keep us goyim distracting and picking sides.
Doesn't matter, he's guilty of Russian Collusion and was heavily involved with Trump
boo hoo I made a typo. Not an argument
Why did they post a picture of Aziz Ansari?
I think Papadopoulos says Trump's ex-advisor is going to prison