Report an e-thot to the IRS for failing to disclose their amazon wishlist gifts. They often brag on twitter showing pictures of thousands of dollars items received from their e-cucks. Tell the degenerate whore she is being audited. Enjoy the keks of roastie salt while making the world a better place.
Operation Wishlist
Charles Howard
Lincoln Howard
check'd n wreck'd
Ian Ross
this is gonna backfire when they just start taking donations to pay their back taxes
Alexander Torres
>reporting all american camwhores
russian camwhores are the best anywway
Daniel Fisher
God damn those are some milkers
Brayden Phillips
Jason Roberts
came here to post this
Henry Brown
At least uncle sam gets some more revenue and beta males lose even more money
Ryan Sanders
How much I give for E-THOT to make nice videos of getting into a Warm Oven? ALso, do I have to pay extra to eat the long pig?
For fun, you could pay thots to make video of things like making sandwiches...
Christian Ward
eh, those bitches are even more dead inside
euro girls are depraved in general