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Why are feminists generally unpleasant people?
Hunter Hall
Landon Baker
because theyre bitter and lonely and rather than improve themselves and try in life they blame their failure on men
Ayden Turner
In my experience most people aren't willing to make decisions at all
t. Management position
Sebastian Mitchell
Because they hate femininity. It's the only -ism against the thing in the name.
Nathan Kelly
theyre generally undesirable and also probably were molested at a young age
Aaron Morales
Lack of accountability for any mistakes and cries foul when confronted
Andrew Gonzalez
High testosterone levels.
Isaiah Smith
Molested? Damn!
Nolan Hughes
What are you talking about? Feminists are some of the strongest people out there. Fucking misogynistic bastard.
Joshua Lee
yeah women who are super hysterical about rape and sexual assault usually experienced it
Connor Morales
How is killing their own child they made with a man their own decision?
Easton Price
William Hernandez
Lucas Ross
The insane are usually unpleasant.
Benjamin Perry
Pure cancer.
Jose Moore
Because they are only interested in the trappings that men of status have, not actually doing those jobs. So when they get those types of positions and find you it is not all business travel and 2 martini lunches it makes them bitter.
Andrew Lewis
The ideology is of being angry.
Bentley Martin
>Why are feminists generally unpleasant people?
women are not disciplined, because everyone has been brainwashed into thinking that disciplining women is wrong.
Jose Martin
Luis Stewart
but, they're not
Ian Jones
Have you ever trained a dog? Like really studied their instincts? In the absence of a pack leader they will always assume the role. This leads to them experiencing a higher degree of stress. A dog that recognizes it is not in charge is happier knowing there is a leader and doesn't experience the worries of determining the pack's wellbeing. It will live longer and be happier.
One sign of a dog who thinks it's the pack leader is when it's on a leash it attempts to pull the human along constantly. You'll see this constantly with women walking their dogs. A dog who knows he is not in charge will walk with slack on the leash and stop if there is tension. You can train a dog to do this and establish dominance by waiting for it to try and pull you. You stop and wait until it stops pulling and waits on you. Then you resume walking. Repeat until it understands it is being led by you and not the other way around. Do this with every aspect of the dog's life so it knows exactly where it's place is in the pack while treating it well and it will be happy, loyal and feel loved. Don't do this and it will destroy your things and worry over everything it doesn't understand because nobody is there to reassure it that things are OK.
Treat your dogs well when their behavior is what you expect. Do not reward bad behavior. Firmly rebuke bad behavior while not losing control of your own emotions and crossing the line from discipline to abuse. Treat women like dogs.
Michael Gomez
>gets rights to vote
>gets equal pay
>are treated almost exactly as males
Feminists are protesting against sexism, when they are creating it themselves.
Aaron Peterson
>because theyre bitter and lonely and rather than improve themselves and try in life they blame their failure on men
>most people aren't willing to make decisions at all
>Because they are only interested in the trappings that men of status have, not actually doing those jobs.
also this
breddy much this whole thread gets it so far
we need more women hate threads, it's been getting dangerously tolerant in here lately with all the faggot shills and femanons blatantly disregarding the rules re: tits, and the showing of them.
Thomas Cooper
>women are not disciplined
but they are
Zachary Richardson
>treat women like dogs/women are dogs
yet, not every woman is like your mother
Aaron Williams
The guy in the back lmao
Dominic Reyes
Roasties are retarded
Daniel Gutierrez
It's just amazing how degenerate western women can openly be in public.
Dominic Anderson
ITT: obvious individual Mommy issues projected with grandeur for the sake of personal ego-defense
Blake Moore
Because to believe in the post modern/Marxist world view you have to a very pessimistic person. Feminism for example is all about destroying the male dominated power structure of the west and capitalism. That nature decided our roles is bullshit and our current duality is a social structure, something which can be destroyed.
To believe in something like that you have to lose faith in biology and facts so you can justify your unrealistic world views.
Imagine you're going hang with 2 women. 1 women is someone who has a hopeful future and wants to start a family and the other hates our society and everything it stands for and aims to destroy it.
Who would be more pleasant?
Jonathan Perez
Feminism is a socially tolerated avenue for neurotic and mentally ill women to to express their illness
Luis Gomez
It gives people who are unhappy about their lives (and especially their appearance) an outlet for their anger.
Logan Morales
>obvious individual Mommy issues projected with grandeur for the sake of personal ego-defense
You have to be 18+ to post on 4chinz, kid.
Hudson Gutierrez
Your feminism is bullshit if it is not against:
>That's discriminatory.kek
Eli Clark
nice statistical anomaly.
Carter Garcia
Mmm... sure.
David Clark
I have a niece get a full ride basket ball scholarship to an ivy league school. I think that is great for her, but what possible virtue could either she or the school derive from giving a woman a basket ball scholarship???
Brody White
>i have a niece
Yeah, no you don't.
Kevin Reyes
I had some fucking retard go off on me about that once. Literally no one was on his side in the argument. He was a complete dickhead.
Just like this sea cow.
Jason Thompson
MRA's/MGTOW/incels are the male version. Honestly it just comes down to being ugly and not having a sex life. If you're in the prime of your life and not getting laid you're just not going to be happy, you'll probably end up blaming the opposite gender. Life is hard, having an attractive partner to live with, sleep with, enjoy each others company and fuck makes it tolerable.
