How do know if youre gay

Like actually gay?

Im 18 and just confused..

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Like there is this one guy in a class im in with blue eyes I get a weird warm chested feeling for but wouldnt it be more gay to get a boner or whatever?

Who cares what you are ?
Just do what you want.

If you start wondering if you're gay, you're either gay or bi

Explore your sexuality with an open mind. It's not easy, and can be really painful.

Do you use gay porn? Do you feel curious about watching some?

Your parents will be so ashamed. They won’t say anything like that, but the light in their eyes will die a bit.


why, dont all straightr guys feel like this at one point

yo i hate that water and food meter

i watch a bit.. why

look at pics of dicks
do you feel aroused ?
high chance of being gay or bi yes