Daniel Andrews announces cabinet of 50/50 gender representation, whose members were decided not by merit, but by the genitals between their legs. He boasts that this is to the benefit of equality, but it is to the detriment of more qualified individuals who could do a better job.

I knew we were fucked, but this is some Canadian level cuckery right here; I feel like moving to NSW.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.jpg (1023x576, 47K)

Just let it happen, it's not like you can change it for years now anyways.

And as the population of people from other countries increases, you'll never see anything different until one group decides to revolt and takeover, likely making you join them or die.

Don't even worry about the future, you don't control it.

Voluntarily living in Victoria at this point is a demonstration in stupidity.

Victoria is broken and utterly beyond salvage.

He's gonna do the ol Trudeau nation killer technique eh.

Absolute top level cuck

You cunts knew what Labor was like after 4 years and yet you STILL elected them again.
I don't want to hear it.
You voted the cunts in, now suffer in silence for 4 years.

Attached: 28576337_1951106941873551_9081795726047328613_n.jpg (773x500, 79K)

But up until the Liberals and nationals combined to LNP, the Labor party always won from the day parliament was established in this country

>I feel like moving to NSW.
fuck off we're full

Move as far out as you can and live off the land. That way, the government can't affect your life.

Most rural Victorians (Anyone outside of Melbourne) are based but can't really make any impact on the vote. Melbourne epicenter of Leftist extremism in the country, and the way everything is going we won't have a right wing government in Victoria ever again

daniel andrews is a transphobic bigot if he thinks he can define womyn by their genetics and genitals

Attached: womyn.png (1024x527, 139K)

Rural Victoria are ice-ridden, obese shitholes
The sooner they get nuked the better

Found the Melbourne cuck

I wasn’t aware that Frankston is considered rural Victoria nowadays

Have you actually been to rural Victoria?

i'm from melbourne. i've lived in qld for ten years.
i will never go back. not even for a funeral...

It's fucking depressing how accurate this is.

victoria is heading to total chaos in the coming years. to many delusional people

Whites are fucked and its entirely because of whites

>move to NSW
so you go from one shithole to the next LMAO

There's no future for white men who aren't cucked.

We must install a value metric and barrier where citizens may only vote if they have 2.5 million in liquid assets. The goyim.. I mean poor, have no mind to have their say on things that actually matter. We all suffer from their need to draw welfare and reallocate children from Ooga Booga island.

We must start rural detainment camps and make those subhuman dole bludgers work to build the very wall that will keep them ( but not rural resources) out!

come home aussie men

I don't think we have room for you.

You'll find that people will only go crazy in populated areas. Live an hour out of a major population and you don't see a nigger or other scum anywhere.


liberals btfo'd

Attached: Worst Thing Ever.png (1528x1024, 317K)