Chink hate thread

Just imagine for a second being a fucking chink
>wake up
>Say good morning to your 500 brothers and 300 sisters
>Go to your shitty job at a slave factory
>On the way to work get lung cancer because of air polution
>Smoke an entire pack of cigarets in 3 minutes because you are a fucking degenerate
>work for 20 hours
>go home
>Cant shitpost, completely cucked by your government
>decide to go for a walk
>See people getting murdered and raped but you wont do anything because you are a fucking chink and you only care about yourself
>come back home
>try to kill yourself
>Government officers break your fucking door and tell you to stop destoying government property

Attached: images (3).jpg (300x168, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dont throw rocks in a glasshouse.

FPBP as always.

>be literal fucking monkey
>get cucked by Chad Japanese in every way
>China man doesn't even want your shit debt
>Korean fuck your monkey mother
Neck yourself stupid fucking retarded

Attached: MoonMan.jpg (1000x800, 80K)

fuck you brazil i buy your country and fuck you mum


Attached: street birth.webm (224x400, 2.85M)

For comparison

Attached: normal birth.webm (400x400, 2.92M)

Alina Li, apparently.