Borneo palm oil farmers raping a shaved orangutang chained in a sex brothel.
When rescuers went in, villagers defended their main source of prostitution income.
Borneo palm oil farmers raping a shaved orangutang chained in a sex brothel.
When rescuers went in, villagers defended their main source of prostitution income.
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How is this a race thing?
Those people are poor and desperate for money. White people used to eat their own children back in the days when white countries were tyrannical and poverty was rampant.
You have to go back
The fug?
To be fair there isnt much difference between it and your typical ghetto nigger prostitute.
>White people used to eat their own children
Needed a good laugh thank you
>he thinks A Modest Proposal was a historical nonfiction book
>White people used to eat their own children
okay chang, whatever helps you sleep better among your betters
They are literally a different species, though. The orangutang, too.
>what is communism
We wuz canabisls
lol, click
Kek. Wtf.
user I...
They’re not commies, that was taking last year in Turkey
Kek, there must be because I actually feel bad for the Orangataun
fucking savages
i don't blame savages--they are savages and will be savage. i just can't tolerate white libtards with their "equality" anymore.
did the ape like it? They're incredibly strong they could snap your shit without any problem
Orangutan pussy probably isn't much different
The wickedness of those people know no bounds
Put the poor animal,and all those involved to death
>thousands of cases of cannibalism vs upwards of ten million starving to death
Someone post the chinese cannibalism image macros.
Tired of this planet if it got blown up tomorrow by putin or korea i wouldnt give a single fuck
Dont you have shit to do rogan?
Don't compare a noble animal to a nigger.
its about time black women are included in the me too movement
>Those people are poor
No they aren't, they're rolling in orang thot bucks, pimp style.
You a collectivist?
>White people X!
>Black people Y!
>Collective Guilt!!!!!
>*Sharts Forcefully*
They should've sold her "nudes" on snapchat.
Jow Forums woulda called the IRS
this is an ancient story
See it happened when Jewish commissars were in charge
Dudes trolling with shit bait from Siberia or similar fuckups that aren’t related.
look at that bitch she's living in heaven getting all the fruit and fucking she would ever wish for
Imagine being a prostitute and losing johns to a monkey. Damn.
>"A monkey could do your job"
Would bang.
Show your canadian flag faggot
Someone shop Ocasio into that picture, I beg you
yfw you'll never bang orangutan putang.
I gotchu famalam
>Watch the video
I'd rather not.
Ignore the thot's sob story. Just report to the IRS and move to the next whore.
Well, now we know how first niggers were born.
As disturbing as this story is I find it more horrifying, and hilarious, that this shaved ape looks like the gaggle of fat black women I drove by last week at a gas station in Detroit.
Look at her face. She never asked for this. These people are monsters.
I read a book called The Jewel in the Lotus and there was a chapter on what the Turks do with the Dog-faced baboon that makes this shaved orangutan episode look positively wholesome.
Lmao lost it
>leafs calling other leafs chinks
pic related is the face of canada today
Orangutans don’t kill you for sneakers.
tfw you realise the only gibs and orangutan has demanded is hugz
Don't you mean uma delicia?
that too
Not an argument.
Come on. It happened in the Middle Ages all the time.
Bet Trumps been there.
It was a commentary on how brutal the poverty was.
you have to go back!
why, in 2018, do we still allow cultures like to exist? they bring nothing to the table, they advance nothing and they enrich nothing. genuine question. imho we should literally scour the earth of these degenerates without a shred of remorse or hesitation.
>White people used to eat their own children
-Those were Jews not whites
-They were sucking the babies dicks, not eating them
Right, and I bet you still believe hiv was transferred from bush meat!
>more like from a hoe in the stable apparently.
>great a new variety of nig will be made that we will have to pay for somehow
was there ever a hybrid produced?
Wow. this whole site doesn't realize that people in extreme poverty tend to put their lives above any sort of morality or decency.
>That pic
Dog eating isn't a common part of east Asian culture. It's a product of the extreme poverty in China. Dogs are generally treated as pets in east Asia, just like in other parts of the world.
You are also under the false impression that all East Asian people are nationalistic.
Also, you are making the same misandrist "small dick" argument that black supremacists and radfems use.
>They are literally a different species, though.
The entire scientific community disagrees.
Did that thot pay her taxes though
Fucking that is still better than banging this
>pic related
At least they had the right gender
>but why shave? Was that the line?
>”I will only fuck a monkey it if it’s bald!”
Nice goalpost move, chang.
Whiter than you, goblino!
I'm pretty sure that bestiality is already illegal in Borneo, since bestiality is forbidden in Islam.
Those people probably will be punished … unless they have been punished already.
based and redpilled
Everyone is missing that they had money to buy sex with an Ape, they weren’t that broke.
Straw man.
Isn't this exactly how they believed AIDS made the jump from animals to humans? By some jungle savage fucking apes monkeys? I thought I heard it came from a specific type of monkey living in Senegal, west Africa.
You're right. What would these poor retarded mongoloids do if they couldn't cum in the warm shaved puss puss of the orangutan prostitute? This is just like the time those people were cannibals when they were being starved to death in the millions.
>bestiality is forbidden in Islam.
Nah brah, they get special fatwas for goat fucking...tru fax.
>implying bestiality isn't condoned by (((Yahweh)))
>Implying that anyone who disagrees with you supports the monster Mao Zedong.
Sorry Chang, you're the race with the history of literally eating your own.
I will repeat myself. Were these men caught and prosecuted?
You all seem to be assuming that this was legal in Borneo … as if ape fucking is a common thing there.
That's like claiming that all Americans are Chris-Chan because one American is Chris-Chan.
yes (((they)) do
Soooooo, by proxy your stating the extreme poverty in South Korea makes them eat dogs, and as such they should have an Ape brothel where they spend what “meager” funds to have sex with said Apes, and bless their poor little hearts for doing so.
>but I bet you want those low iq trump voters gone and gunless!
>t. dog fucker