Jow Forums's opinion on Korean Americans?

>Literally 95% of them are hardcore Christians
>Highly educated and come from a 1st world country. Literally Doctors and Engineers.
>Majority of Asian military cadets are Koreans
>Integrate well with host nation and actually learns English as their second language
>Opens shit ton of small businesses to contribute to the local economy. Even use spics as wage slaves to show dominance.
>Hates niggers as much mudslims

Attached: 3321.jpg (640x960, 72K)

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Hahahah no idea why these Asians vote democrat. They have more to lose from taxes, and more to lose from affirmative action than whites. Pathetic.

Very high opinion. My wife’s best friend is Korean she is hot educated and classy. Pretty good people all around.

>Hates niggers as much mudslims

Probably the one thing you got wrong about Korean-Americans imo. Their christ-cuckery makes them prone to virtue signalling and egalitarianism.

Attached: top tier.png (1014x534, 239K)

I mean maybe in Cali where they had the race riots but just no, lol no. I've seen the way they fraternize with niggers.

They're not white. The white race is in danger and asians are taking over the world. We need to be able to focus on OUR race and OURS alone everyone else could go to hell. Pic related these people arent even close to us genetically.

Attached: GeneticsOfRace (1).jpg (572x532, 71K)

The current divide is 62% Democrat and 38% Republican within the Korean community. I honestly believe Koreans are going to be the first based minorities to become red during the 2020 election with the current situation in Korea.

Notice how, even though they're interlinked to a chain of humans related to Euros, they're almost the same distance apart as Africans.

Really cements the three basic human races theory.

stay in Korea you fucking faggots

>implying Christian Asians isn't creepy and they aren't traitors once, traitors twice
Korean Americans for some reason significantly poorer than other Asian groups

I like Koreans more than Japanese, but at the same time see they're insecure and do weird stuff. They're all there Chinese in denial anyway.

This also came to mind. Not to mention the countless examples of SK boybands emulating blacks. I remember when hypebeast clothing was a thing many Asian teenagers were really into it. Not sure what ethnicity they were but I think it's a safe bet to say they were South-Korean.

All that said, South Koreans seem nice enough and their average IQ scores are behind only Singapore and Hong-Kong. I'm sure the ones immigranting to the US have an IQ atleast an SD above average.

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But muh yellow fever

I don't hate them. They have great qualities. Hard working, intelligent, strong family values, and low crime rates. That doesn't means the way that we want our societies to run meshes well. That's really what's most annoying to me about immigrants. They're the primary vehicle for the drastic shift left in the last few decades. The fact that Republicans can't just outright say that we want to curb immigration completely because immigrants vote overwhelmingly for things that are irrevocably changing our country without even bringing race into it is gasoline to my internal fire. If we have a happy, safe and functioning society then in what world can it even be argued with a straight face that bringing in people that continually try to reshape it in the form of their old countries makes us stronger when the very reason they left those countries is because we had a better system?

I firmly believe the correct angle of approach to uncucking conservatives in this country is to make them understand that nothing they value will survive for their grandchildren if we continue with this because there is not a country left on this earth that can offer immigrants that will even split halfway among party lines. The inevitability of a slow slide into socialism is caused precisely by letting socialists in. The real red pills about race are easier to swallow if you can break the programming by making them realize that white Americans are the only large pool of right leaning people left in the entire world.

They aren't white, so I don't want them here.

honorary whites in my book

I love them. Best based Asians.

oh fuck off, tards like you ruin everything. Based Koreans > idiots like you.

They fell for the circumcision meme; they are a weak minded people.

Agreed. Also cultural factors like Kpop are going to make huge waves, and this is good for anyone right of center. They aren't depraved and sick like US/UK "music" stars. They have to maintain high moral standards, etc.

Happy Hanukkah

Not to busy your bubble, but mainland koreans are also right. The society is just Confucian and with a much more controlled economy, high levels of surveillance, and almost no guns.

Kikes aren't white, Gook.

all the ones I've known have been intelligent, polite and hard working

Asian-Americans need to go back too:

>The share of Asian voters turned out to be a pretty good indicator of Dem House pickups. Of the 50 GOP-held seats w/ the highest Asian populations, Dems flipped 27 - which accounts for two thirds of Dems' net gain in the House.

I'm a Korean
And i'd like my chinese food cooked right
Cause they're not giving me the good rice
And the dyke giving me my food looks like a lesbian
I don't like how my beef pork looks like
And the last time i eat your food i got the
Rice chicken beef tofu now i poop while i'm peeing

And you might not belive i could fight
I'm a white belt but i have two stripes
I don't like all you little blue eyed dumb white Europeans
I would like to just drink my bud light
Maybe bomb a couple thing in Hawaii
And blow up the countries i don't like
Cause i'm a Korean

>dressing yourself up slutty and perform sexually suggestive dances
>not depraved
You Americans really have set the bare quite low.

I’m from Ann Arbor
I bombed Pearl Harbor

>Consistently vote blue
get the FUCK OUT

Asian american are more prone of playing two feet. Blood is very hard to betray their ancestry.
>Japanese internment camp
>recent Chink that settle to US that will backstab US when US China goes to war.
Unless that Asian nation is former US colony / heavy US influence
>Flips regretting their Independence from US
>SK total ((feminism)) that kills their own male and bleaching their woman.

Koreans are shit, no class, total scum, fucking alcoholics
Good drinkers tho can get in some serious fun with a few drinks
So basically slit eye Irish, remind me of some of my family
They're not white though

Some of them are gorgeous.

Attached: happy birthday t!! today is your day~all yours! thank u for always being such an understanding and l (959x1092, 154K)

They're right in a sense but not in the American political sense. Maybe some eastern European countries would come here and not vote Democrat but we stand a much better chance of shutting off immigration completely than restructuring it to allow only a few white countries. When we had an immigration system that only took in Europeans, mostly western Europeans specifically, the political landscape didn't get affected much by new people. The new people fell along established lines. Nobody from outside that area has come in and done that. For whatever reason it's happened - and there are a few - it's not going to be reversed. The borders need to get closed first because there's a snowball's chance in hell of just putting immigration back to white countries. Even if we did they've also shifted much further left than they were back then compared to us.

Nonhuman robot ant people. Go into a Korean supermarket and see how they treat you. That kind of behavior has no place in white America and is anti assimilation. If you are a guest in someone's home, you don't show hostility to the host. You show humility and gratitude. The US even fought on behalf of koreans to protect them from communism. The koreans in America need to learn some respect.