>three tours, lost several brothers for kikes
>disgusting fat crackers thank me for my service, oppose universal healthcare, planned economy for the class that makes up the infantry, prefer markets over volk
>all modern music is debased, modern art is Talmudic symbolistic garbage
>find out I'm on the spectrum, high iq, but introvert and some mental illness, not father or husband material
>go to traditionalist party, half seem like cops, other half seem mentally ill without the high iq to match, boomers talking points
>actually find tankies and Leninists way more interesting to talk to than most low iq conservatives (all great fascists were communists, nazbol gang but real)
>Grandad died on my last tour, my parents died 4 years ago, girlfriend died this year
>3 childhood friends overdosed in the last year, their parents are chuds who think trump and Brexit /western populism will make everything like the country they imagine they ever knew
>I like Rick and North but hate that I like it and assume their reasons for liking it must be different, but I'm simply lying and I'm a "typically unique" Rick and North drone
>at one point in Iraq I decided I was glad we were being killed and saw the hajis as brave and savage, defending their ummah from us, the deracenated automaton or just poor blue collar idiots who had no options and decided to go get shot at in another war for jews
>can't being myself to buy any religion. Too much evidence demolishing all of them. Too honest to do Jordan Peterson style, Christ is a sacred archetype nonsense
>smoking 2 packs a day, shrapnel in leg, oxy feels I'm insulated in cotton wool and I sit fuzzy and numb in my shared accommodation
>wish I could be screw your optics guy but they'd paint me as the autistic loner I am and that would just set us back
Thought I'd share before I go back to oxycoma and watch soprano with my dog who hasn't been walked in forever and who should hate me but is a really good boy.
Swallowed the black pill finally
Another reason I'm a shit cunt. I love and have a nostalgia for Americans and David Lynch, despite supposedly hating America and atomized individualism, my mores are all extremely boring dreary Anglo culture I was born in and yet never had. So I sort of desire or long for Anglo culture, as a citizen of the minion in the face and shadow of the new but SAME zog controlled Anglo world empire, shifted from London to wall street new York.
Even this rant is so fucking gay. Anyone claiming not to be blackpilled, on everything, even life itself, has to be cope posting.
Cheer the fuck up faggot
By like this dude. Surround yourself with abominations. You'll feel better. Relatively.
The world can't stay the same forever. Eventually this mess will sort itself out, one way or another. Take comfort in that.
Marxism is not the way bro. The globalists kikes are the ones pushing for it. I feel for you on everything else. We are in this shit hole together.
What is the point of this gay ass post
>oppose universal healthcare
lmao what is fucking up with eurocucks and muh healthcare its like every other post
I dont really get why youre fucking whining about it when your trash country already has it. I dont really get either why every euro is absolutely obsessed with the american system, or why they believe that they aren't going to pay for the system through other means.
doesnt look like youre all that black pilled if you think handing over the keys to daddy government is going to solve anything
>I was glad we were being killed and saw the hajis as brave and savage, defending their ummah from us, the deracenated automaton or just poor blue collar idiots who had no options and decided to go get shot at in another war for jews
>rats fighting against rats
>yea but this one killed a rat!
just because your side is fucking scum doesnt make your opposition noble.
honestly are you sure youre not a fucking boomer, because this is like word for word the same "le disillusioned boomer XDDD" crap I've read 100x in the past. And every time they prove to be seriously less disillusioned than they pretend themselves to be.
>Thought I'd share
thanks for the rambles dumbass, go vote shaniqua some free healthcare
We shot brown todlers for the "free" markets and global finance. The idea socialism is the enemy is a boomers position.
The left wing fought to abolish the monarchy and have a market system. You are a 1700 shitlib.
Be nationalistic poor white workers, but God forbid nation provides for the actual people who make up that volk.
Osama bin Laden was more woke than you, faggot.
>We shot brown todlers
you didn't shoot shit, plebbit. Grab your fucking nuts, no one gives a shit, the sooner you realize it, the better off you'll be.
You need to read "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell. And look into the history of the USSR and Mang's China. Socialism is a dangerous stepping stone to communism. It entices you with rhetoric about freedom and equality but it does the exact opposite.
