Who was in the wrong here?
Tara Strong
Other urls found in this thread:
white women were a mistake
both of them for interacting with each other
>siding with an illegal immigrant who is seething about an election for a country that he is not a citizen of while being in said country
>Tara Strong
Literally who!
They really were the assholes for not accepting someone else to enter into their conversation even for having a difference of opinion. Also, don't assume privacy in a small space like this.
Wtf... that was Tara Strong??
Lol everybody on my friends list was sharing the hell out of this video. I guess nobody bothered to notice she was one of the most famous and beloved voice actresses of all time. Thats what i get for having nothing but normies on my fb
I wish she actually showed her face in this video or at least gave us a boob shot or something
Tara Strong. She voiced Bubbles on Power Puff Girls and Harley Quin in Batman Arkham City.
>cartoon voice actor
why should I care
All those vore vines.
>I don't want to hear opinion
>clearly continues egging him on and asking him about his personal life
she was in the wrong, she should have just not talked to him
wtf dude you don't like cartoons?
>you dont have the right to speak in your own car
Lol bitch if you dont like it get out
How did the conversation even come up?
Can someone TLDR me the argument
I dont have the mental fortitude to listen that kind of drama
FUCK what a lucky guy
new york is gonna eat you up
I hope she gets raped by a machete, fucking cunt
we can see how it started but pretty much breaks down like this
>two d list or lower lefty actresses in the back probably talking about trump being evil incarnate
>foreign, now US citizen, driver is pro trump
>he gets into their conversation
>argument starts
>actresses go full retard and call him nazi, threaten to get him fired
>both are cackling at full volume so he yells at them that they're brainwashed and leftism is a mental disorder
>they ask to get dropped off immediately
>he pulls over and they flip their shit because "it wasn't safe at the no parking curb"
typical "stupid people find each other" shit
She's white by Amerimutt standards
>we can see
This is gonna seem unexpected but I agree with her. Just let them have their Orange man bad rant and drop them off. She made herself seem very misinformed but it was just a casual conversation she was having.
Thanks senpai
Voices the purple pony in MLP.
both of them were wrong. It was rude of him to get into their conversation, but it was retarded of them to go crazy over it. They should have just ignored him and given him a one star rating
and also this bitch
/tv/ squad up in this bitch
what are some movies where a thread gets moved to Jow Forums
Lol that video is so edited.
Except he is a citizen, did you even watch the video
Also, butthurt mod
So, how did this conversations start?
The driver for forcing his political opinions down a stranger's throat on the job.
She never posted the first seven minutes of that interaction even after saying she had it, but she posted what happened right after it.
She's probably hiding something.
To be fair, she probably wasn’t filming becuase why would you film at the start of an altercation unless you can tel it’s going to be something big? I’m just questioning how the conversation started and how the driver got involved in it.
Tara Strong was in the wrong because it's obvious they only started filming after the driver gave an answer they didn't like trying to get evidence to get him fired and he even says they asked for his opinion in the video and then they act like he butted in out of no where and "that they never asked for his opinion".
Looking back on past interactions, he was probably roped into the conversation. Leftist women assume everybody by default thinks like them and become antagonistic when they detect otherwise.
If she wasn't filming, why would she say she had the film?
damn why are leftists so fucking HOT
I assume she was talking about what we saw. She probably thought it was enough to get people on her side. The guy liking Trump was probably enough for him to be a racist dumb dumb in her eyes and she thought the rest of the internet would agree. Then again, I could see how a political conversation in the back of the car could be none of this guy’s business since it’s his job to just drive them, so I want to know exactly how he was roped into the conversation in the first place.
>I'm so excited to send this video to your boss
>Uber driver
>having a boss
What a dumb thot.
CHF eyes
I know that was degenerate but I'm so densesatized lately I just dont give a damn. Still no fapping tho. But if I did I would probably lose so hard I would just ride the bullet train
I can personally verify the validity of this post