But its a good thing, low tier people are being phased out of the gene pool.
Eli Johnson
Thank you, very good to know
Isaiah Bennett
Lol, they don’t give a fuck about if women consent to all the horrible shit like circumsision, conscription, and being forced to pay for a child you did not want, because she choose to keep it. Too women immorality is if the thing in question causes them suffering, they don’t have any loyalty to abstract principles because they are unable to think that way
David White
Maybe watch your proof video next time. At 46:00 mark the audience starts openly ridiculing and challenging her assertions.
Jason Bell
Are you on your period, roastie?
Easton Baker
Do you think if guys actually liked them they'd give a shit about that bullshit? They're bitching because they're miserable ugly cunts, with the exception of a few hot ones just playing along to be hip.
Jacob Thompson
She is angry about the extraordinary amount of status that women get just because of pink vagina. Like free school for playing basketball. We know it is just pure white vagina status because neither the school nor the woman benefits in anyway from a woman's basketball scholarship. That position exists at the school simply to deny a white or Asian man at a prestigious college. Think of it as the high cost of socjus.
James Morgan
>"I trust women to make their own decisions"
>*Civilization collapses*
Chase Miller
>abstract principles, ability to think that way
Caleb Edwards
their movement is all they've got. all their friends, interests, and culture is defined by it - they're basically conditioned to see anyone outside that bubble as evil and regressive.
David King
Because they have testosterone deficiencies.
Levi Hughes
good read
Jace Foster
Hahahah they get to end of video and press her on how much data she is data processing in her model, and it is literally 1 bit, and they all laugh at her presentation.
Hudson Howard
because they haven't forgiven their mothers and Satan is their father.
Zachary Richardson
you're confusing cause and effect user
unpleasant people are generally feminists
Xavier Scott
Yeah she's an idiot.
Thomas Richardson
Because they've been given everything for nothing their whole lives and told that that is oppression.
Ian Price
Same reason people on Jow Forums are generally unpleasant
Ryan Adams
Dylan Parker
Is this all races?
Anthony Hall
Grayson Gray
because women are the real jew.
without female empowerment they wouldn't be this way and it's reversibly causal.
Women are literally lesser than men in all aspects except that they are baby factories.
They will be very close to slave status after the day of the rope.
Juan Campbell
No, but still...
Ian Butler
>obvious individual Mommy issues projected with grandeur for the sake of personal ego-defense
Yep that's feminism.
>"my mom was a bossy cunt to me, now I should be able to be a bossy cunt to everyone else" -feminist
The walking projector shouldn't be accusing anyone of projection.
Leo Perry
Why are fat generally unpleasant people? All a feminist is is a fat woman
Jaxon Brown
you got pictures of this niece? Maybe in like a bathing suit oe something?
Isaiah Anderson
Why should I trust women to make their own decisions when they decide I have to pay taxdollars for their birth control regiment?
Kayden Powell
My mother held the household together so that when my dad came home from a long day working a backbreaking manual labor job we all sat down to eat a home cooked meal as a family. Then, because the household work was finished thanks to her, we had time to spend as a family doing fun things and bonding. She was pleasant and kind and made all of our lives better. She wasn't at work for our first footsteps or our first words. She didn't dump is in a daycare, leaving someone else to raise us during the majority of our waking hours in our most formative years, so she could fulfill some wage slave job and buy expensive cars, designer clothes and other bullshit we Both my brother and I would kill a man for hurting her. The world will be a worse place when she's gone. Kids raised by working moms will never have that tight of a bond. Fuck the subversion of the natural order.
Matthew Nelson
That sounds breddy nice user
Jaxson Carter
what's this guy's problem?
Kevin Bennett
I know right. But she is my niece, and 30 years younger than me. And tall and athletic. Real beauty. Too bad she plays basket ball...
Bentley Clark
Women are the children of adults. Woe unto the nations who allow themselves to be lead by these whores.
Mason Martinez
They are infected with a viral bioweapon that when the number of infected reach a certain population threshold saturation they literally turn into "demons.
Joseph Sullivan
are you sure it isn't a viral memetic weapon?
Austin Lee
Don't come crying when you get raped. Your pussy, your problem
Hudson Garcia
>mfw match with grill on bumble
>30 years old and looking for something casual
>have conservative on my profile, live in conservative rural area, local chicks dig that shit
>off that bat she’s going full aggro over being conservative
>not making any sense, rambling about oppression, patriarchy and her sitting on my face and asking how big my dick is
>don’t know how to respond, accuses me of being an uneducated conservative
>ask her if she’s from around here, blows up my phone about a picture of me wearing an NRA hat
>goes off on how she’s in hell since she moved to my neck of the woods and how she’s a lawyer or something and about riding me till my dick falls off
>baffled by her insanity, ask if she’s ok
>she says something about being surrounded by racists and idiots >says some shit about being single and alone and something about me creampieing in her
>tell her she’s fucking crazy and that I’m not surprised she’s 30 years old and looking for younger hicks and spics to stick their dicks in her
>turbo bitch mode activated
>phone blowing up at work, something about men all being the same and that she’s a lawyer and her family are lawyers
>unmatch while she’s typing
My first encounter with a feminist guys, what do you guys think, should I have put up with her shit and gotten some crazy feminazi poon? I feel like a dodged a bullet tbqh