Go to a Canadian University, be descendants of English settlers who built a civilization from nothing

>go to a Canadian University, be descendants of English settlers who built a civilization from nothing

>go get sandwich from university's said caf, get a sandwich

>Get everything that's mighty tasty, ecoli infused romaine lettuce, with bacon and cheese.


>Wants it warmed up, can't because of lack of bureaucratic electrical inspection. Literally cannot plug in a panini press

>why not use that press over there??

>They can't because sandwich has pork and isn't halal and cannot containate low iq longnose tribe's cooking area


>The working class white woman looks at me with agreement but cannot object to it

They come here and impose their rules when the going here is easy.

I can't get a ducking sandwich heated to cheesy goodness this goodgoy desires.

>Seats down and eats a cold sandwich surrounded by shitskins

Day of bacon when????

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Other urls found in this thread:


If i was in school these days i think id end up in prison for throwing bacon at muslims.

Bud nationalism when???

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Just heat your sandwich in the sandnigger press you fucking pussy. If they bitch file for discrimination charges.


typical faggot who doesnt care about nationalism until his fatass food is affected. Its too late retard

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Might I suggest sock and rock em?

Hello new friend, my advise? Don’t post in your first week.

Get fucked kafir you're in a Sharia Law country now faggot

Attached: brownpepe.jpg (1200x675, 296K)

>Reddit spacing
>phone posting
>a leaf

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I can't wait for this country to be colonized by China, India, and the middle East. The white people that allowed this deserve it. Seriously, I'm convinced Anglos are fucked in the head or something. Could have have been a white utopia up here but noooooooooo.


So the sandwhich cost $19.95? I hear in Canada at the Universities they force you to buy meal plans which doubles the price of everything on the menu to pay the cafeteria workers $50/hr

Attached: $69.90 cheese.jpg (4032x3024, 1.95M)

Stop phoneposting and add "fucking" to your dictionary leaf-faggot

You deserve it. Atone for being Canadian.

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I fell for that shit first year

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>be me
>work at a restaurant that serves beer
>hire mohammed
>he refuses to touch alcohol even though its in the fucking job description
>fetches me or someone else to do it instead

Why are they allowed to do this?

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Let's face it, this country sucks more and more every day, and the sooner there is a civil war between West & East, the better.

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There is no tripcode there

Shut the fuck up, nobody except that cock gobbler JT likes you or your rotten religion. Go get a stomach parasite and then die of AIDS.

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>English settler meme

French built Canada's civilization.

>apply for job
>ask for reasonable accommodation
>shitskin applies for job
>chimps out


>be me
>work at Mcdonalds
>new mohammed comes to work
>find out that he is on a student visa
>he refuses to touch bacon or pork products
>Pajeet manager knows he is violating his visa by working here
>Pajeet threatens to report him to the government if he doesn't do his job properly
>mohammed didn't complain after that

Get him fired.

I mean granted, he is at least working and not on welfare(presumably) but in my experiences, if employees are not willing to do certain tasks associated with jobs, then in most normal circumstances they end up fired.

lmao get fucked faggot

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I don't get the logic behind it. Pay cash, get prices on the menu. Buy meal plan, get debited 2x the amount of menu item.

>user, the food plan is a great deal, everyone should get it

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Res is bluepilled

Whered you find this trash?

>3 Muslim restaurant workers awarded $100,000 in discrimination case

>Three Muslim workers at a popular restaurant in Leslieville have been awarded almost $100,000 after a human rights tribunal found they had been forced to eat pork, mocked for speaking Bengali, frequently referred to as sh-t and threatened with replacement by “white” staff.

In an 80-page decision, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario said the owners of Le Papillon on the Park, at Eastern Ave. near Ashbridge’s Bay, “made the workplace intolerable for each of the applicants.”

>At the hearing, the Bigues testified in their defence. They said they did not force anyone to taste pork, did not use offensive language and did not threaten to fire their employees.

>Danielle Bigue also said she did not mock her former employees.

>Abdul Malik, a former employee at the restaurant, said he was very relieved the nightmare was over. “I can move on with my life,” said Malik.

>Malik and his two former co-workers, Mohammed Islam and Arif Hossain, approached the tribunal separately in early 2011 soon after they were fired or, in Islam’s case, quit. The case was eventually consolidated and heard earlier this year.

Attached: trudeau cripple.png (930x694, 1.39M)

>Paul and Danielle Bigue, owners of Le Papillon on the Park in Leslieville, seen with their son Stephane, have been ordered by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario to pay three former kitchen workers $100,000. The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

>The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

>The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

>The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

>The Bigues must take human rights training and must post a Human Rights Code card at the entrance of their restaurant and in the kitchen.

Attached: trudeau cripple 10.jpg (620x400, 68K)

I for one think the major cities should be shut off from the remainder of the country, have green belt kill zones set up in 50km perimeters outside of Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, make it legal to enter the kill zone from the city, but make it illegal to leave except by reentry to those same metropolitan hellscape entry points. Then begin offering human safaris to rich Americans & Swiss people who want to hunt the most dangerous game.

