/cir/ Christian Identity Reformation

This is a continuation from God is calling His children home from their abode of sin and degeneracy. Now is the time to make our names and faces known before the Lord - for the Evil Day is upon us as a people, at last. With the dire straits the world is now falling into, we must, at least, in ourselves, we who know what is right, that Jesus Christ is Lord, must repent, and fall on our faces before the Lord to heal our nation and our lands.

This thread will be bogged down with pagans, atheists, etc. But this thread is not a place of argument, and I ask all of you coming here In the Spirit of Christ to not engage in argument or debate with trolls or those against the message of Christ.

Would you, user, lay your life down on the altar of Christ? Would you repent and turn away from your sins?

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Dont you need to be a race-traitor somewhere else? Why the fuck do you nigger lovers come here?

I've felt this too, a religious revival has been seeded. What will it take to cultivate them?

God isn't real lol

Hash fact about Christians The large majority will die because they are too passive and to "tame" like lambs. The small minority that survives will learn the lessons of why they survived and why the others did not.

It has been. It is because the wages of sin are being revealed fully, and it looks like at least some wise people do not want to have anything to do with it, because in the mire and swamp that it is, they can clearly see the face of the devil inside.

t. Saturnic Kabbalist high on expired Obama-era adrenochrome

Some day a reformation in the Christian church may strike deep enough to get back to the unadulterated religious teachings of Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. You may preach a religion about Jesus, but, perforce, you must live the religion of Jesus. In the enthusiasm of Pentecost, Peter unintentionally inaugurated a new religion, the religion of the risen and glorified Christ. The Apostle Paul later on transformed this new gospel into Christianity, a religion embodying his own theologic views and portraying his own personal experience with the Jesus of the Damascus road. The gospel of the kingdom is founded on the personal religious experience of the Jesus of Galilee; Christianity is founded almost exclusively on the personal religious experience of the Apostle Paul. Almost the whole of the New Testament is devoted, not to the portrayal of the significant and inspiring religious life of Jesus, but to a discussion of Paul's religious experience and to a portrayal of his personal religious convictions. The only notable exceptions to this statement, aside from certain parts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are the Book of Hebrews and the Epistle of James. Even Peter, in his writing, only once reverted to the personal religious life of his Master. The New Testament is a superb Christian document, but it is only meagerly Jesusonian.

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No faith is true unless it can withstand debate and reason.

Would God have a man take up a gun? Could you physically better yourself while still being a child of God? People listen more to a self improving person, but is that just selfishness?

>No faith is true unless it can withstand debate and reason.

Political atheists lost all the right to join a scientific debate with religious people since they spent most of the XX century denying the big bang for being "too christian"

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Weather the storm well, friends. All forms of deceit and denial swim around you like a cyclone in this place. But fix your eyes on God and you will know His message, and His voice.

God is Love. And Love would turn you to your christian brothers and sisters and away from even your families. Love would fortify you and strengthen you beyond what is even possible. Love would create something new in the place of the hellish world we now find ourselves.

I love you. You who sit there, your life rotting away, wage-slaving for an empire that increasingly likes you less, and turns more and more towards Satan, with no support, and no friends, or family that you can stomach - I love you. God loves you. Christ loves you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN. YOU WEATHER THE EVIL DAY, JUST LIKE ME, WITH THE LIGHT OF GOD IN YOUR HEART BUT NOT FINDING IT'S MANIFESTATION IN THE PHYSICAL, EVER SEEKING FOR A DREAM THAT I ALSO SHARE.

We are not alone. We are the Children of God, we were forged by the indescribable, unlimited forces of Love. The same Love that brought Wisdom, Beauty, Patience, Mercy, Strength, Honor, Duty, Propriety into being. That brought Innocence and Purity into being.

Feel it with me now, please. In this place, where you are sitting, close your eyes...and hear the Lord singing over you.

Come home.

I love you Brother.

Everything will work out just fine. Our reward is not of this realm

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>Would God have a man take up a gun?
only if needed
>Could you physically better yourself while still being a child of God?
Bettering yourself in every aspect is a requirement to perfectly follow God
>People listen more to a self improving person, but is that just selfishness?
People aspire to be better than what they already are. It's human nature to be the best (you) you can bee

I thought something similar, until I discovered it was very Jewish the whole Anti-Paul thing, and Jews are, as a people, primarily responsible for the degeneracy and rot of the west, and chiefly benefit from it. I eventually grew a distaste for the Anti-Paul vector as it was heavily favored by otherwise very Anti-Christian people.

