Haven't eaten a kebab since desu

haven't eaten a kebab since desu

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Corr but I can't go withoot me kebab from halals. Fookin luvleh it is

bit a garlick

Why don't norf FC have moustaches?
everyone from oop norf has a moustache.

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i don relly like me kebabs an' tha, buh yoos got ta supoooort t'local kebab shop man, them lads are on t'minimum wage like an' they have to resort to droogi'n an' rapin' kids for sex an' tha' so don' be no stoopid fookin' raycist coont

I'm literally in the chippy getting a kebab

I like how they showed a meat diagram to help people along.

Revealed my power-level to my mum + sister recently.
Told them about the mass-rapes in Europe, they didn't give a fuck.
Told them one girl ended up a kebab, they immediately start screeching that was impossible.

This shit affects women a lot more than the threat of being raped.

>haven't eaten a kebab since desu
Same. Even if there aren't dead girls in it, it's still mystery meat.
Pretty easy to make something like it yourself also.
Just get some chicken breast, port fillet or whatever floats your boat, season, cook and slice real thin.

I doubt she was really made into a kebab but she probably suffered a miserable death unless she's still alive somewhere in sex-slavery. I don't think they make the kebabs themselves, they buy them.

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farmed baby and underage flesh is in every mcdonalds burger and kebap nowadays to inflict curses upon your body.
most of it is also in frozen meat you buy whenever it "tastes funny" you´re eating human flesh.
this has been happening for over 20 years now.

Kebab is people.

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Doner meat is fucking disgusting. If you willingly eat that shit you're a fucking degenerate piece of shit and need culling.

moustaches are haram

Women have no empathy for other women. The reason they cared when you told them about the kebab wasn't because of any sentiment toward the dead girl, it was because it could've been them eating the kebab.

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I won’t even eat food restaurants make now. It’s been about 6 months going strong. (Minus a pizza twice at a friends house.)

That's disgusting. It's disgusting how they make that shit too. Human meat or not.

shouldn't have eaten one before too

I feel the need to comment on two cases /pol often gets wrong.
This case is complicated because the parents themselves were possibly pimping their daughter out. She was known around blackpool, she had learned that she could get business from paedos around the strip, could even still be alive in some way doing the same. The kebab shop was defintiely involved.
The other case is the Hampstead case, clear case of an ex-wife seeking a final solution to her ex and the social workers on her and her new partner's case.

In fact, the Madelaine McCann case is also probably the result of people taking liberties with baby-sitters and covering their tracks.