GF told me her period is 4 days late

GF told me her period is 4 days late.

We last had sex on the 7th April and I cummed inside her but she used the morning after within 24hrs.

We had a big scare about 2 months ago when she was 2-3 days late but eventually got it. I figured it was just the morning after pill messing with her cycles.

4 days sound scary. Is there a chart anywhere that shows how likely pregancy is based on how late the period is?

How should I go about purchasing the abortion pills?

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Take a pregnancy test.

Abortion pills - you need a doctor for those.

>using the morning pill instead of an actual bc pill

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Use a condom you fucking moron

wait until it's at least 7 days late before you worry.

Are you guys stupid? Don't use after pill as some sort of birth control you dumb schmuck. I think you're fine but that's depends when she ovulate eitherway buy a pregnancy test and star using condoms or bc pills in the future.

Listen to these other people and be more responsible. You will seriously regret being lazy about pregnancy prevention.

Forgot to add this as well.

Also start to track her cycle because she can only be pregnant during her ovulation. So go fo condoms during the 5-6 days, sperm can live up to 5 days inside a woman, before she ovulate and the day she is ovulating. It's litterally those days that are crucial. But don't depent on day because there is a lot of other factors too.

Morning after pill is never 100% effective. If you're relying on it as your birth control, you're quite likely to end up with a baby

You shouldn't have unprotected sex if you aren't willing to have kids.
Grow up.

Tell her to relax for some hours, she needs to forget about the supposed pregnancy. If shes relaxed, the period will came out normally.
Also is normal that sometimes some days the period is delayed, I had an ex gf that sometimes had even 10 days of delay.
If none of this works, congratulations.

no form of contraception is 100% effective, what the fuck is your point, you retard?

Abstinence is.

Jesus, why are you so angry?

TLDR dumbass dont want to wear no jimmy may end up with a johnny.

own damn fault boy maybe she wanted a baby did that occur to you?

>>next time use a fucking condom.

>big scare 2 months ago

Apparently not big enough. 4 days late is no big deal. Consider actual contraception.

Where the fuck is jimmy slang for a condom and johnny isn't?


Bloody savages. You've got it the wrong way around.

OK first of all, why would you come INSIDE someone without protection?! I remembered already getting paranoid about pregnancy after my boyfriend pulled out rather late and thought to be pregnant from it (and thus from now on he learned his lesson to always wear a condom).

But anyway, I have info for you, as I also searched all about abortion. It starts from the last actual period (rather than the actual time you had sex), so you can calculate from there how many weeks she might be pregnant. Your gf might be 3 or 4 weeks pregnant in case of it, so she could do a pregnancy test starting from next week. As for abortion pills, you can order them safely from women on waves (but if you're from Europe or the USA your gf might be able to get them from a GP). Medical abortion is extremely painful, and if your gf takes those pills you need to make sure you are with her at all times and that there is a hospital you are able to reach in an hour.

Anyway this all being mentioned, I do think that a morning after pill should work in normal cases, so I wouldn't panic too much, and just check that pregnancy test next week.

whoops, I meant women on web. Women on waves is also helping women with abortion access, but you can't order actual abortion pills from their website.

Shit, I’m a guy and I get scared even with condoms. My gf and I are always careful with and always use condoms.
But even still I get very nervous when it gets close to her period. I can not imagine cumming inside a woman without a condom. I think I would kill myself from anxiety

It's gonna be OK, however that pill messes up with the period timing so chill and use condoms next time,never leave a woman in charge of birth control, her instincts will oblige her to get pregnant subconsciously!

If you used the morning pill within a 6 month span, forget what I said and go to your nearest clinic.

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>never leave a woman in charge of birth control
This is a good advice.
t. Anonette

To anyone here critizing OP, fuck off. We have all done stupid shit during our youth, but most of us just get lucky.
Also, there's so much talk about women being able to say "no" to an unwanted pregnancy even after being pretty irresponsible with birth control, but if you're a guy you're simply fucked and everyone says you deserve it or something. It's a double standard and absolute BULLSHIT.

4 days is not much, specially considering the morning after. Most likely it's nothing. But let this be a lesson for the future:
ALWAYS do a combination of birth control on her side (like taking the pill - and make sure she does take it religiously), and withdrawal method. If to that combination you add a condom and specially a condom with spermicide then you have nothing to worry about.

But never again cum inside her without any birth control. You're lucky she was willing to take the morning after pill, she could've simply said no.

Because he is FUCKED. LOL

Birth control pill. You are missing out man. It is so much better without the condom. Of course if you are fucking some slag who might have diseases you have to wear a condom anyway.

My gf has totally skipped periods before. I wouldn't worry yet

You guys should seriously check into a implant nothing to remember but when to get it replaced (before three years) and not to squeeze the inside of the arm where she has it (just in case so it doesn't break), no skin problems for me like what's reported online for iud. Insurance covers it.

>We have all done stupid shit during our youth, but most of us just get lucky.
No, only degenerates risk pregnancy.

Shut the fuck up you virgin

Virgin lol
Heard of the Pearl Index? Morning after is far less reliable than every other birth control method.
Fucking virgin
do you even know what a degenerate is?