GF told me her period is 4 days late

GF told me her period is 4 days late.

We last had sex on the 7th April and I cummed inside her but she used the morning after within 24hrs.

We had a big scare about 2 months ago when she was 2-3 days late but eventually got it. I figured it was just the morning after pill messing with her cycles.

4 days sound scary. Is there a chart anywhere that shows how likely pregancy is based on how late the period is?

How should I go about purchasing the abortion pills?

Attached: Medical_Cases_Wikipedia_-_Google_Chrome-HFD4L.png (516x622, 305K)

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Take a pregnancy test.

Abortion pills - you need a doctor for those.

>using the morning pill instead of an actual bc pill

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Use a condom you fucking moron

wait until it's at least 7 days late before you worry.

Are you guys stupid? Don't use after pill as some sort of birth control you dumb schmuck. I think you're fine but that's depends when she ovulate eitherway buy a pregnancy test and star using condoms or bc pills in the future.

Listen to these other people and be more responsible. You will seriously regret being lazy about pregnancy prevention.

Forgot to add this as well.

Also start to track her cycle because she can only be pregnant during her ovulation. So go fo condoms during the 5-6 days, sperm can live up to 5 days inside a woman, before she ovulate and the day she is ovulating. It's litterally those days that are crucial. But don't depent on day because there is a lot of other factors too.

Morning after pill is never 100% effective. If you're relying on it as your birth control, you're quite likely to end up with a baby

You shouldn't have unprotected sex if you aren't willing to have kids.
Grow up.