What gang sign is this?

Attached: bradfordgang.jpg (1600x900, 179K)

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Absolute state of us army lmao

2 in the pink and 4 in the stink

4-2 block OG Fruit Town Piru

If we execute a police officer in every single precinct, then I believe this fear will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Of course the government must do this, it must enact judicial punishment in a remorseless, sterile, and powerful way. I propose that the President and Congress pass the Enforcer Leash act, a legislative proponent to make sure police behave in a civil, controlled manner on which they have both the training and intelligence to not act like niggers. In this act police would be given training to make sure that per examples like this, civilian niggers would not die just because he holds a gun into the back of his assailant/perpetrator. Law enforcement must also have the IQ of 110 or higher, instead of the minimum requirement of 85. They must also pass tests on philosophy, theology, and societal and social structure, to make sure they are not a dumb ape who knows nothing but self preservation. This act may be modified by the House to include military service, preferably active duty. On top of this, a police officer every five or ten years (accordingly) will be executed on turnover to ensure that the police never think themselves higher than what they are, public servants. Executing a police officer in front of their peers would enable fear to never act unjustly. Only the highest of our society would be able to endure and serve in Law enforcement, as those that fail to produce yield of morality and honor would be shot. To ensure that law enforcement does not feel to take retribution towards the government, all niggers (of any race) will be shot and executed for moral crimes against humanity. Thank you for your time and any criticisms are of course welcome.


Attached: wojakpout.jpg (632x758, 157K)

I know I can't talk the racism out of you rejects but not every hand signal a PoC makes is gang related.

Attached: keithmain.jpg (500x327, 96K)

The poor young lad lost his thumbs and two digits in an unfortunate mess hall incident and you accuse him of being a criminal. Terrible.

okay so what is he flashing, then?

>implying black people don't just throw up random finger-signs to look cool

Attached: 1540543337793.gif (200x150, 1.65M)


>of course the government must do t....

Pasta discarded.


Shut up faggot.

Fucking E1 trash, probably literally in basic

That means to throw it slightly to the right because the runner is going to steal second

Attached: ezgif-1-5cb37cea78.gif (480x350, 3.96M)

he was discharged during AIT. general discharge. probably slapped a DS when he got in his face.

based thanks

kid was from alabama though, and his dad was a screw

Okay anarchist. Unless you're telling me you want civilians to be able to go to the local town fourth of July festival and blow holes in the police officer with slugs and 556, how exactly would they be killed through societal law?

That’s the gay nigger gang sign. Started in prison, but is now spreading to the outside. The number of fingers he puts up with his left hand signals how many cocks he can take at once.

I guess chinks r better than groids

Attached: canadian army.jpg (840x630, 93K)


Better serving our country than fucking our women like you canacucks.

ok, but this guy in the picture clearly is.


That's the Quad-deuce bloods

Attached: 1539604957132.jpg (1125x1161, 175K)

still 99% based republican white men

blood random branch

Don't be a fuckwit, fuckwit.

doesn't matter, the military is still comprised of 90% white trash

no its not.. you cant even fucking count

Terrible squat. This will gain zero traction in the hood.




Attached: whitesupremacist.png (670x635, 579K)

I’m in the navy and can confirm this

speaking of which, they already shut down some major roads over him


Attached: WOOP.png (614x597, 210K)

Honestly, negroes are constantly throwing up random hand signs these days. Watch any negro “music” video and you’ll see a barrage of random finger signs and movements that don’t appear to make any sense, but then again, does anything they do make sense?


Hes throwing up bloods on both hands

4 2- stands for 420 you dumbfuck- they getting ready to smoke a ball

>smoke a ball
>your brain on aids

You can’t fucking see

Fuck you

Attached: jonesanime.png (195x272, 89K)

That's the tickle my black nuts sign.