I too want to get rid of the elitists. There is a huge wealth disparity that needs to be corrected. But we need to be very very careful. And I guarantee that it does not look like Marxism.
>The idea socialism is the enemy is a boomers position.
>bro capitalism doesnt work
>just give the markets to the government!
I couldnt make a more brainlet boomer argument if i tried. kys fucking moron.
>Be nationalistic poor white workers, but God forbid nation provides for the actual people who make up that volk.
Yea because socialist healthcare will benefit the honest worker and not the most worthless dregs of society and minorities. The European naivete is simply fucking stunning.
>Osama bin Laden was more woke than you, faggot.
children are more woke than you soldier of zog. Even when I was a fucking child I wasnt dumb enough to join the military.
>You need to read "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell
yea id say thats fairly appropriate for people who couldnt even tell you what socialism is.
And? You gonna give an actual rebuttal? Or are you not capable?
>being this much of a bootlicker of 1700s nobility
Magical negro spouting about how terrible a planned economy was. Stalin turned Russia from a backwards peasant based economic backwater to the one of two global superpowers, in a few decades.
Hitler built infrastructure, eradicated unemployment, expanded social housing, transportation etc. The birth rate exploded.
Capitalism is a Jewish virus, it is dysgenic.
Look at eastern European women and western women, then argue socialism is the dysgenic system.
Thomas Sowell exists solely because he gives conservatives a warm and fuzzy because they can say they're not racist.
>can't refute shit has to strawman
What is there to refute? The entire philosophy of basing your society around an economy first and foremost is as jewish as it gets, and is absolutely antithetical to Americanism.
>Stalin turned Russia from a backwards peasant based economic backwater to the one of two global superpowers, in a few decades.
>Capitalism is a Jewish virus, it is dysgenic.
high IQ my fucking ass
Did you fucking forget the massive support socialism/communism had from the jewish community in post WWI Germany and Russia
fuck off retard
Boomers hate socialism you atomized fuck. Pull yer self up buy yet bootstraps is the favourite trite nonsense of the capitalism and Jesus crowd.
Boomers literally fell for trickle down economics.
I'd get more pleasure killing rich bourgeois whites than the pakis.
Class war has been going on for a lot longer than this recent invasion.
Day of the rope, preppy fags like Richard spencer and you get the bullet right next to them.
I want non whites gassed idiot. They won't be getting pap smears on us.
It's not even basing your society around the economy it's not letting the government dominate everything. Which was the root of Americanism. Not whatever you want to project.
Any form of socialism and wealth redistribution is the worst fucking idea possible in a multi-racial society, doesn't matter, because the shitskins are going to give you your socialism, you're just not going to like it.
The Soviets turned on Jewry once goys got power. Stalin was triflin with hanging like doctors just before they poisoned him.
>Boomers hate socialism
Are you fucking retarded? I swear liberalism can only exist in a perpetual state of victimhood or oppression. Boomers are the reason Europe is about to collapse in a kalergi dystopian hellhole.
The USSR was a shithole for the plebeians. And I'm not against all socialism. I'm against communism. It has proven again and again not to work. I'm not anti nazi. I think we will need socialist programs to solve issues in society but it is a very precarious practice that could lead to a totalitarian state. Going extremist Marxist is going to make our issues much worse. Saying otherwise is just plain ignorance.
>it's not letting the government dominate everything
Please faggot. How can you even begin to claim people have any sort of autonomy in the modern age, the fucking states aren't even relevant anymore. Does you declaring the government doesn't dominate everything make it so?? Charity and a communal-based social fabric were one of the traits of American Exceptionalism. Everyone from Dickens to Tocqueville acknowledged this.
Choose your path
>that could lead to a totalitarian state
>I want non whites gassed idiot. They won't be getting pap smears on us.
too bad thats not how communism works
>Boomers literally fell for trickle down economics.
I know plenty of upper middle class lefty/commie boomers
where do you think this resurgence has come from?
theyre often too dumb and childish to properly articulate a workable government structure, and so instead propose an incredibly stupid and infantile total destruction of all social structures and bureaucracy. Which is many times more damaging than any white nationalist could possibly ever be. I dont want to live in your orwellian austist future, and neither does anyone else. So I doubt the day of the rope is going to be coming for me friend.
