I know what I did say, I'm just curious what you would say in this situation.
Im white, and a 9 year old black kid called me a nigger, what should i have said?
Alexander Rivera
Eli Wood
"Fuck off, kid."
Robert Rivera
imagine being so insecure that a nine year old black child calls you a nigger and you think about it the whole day until you get home and post about it on /pol
Hunter Davis
Called him a cracka-ass honkey mothafucka who's always keepn' a brotha down, obvs.
Mason Collins
Brayden Gutierrez
>defending niglet degeneracy
Jacob Jackson
lol, did you ask him where he heard it?
Ian Phillips
Tie cinder blocks around his legs and throw him off a bridge.
Jaxon Sullivan
Cinder blocks aren't necessary
Luis Morales
Chomsky Honk.