Paul was Chosen by Christ to carry his will to the people. I accept this, as do all Christians.

I agree with this statement.
May Gods people have their justice

It's a funny thing. I can't seem to have faith, but every time I turn my eyes toward atheism, I see hopelessness, pointlessness, and a cabal of people trying to argue (baselessly) against these truths of their worldview which are plain to see. So, I am disgusted with it. But it's hard to turn away from it.

I also fell for that shit as well.

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Holy Spirit is moving so bigly in America right now, revival is going to BREAK OUT and pagans will repent and turn in repentance to the Lord of Hosts and angel armies.

Speaking in tongues, laying on of hands, prophecy, words of knowledge, holiness all will abound as the earth increasingly comes under His dominion. The old satanic government order is being demolished pie e by piece.

Wake up, the hour of the Lord is at hand!

All creation cries out in joyful expectation of the revelation of the sons and daughters of God.

Will you step into your only true purpose, user?

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Paul I feel was chosen to show us how even the worst of us can become strong in Christ. Think of it he went from the Christians worst enemy to one of our strongest men to help spread the word of the lord. Also I used to hate Paul but then grew to understand he was a great brother in Christ.

Yes to the question but no argument?
Christ himself endlessly engaged in argument, to not use your God given capacity to use reason is a waste of the gifts given to us

Paul is also important because he never knew Jesus in the flesh. To those of us living now, it might be easy to say "ya, well of course Peter and the Apostles were rockin', but they had a direct commission from Jesus in the flesh".

Paul brings value to Christianity because he shows that the power of G*d can be attained even by people who did not directly know Jesus in the flesh.

Amen, amen. He was raised from the level of literally murdering christians to being the best of them.

It is a beautiful story, and I think a little bit of Paul lives in all of us. The way we all were anti-christ at one point, until the Lord made us new.

Brother, Paul was confirmed by every apostle as well as the early church who personally knew Jesus as preaching in accordance with Jesus' gospel.

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Hallelujah Brother

Also, Jesus lived and taught during the old covenant. His death issued in the New and better covenant. Therefore Paul taught based on that. Read some Jonathan Welton, good stuff

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Paul was undeniably a chosen vehicle to spread the gospel, after experiencing his own redemption, and wrote beautiful works expanding and defining Christian thought
However, anytime his letters or thought is used to limit the infinite love and redemption of God is when the expansion he offered goes astray

Agreed. Let's not forget he defended the gentiles (us) very strongly.

I dont think so, tim

Peter to be kind of honest in my view was disappointing
I suppose his purpose was to be rock, a stubborn foundation for the church, but without Christ he just fell back into his old ways so fast
Understandably it is the story of Christ giving passion to a man that earned his place with his absolute zeal for his best friend that he loved, but he could have been a better apostle

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>fall on our faces before the Lord to heal our nation and our lands.

that won't do a thing to fix this shit and you fucking know it.

now if you don't mind, WE are actually trying to fix this shit.

so how about you take your theosophical conversation to a board more suited to your topic.

>Incident at Antioch
Paul laterally calls out Peter for withdrawing from being around(eating with) gentiles when before he was more willing to. I don't about you user but that sounds like defending gentiles and thus us.

>I'm going to destroy the temple and rip it apart
>Alright so we should rebuild the temple as soon as we can
>No you will suffer and be persecuted throughout all corners of the globe
>Those poor Jews
>No whoever is does not stand with me is essentially my enemy
>We should just wait and donate money to them

Do any Anons right now wish to come forward? Do you feel the Holy Spirit pulling on the strings of your heart? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit against a life of sin that you have been leading?

Do you wish to step into the light? Do not be ashamed. We all once lived in Darkness, before the Lord Jesus found us, and quickened us into Life.

We are The Children of God, now, and His very own friends. You can share that mantle with us, if you want. Just repent, and swear all allegiance to Christ. Make sure you mean it. And live every day, repenting, and correcting yourself to His word again, every day.