Boomers are pro Israel, pro free markets, pro foreign wars, much we won in Vietnam but were betrayed by libs, much free market and Christianity are compatible, much business, muh non aggression principle.
This is Talmudic manipulation of low iq and poor white masses, while their gentle and kike capitalist class fuck us and kill our race.
Minority almost
Unemployment rates
Capitalism is liberal, you fucking mindless NPC
Who said anything about abandoning Charity or the community? Or just declaring something and not wanting to change the government? You make flimsy childish arguments.
you have had everything taken from you, your family, friends, brothers, and even your hope. now you are truly free user.
>Stalin was triflin with hanging like doctors just before they poisoned him.
and yet he didn't.
>Capitalism is liberal
I can't believe I thought for a moment I could have a discussion with a fucking redditor.
It's kike marxism and the governments enforcing globalism. But keep blaming Christianity and free market
You are an extremist idiot. If you had your way, you better hope your ruler has interests inline with your own. And they won't be.
>Capitalism is liberal, you fucking mindless NPC
You're a pleb who gives off a "the founding fathers were AnCap" kind of vibe. Kill yourself plebbit
Clearly you are a person who can deal only in absolutes. If someone doesn't align to your dogma, you assume they are on the other side of the spectrum. You can't even have a rational argument. You are just as ill as the radicals who want open borders
>You are an extremist idiot
No, I have a three-digit IQ and can see the writing on the wall
>better hope your ruler has interests inline with your own. And they won't be
>le ur gonna get purged by Hitlur
>le horseshoe
Absolutely Reddit
Why do stormfags like to revision them having always been here by themselves?
The liberal state, is merely a tool of the ruling class. Just as the national socialist and fascist states were controlled by OUR ruling class for OUR interests, not a foreign cabal of (((European style global hegemonic volcanoe throwers into)))
All economies are planned stupid, if you believe in abstract notions of free markets, you are beyond helping.
>Why do lolbergs like to revision them having always been here by themselves?
dumb faggot or bait
take a cyanide pill, paint it black and swallow that
>muh 3 digit IQ
>writing on the wall
>absolute reddit
where is your argument exactly?
I didn't imply that though. This place has always been a melting pot of ideas and views. You fags act like it's been otherwise.
Fuck up nigger
Read a book and then read the thread. Pretty self-explanatory
Try fentanyl and drift into the abyss, OP, not because I dislike you, but because you see. To want it and are overlooking what good you have. Sometimes checking out early is okay, so get your fucking head straight, or, be done with it.
Walk your dog bro. Gotta treat those animal friends well.
start taking your dog on long walks and listen to vertigopolitix and intro to esoteric christianity on your walks
no matter how fucked up you are, doggos dont deserve neglect or abuse and taking care of your doggo will help you begin to take care for yourself
>Why do stormfags like to revision them having always been here by themselves?
pretty sure they have precedence over reddittors like yourself
>intro to esoteric christianity on your walks
>le 25 year old boomer
The argument is the government is already Authoritarian and the corporate interests that have influence with it are hostile to the interests of whites. My argument is that the paradigm needs to shift from "what's best for the GDP", to "what's best for our people". Can you rub two brain cells together to realize you're advocating sitting on your hands while we're heading for guaranteed death because you don't want to bring about authoritarianism, while it already exists, and it already exists contradictory to your interests?
Socialism bad. Usury and capitalism Jewish inventions but.... they are patriotic and Christian.
Truth is Jesus hated kikes, hated the rich, the interest hustlers and he shouted at the kikes till they killed his brown ass.
Christ like Marc, saw the only way to save the Jews, was to abolish them, by ending their grasp on power and forcing them into assimilation.
Read some books, guuuyyy.
Kill yourself, then. There's literally no point in trying to get others to give up, which makes you a kike.
Just found this guy, his stuff is top notch
>>can't being myself to buy any religion
That's your fundamental problem. The only thing to do when you've hit bottom is either an hero or start seeking truth in metaphysics. There's really nowhere else to go.
