What the hell is this and how do I stop it
What the hell is this and how do I stop it
dont stop it. join them and get free pizza
Report it to Wikipedia.
>thursday oct. 23rd
pics or it didnt happen and you're false flagging
Infiltrate and fuck with it.
This first
Then this.
First posts best posts?
>As if Wikipedia is against this.
I read a few articles on recent events recently and there were several "Trump FALSELY claimed that" and "Trump supported the DISPROVEN..." The article on the recent California fires flat out said they were mainly caused by "Climate change" rather than any specific event that literally caused the intial flame. Wikipedia has been a leftist cesspool for a few years now and it's only gotten worse as so many articles have become uneditable and locked to all except "authorized" liberals.
Be sincere but ask them tough questions like:
Are lesbians that won't sleep with transwomen transphobic?
anybody can edit it buddy, that's the point
if it isn't sourced then you can edit it right back
source: some far-left website
Good to go!
source: something even remotely right of center: ID address banned. That's not even to mention that most high-view articles such as those of politicians or political events are now locked from future editing.
then contest the change in the talk page
if you just roll over and die at the first sign of adversity you let them win
1. report to wiki
2. You know what pages they'll hit. Edit them back
4. Profit
This. Eat your pizza, stand up, call them a bunch of nigger faggots, leave.
pretty much any controversial topic is locked due to some edit war and surprise surprise (((mods))) are going to ruin your day.
You clearly haven't done much wikipedia editing.
This guy understands.
We could start Wikipedia Editing Generals (/weg/). Each thread could focus on one particular article of some type of significance and editors could attempt to revamp the entries that lefties have shat all over, like "illegal immigration" and "gun violence".
There are however huge obstacles in this. Editors could be exposed by doxxing and Wikipedia clearly has this left-wing and in fact cultural Marxist bias, having already reduced Western concerns about Third World immigration to an article titled "white genocide conspiracy theory", so the likelihood of our edits simply being discarded and editors being permabanned are quite high.
But there are already some bright spots on Wikipedia, like "race and IQ" and so on. It would require a lot of persistence. Before Wikipedia had been completely trashed by the left, it had actually played a large role in my own redpilling. I'd discover something on Jow Forums, like "IQ and the Wealth of Nations", and use Wikipedia as one method of trying to vet the truthfulness of it.
Wikipedia is honestly one of the biggest, most significant flashpoints in the information battlespace and the right has long neglected efforts to try and capture it, doing stupid shit like trying to build parallel encyclopedias like Conservapedia and so on. It's high time the right made a real effort to fight back against the left's capture of it.
i edit a lot actually
anything controversial is locked to new accounts because of vandalism
highest level of restriction requires something like 500 edits iirc which isn't terribly hard to do
if you want to give up and not follow the rules, yes, they win because they're willing to do that shit
if you want to sit around and complain about it then they win
protip: if you want to up your edit count fast just do punctuation or grammar checks on anything that pertains to brown people who can't type well
This hasn't been true for like 5 years man
Go and record as much as you can.
Warm the Oven and enjoy the long pig.
wikipedia got popular
so yes, if you want to mess around with controversial topics you'll need an actual account
We've reported it before, the Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon is an annual tradition they never fucking do anything about.
They spread like an infection or a cancer. Inject their propaganda into a widely used online resource. Call them out on this in a few years and they will claim you are lying and "no one is intentionally editing wikipedia to spread their propaganda or agenda".
October 3rd, 2016 to be exact. Fake and gay.
lmao this is what they do in your universities and schools no wonder nobody wants to go there
truth be told STEM is the only field where students actually do something and not hang around like leeches
Go to that university, and set it on fire.
And this
They're doing this at my school too
Wikipedia is terriable butall subsets have a territorial boss that just reverts your edit within hours, and you can bealive all the political/sjw ones will be rapid edit whores who have way more karama or whatever wiki uses to rank users.
My sister has a PhD and tried to do minor improvements on her area of expertise (which she has studied the ordignailsmources for) and they all get reverted within hours.
Wikipedia has a page on how to "Wikipedia:How to run an edit-a-thon". Wikiepedia knows.
"Wiki founder wins $1m Israeli prize"
>If you won't consent to gag on my pussy-rod, you're reinforcing patriarchal heteronormativity.
well, i guess no one cares...
actually the more i think about it, you should actually participate in this
this is your best chance really to be able to actually affect something that normal people might digest as a news source
you don't have a chance in hell of getting on main stream media, but you can, without too much effort, be on wikipedia, probably the preeminent research site on the internet
sign up for an account and don't make stupid ass meme names since you'll need to put some effort into it
your goal is to get an account 100 days old and 500 edits, that seems a lot but it's not that much
do the wikipedia journey or whatever the fuck it's called and that'll get you around 150 edits on your own and get you an idea how to use wikipedia
then from there just find some topic of something you like and correct shit like grammar or punctuation or fix links or archive links or add shit
if you're really fucking hitting the wall on things to get your edit count up do stupid shit like adding stats to professional athletes or even incredibly mundane shit like updating your profile page (but don't do 500 edits of your page, it's too obvious)
once your account is 100 days old and you have 500 edits you can start influencing things
does this take some effort? yes, but you stand a chance of actually causing change as opposed to just preaching to the crowd here
why don't things like this get shot up?
Report it? Wikipedia encourages this. They run conferences so people can learn to edit. It's free labor for them, like our jannies
Repeatedly vandalise Wikipedia pages from the available network connection there, then send a request to Wikipedia to block editing from your IP because your students are vandalising Wikipedia.
So unlike a meme flag to be wrong.
pizza is shit food. industrial dairy is unhealthy (full of hormones, antiobiotics) and the process is cruel (separate babies from mothers, mothers from babies. males are generally killed). abomination