Sure but at the end of the day Peter I always thought of as an example of how a simple man who isn't sure of himself can be strong in Christ. I mean a fisherman whos faith fell(denied him) but still spent the rest of his life being a great man. At the end of the day we might be slightly disappointed in him but let's not forget(or at least I think) that Jesus isn't disappointed in him.

>thus us
I'm assuming you're white? If so, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that 'we' are the true descendants of Israel.
I am not a gentile

Ya, I forget if it was Romans or Hebrews where he debates the idea as to whether Christians must first be practicing Jews. Obviously the need for circumcision would have delayed early members, since up until that time the position had been yes they must.

Romans is probably my favorite book because if the broad discussion (and the technicalities) that free the gentile Christian from the requirements of the Law.


"For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;"

- Romans 2:14-15

The time is near, fellow Christians. Its time to unite and seize this board once again, and make it holy. We must spread holy memes to smite the unbeliever!

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Seizing the board? Lol. Well, we do need more exposure. Jow Forums must learn Christ is the only doorway to their goals.

To clarify I'm meaning that those who are not ethnically levantine or rather anyone who isn't Semitic. If I should use another term then what would be best?

I used to hate the new testament that wasn't the books strictly about the life of Jesus but I have realized that they are super important for discussion and general way of being a Christian.


Important points especially at the end
Its undeniable Jesus adored Peter, largely because Peter's passion in life was following Jesus with an almost amusing zeal at points
But by himself he was just Peter, so we needed Paul

Brainlets would lobotomize their last neuron and LARP as Yahweh's chosen just because there are like 2 based passages in the entire Torah (aka Old Testie) atp.

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Its still fundamentally flawed. Other semites arent Israelites. "Jews" arent Israelites, they're edom/canaanites. The arabs, edomites and Palestinians are barely semitic. They have semitic admixture, those closest to original Shem are the whites of Europe and their diaspora.

Checked, but we are a mix of jew and gentile. Paul gave specific instructions to the early church that there was no Jew nor Greek any longer.

Obviously the early Christians mingled their blood and we resulted. No Jews accepted Jesus and stayed apart from their gentile Christian brothers for very long.

Only the Jews who rejected Jesus kept themselves seperate, trying to preserve their Covenant through blood, despite no temple, sacrificial system, etc.

We are the true Israelites, the sheep seperate from the goats, neither Jew nor Gentile. Don't validate their blasphemy by using their words.

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Don't foul this board with your kike speak.

Sure. But we have to remember we needed all of them. I'm not saying Paul doesn't matter but that all of then by themselves are just men but with Jesus they became great men and what they wrote(technically God wrote but still) is what helped take mankind and make it greater than what it ever was before. The modern world is a rejection of these great men and our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

There is so much I want to say, but I feel the moment isn't right.

I will say, we have a shared history. We have a right to defend ourselves. Certain scriptures have been horribly misinterpreted, and Christian Pacifism - a feature our enemy used to trespass into our lands and corrupt us without consequence, was sadly and wholly a heretical invention.

We are SUPPOSED to be a people - yes, even a people with a nation, with borders controlled by force. We are meant to be enabled to go to war, and to bring weapons of un-equaled devastation to the doors of God's enemies.

The idea that has somehow found life, that we are to let the heathen world beat us down into extinction without so much as raising a fist....is simply not of God.

All that verse is pointing out is that racial differences dont matter before God, He loves all and all can be saved. Revelation 7 clearly shows us that the tribes will still play an important role in the end time events to come.

Christianity isn’t edgy enough for Jow Forums to adopt it. They’d rather tend to the pagan tumor outgrowth that stems from their edgy white nationalism. Maybe when white nationalism becomes more mainstream, Christianity will replace it as the world’s punching bag. Then, there Jow Forums will be, gleefully standing there awkwardly ready to take the punches.
We should rebrand this general to /cf/ Christian fascism. That’s what really gets the homosexuals riled up. Not some ambiguous liberal religion where feminists can become priests.

Show proofs(preferably biblical and charts)

user, I have been a believer for five years, and during that time God has opened my eyes to the terrible state of the world. My name is also John and today I talked with another brother about these very things.

I am going to be baptized again soon as a restatement of my commitment to the Lord.