Godless materialism equals death, so just figure out whether or not you're going to kill yourself. If you decide you can't or won't, the only thing left to do is seek out that which leads to life. This means a lot of reading, Greek/Roman philosophy, the Christian canon, the Nordic sagas, the Hindu texts, the Perennialist thinkers etc. You need to understand what it was that our ancestors thought, how they understood themselves, the universe, God, how it was they justified life, what was good, and what man's duty is.
I'm reading Codreanu's For My Legionaries at the moment. His infinite well of faith in the face of endless trials dispels all blackpills.
You remind me of me. Go into details about the bit husband or father material. I think we are very alike there.
I'm extremely smart and high IQ. I'm also good looking and very charismatic. I make lots of friends and generally gain lots of support from people but I'm fake. I treat relationships and conversations like a game. I know how to manipulate people into liking me.
When I'm single im lonely and depressed and fall in love easy, but when I'm in a relationship I get bored and have a hard time showing love past the initial lust stage.
I don't want kids because I don't want to lose my freedom to do what I want.
Just curious if you feel any way similar
The US is not Authoritarian. Yes they are hostile to the interests of whites. Yes the government needs to change to what's best for out people. No that answer is not Communism. Why do you have to put arguments in my mouth to form a rebuttal?
>I'm extremely smart and high IQ. I'm also good looking and very charismatic
lol are you me
I said I wasn't anti socialism above. Never once mentioned religion. I'm actually atheist. Where is your argument?
Great video on swallowing the Black Pill, the symptoms of being Black Pilled, and what to do after youve swallowed it...
Watch it, its very insightful. As gay as it sounds, just know that you arent alone, my fellow Black Pillers...
>The US is not Authoritarian
Are you nuts? Legislators and judges are controlled both directly and indirectly through Corporate influence and the Federal government has all but repealed the 10th amendment. They unironically used our tax dollars to bail out the speculators during the financial crisis because they could, the have zero push back from an aggressive foreign policy at the behest of who exactly?
okay faggot
seriously, all of his videos are fantastic
I should note I'm talking about the globohomo, deepstate, swamp, (whatever you want to call it) etc
Trust me dude, it's all fake. I was sat at my dad's funeral with sad music on in my earphones just to try and make myself cry, I couldn't.
I had to have my family dog put down a few years back, I cried for days.
I get interested in things, become obsessed, then my mind clips and all of a sudden this other thing is my focus. Mental health, ADD OCD anxiety, rage, ptsd etc etc.
Got a 16 minute 5k. Could do 20 pull ups, 100 push ups. That focus ended, now I'm fat as fuck, smoking packs a day and reading Ebola, doing off and sitting on a bed with no sheet, with Malboro, my pittbull, who I can say is the only thing in this world that means anything to me anymore.
He's named after a friend, not the cigs.
>seriously, all of his videos are fantastic
This is pretty relevant to the thread anyways
Why are you assuming government corruption and outside influence means we live in an Authoritarian state? We live in a Republic. They aren't mutually exclusive concepts. And just because there are bad parts to our government means communism is the answer. That has been my argument this whole time. Make sense? Or are you gonna be a subversive commie and deal in absolutes again?
Yes I agree. We want the same thing. I want these deep states niggers gassed. We just have different ideas of getting there. I honestly believe we will need an economic collapse or world war to get there. I don't think voting in socialists will solve our problem, and make just play into the deep state's plan.
Post your leg with timestamp
*will just play into the deep state's plan
>Why are you assuming government corruption and outside influence means we live in an Authoritarian state?
If the branches of government seize checking each other because they're lockstep in ideology and are only checked by monopolies, it's authoritarian. I added the caveat in the post after, it's not the structure of the government, it's who hijacked it. "A republic, not an empire", huh?
>I don't think voting in socialists
Yeah, you're confusing me with someone else or National Socialism with Marxist socialism
But convincing yourself it is true, does not make it so.
Identitarianism and national socialism gave me purpose, but at the end of the day when we die it's over, forever. We are just life that came about through conditions that happened to sustain life. Evolution kills all creation myths and their metaphysical underpinnings.
