So much for this ever happening

So much for this ever happening.

Be honest Jow Forums. Meme magic didn't get Trump elected. It was dumb luck. He's not your savior, he never was. He's just a steak salesman who lies his way out of everything. There is no "4D Chess". Quit making excuses for his fuckups and lies.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>believing any politician isn't a shyster and a liar and a fraud.

He was the lesser of two evils, that was it.

yea you tell that loser how it is fellow booomer


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>Luck that each and every person needed went out to vote.
>Luck that someone signed in the media 24/7 and described as having a 1% chance got elected.

>Luck, because those voters didn't have agency and boring isn't a choice.

Why didn't you fags just go for Ted.

>He's just a steak salesman who lies his way out of everything.

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Yeah that sounds like somebody is tired of winning!

>Meme magic didn't get Trump elected.

yeah it did, you noob.

>one person is the lynchpin of my politics
imagine being this much of a brainlet

I preferred Rand Paul. He was the most eloquent and although he is a political hack, he was the most trustworthy.

If it exists, why didn't it help save the house from democrats? Fucking useless superstitious bullshit.

It saved the Senate from the democrats. Pay attention beyond your own belly button.

you sound a little heated?? Did the devs fuck up your code again?

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Wasn't Jow Forums trying to meme Republicans into the House AND The Senate?

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Why are leftists such sore losers?

this lmao

Leftists be useful instead of crying over something from two years ago. Accept some illegals into your home

Looks like somebody can’t think for themselves and collects all their info from faceberg memes.
Read on, tiny dancer.

I only used shitty leftist propaganda agencies so you can’t whine about the source. You are dumb, and it’s old news.

Where's your wall that your false prophet promised you?

you lost

>If it exists, why didn't it help save the house from democrats?

I didn't really bother with memeing for republicans during the mid terms...

Exception: Cruz.

wait, horsey actually drew that?


Meme magic isn't fucking real, numb nuts.

meme magic isnt an exact science, ya big loon

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Oh really

Cry harder faggot lol

>steak salesman
What? lol

lets meme him, boys

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Okay. Kill me then. Make your "god" Kek, kill me.

I can't use meme magic like that.
But I can guarantee you'll die alone and a virgin.

you're literally going to die one day you moron
pic related is you

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The way things are going with the Democrats it might be the otherway around come 2/2021

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Coming, along with Hillary indictments. Alex Jones has the scoop.

Nah, real focus was the senate. The House did exactly what it always does; the senate didn't.

You can't because it's not real. It's all coincidences. Trump is a false god Jow Forums is praising. For fuck sake half of his family is jewish.

>Meme magic isn't fucking real, numb nuts.

yes it is.

Happy Hanukkah!!

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>For fuck sake half of his family is jewish.
alright i have to agree with that

fuck drumpf and fuck jew people

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Now do you see my point? He's just another politician that lies. Just like all the rest.

Trump is just another kike lapdog
All US presidents were and will be
Last president that actually tried to make a difference was JFK, and we all know how that turned out

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>(((dumb luck)))

Alex Jones is a liar and an idiot. The fact that anyone thinks he's a reliable source is absolutely fucking hilarious.

Remember whose church you stand in

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On one hand it seems as if he is cucked/ doesn't care anymore.

On the other hand I believe it could be his ace for 2020. If Hillary Clinton isn't going to run, she is definitely going to be endorsing other democrats. Trump is setting it up so his opponent in 2020 is endorsed by a criminal.

Isn't he just an actor?

controlled opposition for some discontent autist out there?

A red herring to distract attention from a particular individual who knows what's going on?

meme magic, trump steaks, and tweets that didn't age well.

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Of course. God you idiots really thought this would change anything?

If you're still hoping for Hillary to be put in prison you are a dumb shit boomer

>meme magic isnt real
Yeah, ok OP
digits say that your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you dont reply to this post

you can see on Jow Forums that people are rallying against the drumpies. apparently, not liking the fact that trump keeps none of his promises makes me a "shill"

Like who cares if Hillary goes to jail though? It doesn't make one difference to the lives of the average american. But Trump's economic impact does.

>Like who cares if Hillary goes to jail though? It doesn't make one difference to the lives of the average american.

I think you underestimate the evil she is doing.

We have to put hillary in jail to save American lives FROM hillary.

God I hate shillary

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>the scourge of anti semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it can not be allowed to continue. it must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. we must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti semitism and vanquish the forces of hate. through the centuries the jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. we've all read it studied it, theyve gone through a lot. and those seeking their destruction;we will seek their destruction

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If all you say is true then you’d be confident to sit back and let it all happen. Instead you jump on pol and e scream like bitch. Weird.

AIPAC goon