Why does centrism have a negative image?

I do not understand why centrists are looked down upon. Sure, there are people that do not want to take more radical stands on some issues and that pisses people off from both sides of the political spectrum but I do believe that centrism in it's core is an attempt to take the best out of both sides of the spectrum in an effort to deliver a prosperous society.

Universal healthcare - leftist
Gun ownership of the american type - right
Banned abortions - conservative
Registered partnerships (not marriages) - liberal

Do you see where I am going with this? Every problematic is specific and needs careful evaluation and then application of your principals or just what do you think is right. I do not believe that one should categorically deal with all issues from the same ideological viewpoint just because he is a authoritarian, liberal, anarchist etc.

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People think that no subscribing to every hard line opinion of one side or the other makes you a turn coat
or atleast the outspoken minority thinks so which studies show it might just be fringe idiots who care but those people get The Medias Megaphone

There is no right wing or left wing official group. It is just a side of the political spectrum. A system of beliefs and ideology. There is no coat to turn. Same thing with liberalism and conservatism.

Centricism = No compass
No compass = nihilism
Nihilism = Downfall of civilization and humanity

Centricism = Degenerate as fuck

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As I explained, centrists have their moral beliefs and ideology as well it is simply a mix of left wing and right wing on different issues. That is why it appears on the political compass on the center.

>Centrists have no beliefs
Fake news

That isn’t how it works.

Centricism is moral objectivity gone full autism. You need to accept that being a full anarchy/libertarian is (by and large) a non sequitor of sorts.

A centrist is nothing more than a disingenuous method of being pragmatic.

What are these examples then mixed together in a single person's belief? How is that disingenous and morally objective?
Universal healthcare - leftist
Gun ownership of the american type - right
Banned abortions - conservative
Registered partnerships (not marriages) - liberal

>You need to accept that being a full anarchy/libertarian is (by and large) a non sequitor of sorts.

No, they are theoretical constructs that would result in tragedy if they were tried in practice. Both of these ideologies rely on humans to be reasonable and that is simply not how humans act in many cases. Failure will always be their fate.

Centrism is a meme. When someone told you he's "not from the right, neither the left" that mean he's not from right and certainly not in the left.

The centrists are the left-wing of the right.

>The centrists are the left-wing of the right.
That is center right.

>Centrism is a meme.
They are not. They are represented in real politics and many european countries run on a balance of left and right legislature.

Imagine being this stupid

Centrism is often confused with the compromisation and apathy of many gouvernments.

centrism is not the middle between all points, but a collection of complementing points from across the political spectrum.

>Left: Do as I tell you because the rest of us agree.
Children of the Corn-style bullshit.
>Right: Do as I tell you because those are 'the rules'.
Authoritarian bullshit.

If both sides are shit; why would I choose?

The jew hates it when you don't choose one of their cookie cutter created sides.

What if I told you that both of those lines can be swapped bettwen the left and right?

You think the North Koreans and Venezuelans do things because the majority agrees?

The point is simple, I do as I please within the confines of whatever laws of wherever I am. The more restrictions, the less I want to be there. you can have yours; as long as i can have mine. This is about 'you' and 'me'; not about 'us' and 'them'.

So, you are for a small state, I get it. I have yet to see a centrist government being heavily restrictive on multiple issues.

because the "centrist" gouverments just compromize and don't select.

Centrism isn't a political philosophy, it is by definition a position taken between two things. The opinions of centrists don't matter because they change literally every year. If you take a centrist position now and remain true to it, in a decade you'll no longer be a centrist.

>small state
Nope. I'm for 'for' anyone but me. Those days are gone. I have no desire to enforce, coerce, cajole, convince, etc. I just want to 'be'.
All countries are just theme parks anyway.

*not 'for'

Because people think centrism means "i have no strong opinions" and not "i have strong opinions from both political sides that cancel each other out and graph me in the middle of the compass"

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having a variety of views is different from the media/washington d.c. idea of "centrism." that kind of "centrism" is for the most part, not a good thing

that's also true, yes

How it is right now is better than it would be if extremists had control, regardless of their flavor. I'm a happy person, I don't need ideology to feel complete. Right now the world is better than it has ever been, and to continue forward we should use temperance and pragmatism to guide our path.

It also sort of anti-virtue signaling. Since you can think through problems rationaly instead of going to some "forefather" or religious document to find out what the precedent it.

Because centrist is code for communist faggot.

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You mean cancel each other out in the context of statistics on the compass.

Why did you tag the leaf in your reply?

Because being a centrist means you're getting spitroasted by both ideologies