>French women, feminine, intellectual, romantic
>Slav women, pretty, no nonsense, traditional
>East Asian women, driven, smart, slender
>South East Asian women, family oriented, loving, submissive
>French women, feminine, intellectual, romantic
>Slav women, pretty, no nonsense, traditional
>East Asian women, driven, smart, slender
>South East Asian women, family oriented, loving, submissive
The only reason why we made the largest empire in human history was to escape from our troglodyte women
White women are the worst
shut up, ape
What about Greek or just Southern European in general?
You are referring to the lower class Anglo women. Upper-middle class women are excellent.
>fat, hairy, lazy, greesy shitskins getting fucked by tourists while their men buttfuck each other
>passionate, sexy, fierce
>when you have to be Jeff Bezos to encounter the “hot” Anglo women
I think I’ll jyst stroll into a random Slav village and have my pick, ol’ chap.
Lmao that's my sisters bang on.
Tfw no QT Norman gf
>Slav women, pretty, no nonsense, traditional
>French women, never wash
>Slav women,muscular beasts
>East Asian women, slanty eyed gooks
>South East Asian ditto
HAHAHA this is so true
t. anglo rostie
Whores, all of them!
>French women
You have no idea. They do read books, but stupid books, about well being and other girly stuff with no importance, and after they think they have something to say because they read book.
You forgot obese , out spoken, self entitled, used up by 22 yr. And a few more i missed
Women are women, so basically a clay. Also, this is a slide thread, sage this piece of shit.
Also true of brit women.
Frenchman: Excitable. Wears beard, gesticulates wildly.
Spaniard, Mexican, etc.: Sinister, treacherous.
Arab, Afghan, etc.: Sinister, treacherous.
Chinese: Sinister, treacherous. Wears pigtail.
Italian: Excitable. Grinds barrel-organ or carries stiletto.
Swede, Dane, etc.: Kind-hearted, stupid.
Negro: Comic, very faithful.
Jow Forums is an enemy of individualism and individual thought. It lumps everyone into groups without any deep thought. It promotes groups think and SJW tier outrage mob mentality.
Sad desu. People are different. Think for yourself.
>French women, feminine, intellectual, romantic
Also prolific adulterers, so much so France banned men getting paternity tests because the judges ruled it's for the betterment of society
>Slav women, pretty, no nonsense, traditional
Gold diggers and mentally unhinged, will not hesitate to stab you
>East Asian women, driven, smart, slender
Will chop your dick off if you piss her off, also will expect you to be a wageslave to provide for her
>South East Asian women, family oriented, loving, submissive
Will have to put up with her family and financially support them
>>Slav women, pretty, no nonsense, traditional
You're an imbecile if you unironically spew this bullshit. For your own good I hope you were kidding my fellow leaf.
This is a marxist board that's why so many are fascinated by current Russian regime. Just a fucking flock.
Riiiigght. Enjoy paying the toll.