Mr dawkings cant seem to put together that homosexuality is a mental illness
>why doesn't homosexuality disappear
because raping kids spreads faggotry
Reproducing is literally the whole objective of life,homosexuality goes directly against this therefore Its a mental illness. Prove me wrong
Utility is the point of life.
Animals that can survive in the long term simple get utility out of reproduction.
>imagine making it this far in life and not realizing that the act of homosex is just social hierarchies between men at play
I, too, have never looked at one of the many thousands of other species which display gay behaviours, and looked for the common trend.
>Tab A goes into Slot B
>Male plug goes into female outlet.
Damn Dawkins; how hard can it be?
>he doesn't want to slam a tight Asian boipucci
Women are for babies.
Attractive men and more attractive than attractive women.
He seems like a closet homo himself.
>looking to beast to explain man
you are degenerate
>Hurr, utility is the point of life not reproduction
Good thing your father disagreed, amirite?!?!
You’re fuckin retarded