Eric Stryker

This guy comes off a borderline retarded to me, but it seems that many people on pol actually respect his opinion. As far as I can tell, Stryker thinks that some sort of popular skinhead movement is going to cleanse the united states racially a establish national socialism for white people...and in the meantime theres no point in voting...

I mean, do people like this exist to fulfill the kikes need visible enemies? And why did he name himself after a gay pornstar?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 3.33.04 AM.png (487x746, 238K)

Dude, Stormfront was all the rage back in 2005.

How do you know that's striker?

Eric Striker is a Nazbol kike who will swing on the DOTR convicted by a jury of his peers

Attached: eric striker dox 1.jpg (236x300, 18K)

Attached: eric striker.jpg (1217x823, 110K)

Attached: trs nazbol.png (952x823, 1.45M)

>These are the subhumans that consider themselves Aryans
Fucking kek, this is why stormfags are made fun of.

guy looks like he got raped in prison a few too many times

Stop pls

>doesn't even spell striker right

why do mossad niggers always do this? it's like such a huge tell. they always misspell his name as Striker. Striker is the way more common spelling too. are they just so incompetent that they're literally like caved in head wojaks with GET STRYKER written on a wall in crayon in their office?

misspell it as Stryker*

Totally not CIA or an mkultra victim created in order to sustain the left wing push back

This thread is Jewish.

Tell me subversive and most annoying Jews, champions of Zionism or Communism, what mood strikes you knowing defeat is inescapable? Not for your own mis-steps but for another, greater than yourselves, have dined it so ?

Striker, Roosh, McNabb, Milo and Gavin Mckinnes are going to form a new supergroup and go work for Rebel Media to revivalise the sinking media outlet.

>As far as I can tell, Stryker thinks that some sort of popular skinhead movement is going to cleanse the united states racially a establish national socialism for white people...and in the meantime, there's no point in voting...
No, you have gotten it all wrong. Striker cares about one thing and that is winning and how to win regardless of the means to get there.

Best part about the brainlet jews and antifa who make these threads is they don't even listen to his shit. One of the episodes on Chapo Brooklyn Brownstone (a play on a mainstream bernie bro podcast) was about how Jewish bankers financed the bolshevik revolution lol.

It's probably just a random skinhead.

NazBol is love
Tucker is Nazbol
Spencer is Nazbol
Angela Nagle is Angela Nazbol


crony capitalists fuck off
naocons fuck off
neoliberals fuck off
libertarians wake up
the rest of you serving the banks and corporations you can fuck right off too

Stryker is right on just about everything, and if you listen to him you'd either arrest all the bankers and corporate CEOs for TREASON. NOW stop your petty BS fighting come together and upset the system like never before.

I feel like he was the one doing the raping.

I'm not reallt an opticsfag, but that is a BAAD look. Embarrassing really.

Anyway, Strasserism is not really NazBol. NazBol is decidedly soviet/russian and I think different in the details vs Strasserism. Actually, I think there is a lot of good ideas in strasserism from what I know. I've been meaning to read about it more. I actually support their ideas about education, land use (rather than ownership), and economic model. I don't so much the call for breaking up cities and becoming agricultural. That might be good temporarily, but I think we should focus on useful technology if we are to compete with other civilizations, not move backwards.

ooooh boy here we go, I'm guessing we'll get regular "Eric Striker is a gay kike!!" threads now, I'm guessing his new podcast has gotten too popular and they're scared

>Angela Nagle is Angela Nazbol

I've just put two and two together. That makes so much sense.

Anyone who unironically self identifies with nazism is a loser and picked a loser to idealize. Protip: nazis were largely neopagan and heretics to boot.

Divine Right Monarchy is the only real ideal.