>be med
>non white according to pol
>never had a white gf
Be med
Lincoln Jackson
Easton Cox
Even Anglos/Nordics prefer men with the Med look. We will inherit the Earth.
Oliver Russell
Fuck up wogs. Go eat some olive oil.
Oliver Harris
Your biggest meme internet sex symbol was a diaperhead "adonis"--die faggot.
Bentley Lewis
>Brown eyes
Right into the trash
Jaxon Wood
t. snownigger
James Lopez
t. Arab mongrel
Austin Sanders
White is a jewish term used to divide and conquer. The correct terminology is "European". We fight for the European peoples.
Dylan Campbell
Charles Williams
you are all fucking idiots, my best friend in HS was a german / polish mix, im Italian / german mix. He has blonde hair green eyes, i have brown hair, hazel/green eyes. WE FUCKING SLAYED EVERYWHERE. Best combination of two men to go out hunting for pussy.