What is the best city to live in Brazil...

What is the best city to live in Brazil? I'm thinking ablut moving there thanks to how shitty things have developed here with a retard and a retard administration.

that would take staging a couo and seize powers

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png (1280x896, 60K)

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To be honest, I think your country is in a better state than ours, could be wrong though.

>cartels literally take over entire cities
no, it isn't

Get a government job. It doesn't matter where you are, you will have an upper class life. The market doesn't pay you even a tenth of what a government job pays you. Only plebs work in the market.

Public servant
>Receives 10 times the minimum wage
>Cannot be fired
>Doesn't actually have to work lol
>Get thousands of benefits, including housing and healthcare, retires faster and is paid more

>What is the best city to live in Brazil?

to you none
stay in your shithole juan no one wants you here

I wouldn't bother because overall Brazil is more or less the same as Mexico human development wise, maybe only slightly better because of future prospects. Pick any city in the southeast or the south that you like.

For doing that, only to options:
1) Become Brazilian (but don't even think in going to army or diplomacy); and
2) Become a professor in a public Brazilian uni (no need to become Brazilian, but you must know Portuguese to pass on exams)

I stayed in Florianopolis with my ex-girlfriend for a few months and it was beautiful. I felt safe, there was plenty to do but I also had her and her brothers to show me around and keep me out of trouble. In contrast, I got my TEFL taught ESL in Bogota, Colombia for a year. Whilst it is nice around Zona T and Usaqien, it was infinitely more dangerous than Florianopolis. Also, didn't leave the airport in San Paulo so I can't speak for that city, but hear its a nightmare.

this one is top notch
