I can't wait to see the history of this great leader and man

I can't wait to see the history of this great leader and man.

Do you?

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fvck niggvs

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>Stole power
>Destroyed Republic
What's the problem?

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Jumping the shark

Would love a movie with caesar, but when hes presented as a nigger i cant watch it.

et tu, brutus!

I didn't do nothing, homie!

Please be real

he was italian so already a nigger

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Oh boy I can't wait for (((Netflix))) to turn another Anime into an African American classic.
Black boy bebop
Dragon BLACK Z
Sailor Coon.
One Piece of Fried Chicken.
Negro Butler.

We Wuzz Kangz N Shit

Attached: We Wuzzers.jpg (500x500, 55K)

there was a play in my hometown featuring a black caesar lmao


Finally, an accurate representation of Turkic ROMAN Empire...

I can't wait either OP - these movies are great

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Attack on wakanda
Kangs moving crib
My homie totoro

Anyone else got some good ones?

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This isn't real, is it?

You weebs deserve it

sure thing Cato, sure thing

>Nashville theater
You mutts did this. Also it's broadway style theatre so artsy, gay and up it's own ass. Discarded as irrelevant.

cant an asteroid come and kill us all already?

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Et tu Rastus?

-Brut, ma nigga, why you do that?!

Black Caesar stabbed by a pack of other blacks right at the stairs to a government building, sounds surprisingly realistic to me.

oh no, it's very real.

>I didn't do nothing, homie!
*Ah didn doo SHEET, brah!

Looks like interracial gay porn cover to me

note: Anthony was naked each time he offered the crown to Caesar

>Be Tyrone Julius Latiff
>Goes around pillaging France with Gucci gang
>hears about ol' cato & biggie-pomp be shilling against you
>"Imma shank these niggas"
>goes to Rome, start a gang war and win
>Declares I wuz
>gets also shanked anyway
>vini, vici, chimpi

Jews have no shame. I can't believe they like making it this obvious.

hogga bogga, were da white womyn at?

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Its actually come full circle and is becoming hilarious. This is like having the most Anglo guy you can imagine being head of the Zulus in the Zulu film. Or having Hitler played by an angry chink

>vini vici chimpi

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Are they serious with that hippo diarrhea? You can have the best actors and film, when it's such obvious propaganda you not going to like it.

>Don't get stabbed by your son

Your people should make a comedy called 'We Wuzzers', I'd watch it.

I can't waite for the classics , Blackspere, Mid Summers night crackpipe, Romeo & Shaniquanette,

This reminds me. I walked through Sydney Opera House last week. Julius Caesar was playing at the Drama Theatre. Like this poster, a black actor was cast as JC, and the rest of the cast was as racially diverse as could be. Mark Antony was played by a female actor. I said to my companion in fairness they should let a white guy play Othello next time.

Is this a movie or a play? Don't care if he's good at it. The problem isn't black men doing Shakespeare, it's all the dumb niggers who think movies are real life.

Based kike. Can't we just team up?

Created by (((Edward Kitsis))) and (((Adam Horowitz))).

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Good to see nigs are stealing other cultures stuff now. Got a rep to keep up.

Al-Qaeda was right

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every time i see this sort of thing i laugh anymore, the bs grasping these people do to try to be edgy in their own pathetic way are just that. representing historic figures inaccurately is disingenuous and is what these sjws are, frauds. which is why they cling to this crap, the fraud is all encompassing with them.

what doesn't make sense with me is the rich history the euros had with fighting the moors. it was epic shit over hundreds of years, so why black wash all this crap and destroy all that glorious history?

Full Metal Niggerish
Nigger Genesis Evangelion
Mobile Suit Nigger Wing
Nigger Wars

they are still butthurt about white people foiling their plans 400 times so they rub it in our faces when they temporarily get some power again

You'll be gassed last, Shlomo

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JC was a weasely gifted politician that always refereed to himself in letters back to Rome (etc) using the 3rd person. Caesar had the same hairline as Larry David.

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I love retards and broken English.

Won't you?

Full Nigger Alchemist

It's Nashville Shakespeare Festival and he's a former football player, not even an actor. Something tells me it's not as much a nefarious SJW plot to distort history than it is just them going "hey lets have this famous athlete try his hand at acting in our festival"

Fucking kek!

Caesar was actually described as being African

ready some history

Yeah those busts of him sure look African.....

>vini, vici, chimpi
Keked You get a pass from the gas chembar today.

You gotta be some random dude who just happens to be in the Kikestan at the moment.

Dunno, they could also make movies about Anansi, Memnon, the Ethiopian and Mali empire and other legit african stuff, but i guess they prefer to capitalize on the controversy that blackwashing creates

>This Roman Emperor with dozens of portaraits, busts, and recordings of him are all wrong and he was actually a sub Saharan African.
Sure thing user.

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Imagine what kind of nigger you must be to see they are trying out actors to play the role caesar and you think my black ass would be perfect for that

Niggers have got to be the dumbest fucking things on earth, next to the idiots who hire them

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I think the black man should rule over the bourgeois Left. In Africa. They can put on theatrical performances after a day picking cotton. Everybody wins!

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