>Identitarianism and national socialism gave me purpose, but at the end of the day when we die it's over, forever. We are just life that came about through conditions that happened to sustain life. Evolution kills all creation myths and their metaphysical underpinnings.
Sounds like you didn't embrace National Socialism. Watch the video here
Ya i got you mixed with OP I think. My bad dude lol
You do realize Hitler was anti Communist right?
Life is a struggle to be content. Both in your private, individual life, and being content with the situation around you. Content enough to find peace.
Second: Different times have different problems. We have societal problems today, but people living 200 years ago had their own societal problems too. There hasn't been a problem-free age that you can look back to and wish for. If you were born then, you would find ways to feel just as discontent as you do now. The fight is ongoing and eternal.
I did. And one can and have been, both national socialists and atheist. Simply seeing the huge weight of evidence for evolution and that meaning none of the religions can be believed, literally by intelligent people.
Every smart fascist I know does this, they end up talking about religion like Jordan Peterson.
I get the archetypes, the logos, these highly meaningful aspects of why and how we created them. I just know the base metaphysical belief is untrue. In 2018, anyone who really, actually proclaims to believe, is either low iq, smart enough to de-literalize religion and turn it into a cultural and archetypal identity only, to bring forth meaning and order.
No educated man, can believe in an afterlife in 2018, they know it is false, likely partly hardwired due to it being such a survival strategy and group solidifier.
If this guy is not a virgin and can fight, he seems alright
Why do jews call him creepy?
Sure, he was a socialist, like me. He also loved islam, been reading too much evola, old adolph ;)
You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
Speer, Albert (1997). Inside the Third Reich.
Then kill yourself dickhead. Like I said, if you really believe everything is futile, that the material world is all there is and your life has no metaphysical meaning or purpose, you should kill yourself.
If you don't end up doing that you have no other option but to forge a way out.
>but at the end of the day when we die it's over, forever. We are just life that came about through conditions that happened to sustain life. Evolution kills all creation myths and their metaphysical underpinnings.
You can't prove any of this, these are the pathetic musings of a demoralised faggot.
walk your dog, take care of him. He a good dog. He will help you make friends.
I can't because the finality of death is terrifying. I'm too scared of infinite nothing to kill myself. I'm too intelligent to convince myself it is real and so pretending I believe isn't even a comfort because I literally can't believe.
Well I'm not anti nazi. I thought you were a commie this whole time because of you saying you "actually find tankies and Leninists way more interesting to talk to than most low iq conservatives". Do you vote Republican or Democrat then? Or do you think it's all fucked and pointless.
Prove metaphysics exists outside of your mind. If you can't, it means nothing.
>And one can and have been, both national socialists and atheist
I wasn't talking about "God", I'm talking about nature and truly understanding the all encompassing "worldview" Hitler mentions.
>The finality of death is terrifying
Only if you fear judgement for your choices
Fearing death is smalltime once you get on my level kid
>>can't being myself to buy any religion. Too much evidence demolishing all of them.
I mean, this is wrong.
Just go bury yourself in books my dude.
There's never been a better time in history to find truth.
Even now it boils to the top.
Go read up and design some kind of WMD/EMP thing.
>I'm too intelligent to convince myself it is real
Feeling pretty euphoric ey bud
>Prove metaphysics exists outside of your mind
Prove anything exists outside of your mind fella. Are you actually talking to someone on the other side of the planet or are you just dreaming all this right now? Can you prove that the things you touch are actually there and aren't just illusions of your mind? You'd may as well just go full solipsism, absolutely nothing exists outside of your mind because it is impossible to prove that anything exists outside of your mind. That's the standard of proof that you yourself have set.
Once you take the "leap of faith" to believe that a reality actually does exist outside and independent of yourself, then it's only one more step to believe that things can exist beyond that.
You can't prove that there is anything after all this. I believe nothing because there is no evidence. Religion evolved with man to allow him to bare suffering. I do think it's important to act as if God exists tho. Society would be in a much better place if religion was still respected
You Solipsists are gay.
It is good to not be arrogant about the unknown
Yep. The only thing that we can be certain of is our own awareness. Reality could be an illusion