We talked about John the Baptist making straight th way for the Lord as well, and the need for true Christian Churches. We talked about the Great Awakening and how we feel another is coming.

We talked about the false Jews and how to stop the real holocaust, how we can call them to repentence. Their rabbis keep them from the knowledge of Christ just as they always have, through that damnable book and their vicious liesm

Jesus and John withstood them to their faces and we can as well.

I propose that we all begin meeting at local churches on Sunday. Jow Forums meet ups at church are completely anonymous. Lots of people show up there. Don't talk about politics and don't mention the false Jews, just show up and see what is being preached and decide in the next thread to go again or try a new one.

We are the vanguard of a new age, and we need to pray for God's help and blessing, and we need to meet in church.

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My petty quibles would very much be me pointing out a speck in another persons eye

To clarify I don't view the modern Jews as Semitic people and gentiles could be replaced with another word. I know we are Israel but nevertheless. Modern Jewish people are not those who followed Christ. Those who did mixed with the population and totally rejected the new Talmudic faith that emerged out of Babylon.

And I'm just pointing out that we are not gentiles or Jews, but Israelites. Christians all have the literal blood of Abraham and are the spiritual children of him as well.

Those calling themselves Jews are the spiritual children of Satan.

I don't know what to call non-Christians who aren't Jews.

I think the most important measure of one who is worthy, is that He follows Christ and bears good fruit. That man is my brother.

I think we are on the same sheet of music

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Imagine the complete, mind-numbing sociopathy in that picture. Like sit, and be silent, in awe of it.

Now we should have it be Jow Forums bible study general

Leave Larper

I wish I had it all compiled. It's out there.
I'll give you a few tidbits I can recall off the top of my head, as I'm going to bed soon
Biblical identifiers are the meaning of Adam, which is to blush, be red or show blood
Lamentations 4:7, Song Of Solomon 5:10 and 1Samuel 16:12
Geographical evidence are cuneiform tablets of the Assyrian Empire identifying the people of the areas that the bible lists as where the Assyrians exiled the Israelites to as Gimira, which can then be linked to Cimmerian and Scythians, which can then be linked to Goths, proto Europeans. There were Israelites colonies going back to the time of King David that go beyond Spain (Tarshish) and the was due in part to the Phoenician-Israelite Carthage naval empire that can be linked to the continental USA through stoles and other artifacts written in Paleo Hebrew.
There is lots of symbolic ties to Israel in European heraldry, notably the lion, Harp, dragon, sword, etc
Finally, the biblical prophecies, especially those laid out by the blessing of Jacob only identify with one group of people today.
Good luck with your search.

I agree, but literally.
>I dont know what to call non-christians who arent Jews

Agreed but the modern followers of the Talmud are followers of Satan so unless they totally reject that and call out that evil we should be careful.

I will say this. You are on the right path. I didn't want to speak on this today as I didn't really feel in the game, but yeah. Pretty much, man.

>I don't know what to call non-Christians who aren't Jews.
They're heathens.

They under terrible deception because their rabbis have taught them this, and Satan has taught it to them.

They use the Talmud to justify everything they want and twist the law so they can justify themselves to God.

They are like the federal judges who make rulings plainly repugnant to the law but use endless arguments and opinions on opinions, precedents without end to twist the law to their own ends and call you stupid for questioning their brilliant reasoning.

They intend to try this on God at Judgment Day.

That's what it means when the Bible says they want to be justified by thr law but they cannot be.

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Absolutely, and we are wise to do so. May God bless you, user, and make His face to shine upon you, keep you safe, and serve you wisdom that you may grow in knowledge.

Stick around and watch out for these cir threads. Or CF threads, I kinda like the sound of it haha.

Amen. Our strength in Christ will help us defeat this great evil.

That's actually much better. I'm tired.
Thanks, m8. This isnt even a comprehensive list of evidence, just a fraction, which is awesome.

If they try their tricks on God that will be quite the sight. Evil right up until the very last nano-second.

...Good riddance.

keeping in mind not to do anything "rash" that might hurt the Church later on.

>Psalm 37
Stiff upper lip lads, just need to ride this out a bit longer!

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Honestly, I like CF, but I think that the, "f word" should be held at arms length, to be more easily received by people beyond Jow Forums

Thanks that's right
>I agree, but literally.
I didn't mean figuratively.

