Be med

>be med
>non white according to pol
>never had a white gf

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Even Anglos/Nordics prefer men with the Med look. We will inherit the Earth.

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Fuck up wogs. Go eat some olive oil.

Your biggest meme internet sex symbol was a diaperhead "adonis"--die faggot.

>Brown eyes

Right into the trash

t. snownigger

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t. Arab mongrel

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White is a jewish term used to divide and conquer. The correct terminology is "European". We fight for the European peoples.


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you are all fucking idiots, my best friend in HS was a german / polish mix, im Italian / german mix. He has blonde hair green eyes, i have brown hair, hazel/green eyes. WE FUCKING SLAYED EVERYWHERE. Best combination of two men to go out hunting for pussy.