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I have read up on some of those but my train of thought is that white people(generally speaking European people) come from Noah three sons. Basically Noahs three sons children became the three major races. Which I personally think are the Africans,Europe and the Australian types of peoples or at least the base type said groups came from. I think Asians(east asians) came from white people. Also I don't think being black is a curse neither from Cain nor from Noahs children.

>I didnt mean figuratively
Well then, my mistake. I took it as one of those over spiritualization comments I am all too familiar with from mainstream, "christianity."

Oh, "Rash" things are coming. But not stupid rash things. It is time for the children of God to come together, and fight back.

God did not intend for us to be weak pacifistic victims. And we will soon shed that status.

Christian Unitity General then?

I have found no evidence for the races out of Noah theory. It literally makes no sense, and there is no biblical evidence. What seems to be more compatible is that over time the descendants of Ham, Japheth, and some of Shem intermixed with the aboriginal populations were they settled down. This could be due to the colored races being taken aboard the ark, and would seemingly be skipped over as they were not adamic, or as Genesis would describe, "man." Either that, or the flood was(perhaps relatively) localized, and there were remnants that repopulated themselves afterwards, and blended with the adamic sons of noah.

Did you ever notice how God doesn't ask the serpent anything at ehe Fall? After He gets done with Adam and Eve, He gets straight to the point and curses the serpent who had manipulated them into eating the fruit.

Beware of the leaven of the pharisees, Jesus said, which is hypocrisy. And He also said of hypocrisy that a little leavens the whole lump.

They mean to lawyer their way out of it, alright. But God will have none of it.

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*after He gets done questioning them, that is.

Christ is Lord.
Repent, anons.

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I was thinking Christian Verity Group

Anyway, friends. All my sweet brothers and sisters in Christ, God loves you, Christ loves you, and I love you.

We are the Family of God, never forget that. And these dark times...we will weather them. We will grow strong, thanks to them. Taken with humility and steadfastness in the holy spirit, we will only grow brighter, for how dark these times are.

The modern church is corrupt and has robbed us of the right to dignity, or the right to fight back.

Christian Militarism, not Christian Pacifism, is the future. Christian Fascism, yes.

In this goodbye, I ask you to sit, still, eyes closed, in the throne room of God. Before the rainbow of his love, and nature, found in the virtues. Love, Honor, Mercy, Duty, Strength, Enduring Wisdom, Sacrifice, Purity.

They are beautiful, yes. And yet they are below Him, and attend His voice - so awesome, that it is beauty beyond beauty, and the eyes of men perceive it not.

In Spirit, it can be discerned. So please, sit, and dwell in His Spirit, even if for a moment tonight.

Things are going to both get much worse, and better. The world will darken. But we will grow closer, and more intimate. The family of God will form and manifest from these times. And to them, God himself will bestow might, and strength beyond the ken of what we have known.

Goodnight. And look out for these threads in the future. Was a bit off today - didn't feel it was the right time to say a lot of the stuff I wanted to say.

I think that within 5-10 years we will have a spiritual awakening again. Basically this will be an inversion of the "Jesus Freak" movement that turned our faith into worship of modernity mixed with Christ. Every time Pagans bring up how they think our way destroyed the west remind them that the Jesus Freak hippy mentality caused this not us and not the many followers of Christ. Soon not only will we throw off the shackles of this but so will many Christians. Keep the faith.

>laying down your life for Torah 2
Socrates didn't die for this


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The seed for that was planted long before.

Disagree all of the genetic info to have the races needed to be within early man. Since it was only Noah and his family then that means all of mankind comes from them. Now because he had three sons who went out in different directions then this means that general features of these men would eventually become the baseline for the basic racial groups with the original racial group eventually no longer existing simply from the fact of people being so isolated from each other.

From what? You repent, LARPer

When would you say? I'm truly curious.

>Since it was only Noah and his family then that means all of mankind comes from them
Sounds like it would be extremely convenient

This is true for ALL whites. And it applies way more to atheist whites than Christian whites. Every single little basedfaggot bugman libshit is an atheist.

Lol this Nibba don't know that Christians have always admired the Greek thinkers.

For Jews

We are all from Adam and the Noah. If you don't ultimately believe that you need to honestly think and pray about it.