Let's face it, the only way the Chicoms would involve themselves in such a deal would be if the Canadian government disarmed the public first...something the Liberals are certainly attempting, not aware of just how much unregistered steel there is circulated amoung the Canadian public.

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haha pussy, i remeber i cut a muslims pizza with a cutter i just sliced ham and bacon with. i lied to him and told him i used a clean one

>Mohammed Islam
Imagine naming a kid "Jesus Christian"

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>those pics
I know Justin likes to play dress-up when trying to appeal to different cultural groups but this is something else

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Canadian unis in general are fucked. Almost no whites and even less non cucked white people. Fuck it, I wish I never went, I thought I'd meet decent whites but at this point I almost exclude Arabs from the non white category.

>Why are they allowed to do this?
They aren't unless someone allows it. Some asshole decided everyone can drop what they are doing, so the camel jockey can do less. For the same rate of pay. I'd fucking quit make then hire al;l goatfuckers see what happens then.

You're the faggot.

I have only put my uncircumcised penis inside of beautiful women, can you say the same?

A reminder that a Canada without Muslims would have meant there would be no Le Polytechnique Masscre, no Danforth shooting and no Jian Ghomeshi polouting the airwaves with shitty contemporary music like Arcade Fire. A Canada without Muslims would be like the country that my great grandparents all knew and loved. Now in its current state, Canada is barely worth saving and a better outcome could be had if it was instead partitioned into several countries so faggot multiculturalists could live in their crime ridden cesspits while old stock, true Canadians could maintain the integrity of stable and functional communities.

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Sure in pussyland where everyone is a fawning asshole.

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What fucking ass backwards electrical inspection or conservation are you talking about they have to unplug something like a paninni machine or toaster, like wow dog, you suck, or whatever bullshit school you go to, never have i heard of this

You're just as bad as him you stupid faggot.

>claims to be a proud canadian
>wont show his flag
wew you faggot cuck

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Meh I got laid a lot from it, overall it was enjoyable. From all the girls I got it turned me very Chad. Gubs paid for most of it due to my parent's income bracket

See they don't want to work just like every other brown person they just want a fucking handout.

I'll send you a picture later if you don't believe me

Lmao you really shill everyday, every Canadian related thread. For free bahahhahaha.

That one's going into my Aushcwitszowisz collection.

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>hire mohammed
Thats where you fucked up

Bring your shit out to real Canada your getting stabbed on site.

oh shit we got a keyboard warrior tough guy

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>white Canadians are starting to having moments of silent agreement
It's not too late, itt is time.

Rich enough to afford a sandwich but not a panini maker?

>be French
>do nothing for 200 years
>Only have two decent cities
>one, Montreal was built by the English
>two, Quebec, hasn’t developed since 1759 and barely has four story buildings

Much contribution

Where did I mention that I was a proud Canadian?

I am a Western Separatist and have been since I visited Ottawa about 20 years ago.

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Learn how to speak properly you fucking leaf. I can't even read your gay post.

What I noticed is Canada tends to get the highest IQ shitskins, so there's a lot of educated ones here. But their children regress towards their people's mean. So they tend to be stupid AF brain dead idiots.


This is the mating call for the second generation of Trudeau's guests. Oddly enough it's a mix of a Californian accent with a slight accent of a pajeet/Arab/mystery meat

Enjoy those chinks then eh

Google 'Canada Human Rights Tribunals'. They are mini tribunals where some leftist SJW "judge" meets you in a small office room. The defendands are always straight Christian Whites and the defendants shitskins or LGBTQ freaks whose testimony is taken as fact while the whites are ignored. Judgements are anywhere from $10K to $500K.

It's always some allegation that whitey was a racist bigot and they always lose.

>Virtually branded a racist, small landlord John Alabi loses at every turn.

>The Divisional Court has just refused to overturn the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario decision ordering him to pay an astounding $12,000 for violating the religious rights of his Muslim tenants.

>Despite his denials, the tribunal found he harassed the couple by not removing his shoes and failing to accommodate their prayer times when trying to arrange showings for prospective tenants.

>Now he’s not only on the hook for the original $12,000 award but because he lost at Divisional Court, the Nigerian-born small landlord must pay their side’s $5,000 in legal costs as well.

>Fighting back tears in the halls of Osgoode, Alabi was trying to remain philosophical.

>“I lost my son, I lost my family of 25 years. What more? I’m still alive.” he shrugged.

>“It’s not as bad as losing a son, believe me.”

lmao even nigerians get cucked. this guy got fucked royally, he bought a small house and rented it out to some muzzies because if he didn't they can sue him at the tribunal. then he had financial difficulties and had to sell the house. they made a claim that he refused to take his shoes off when showing the home to potential buyers, he said he only showed it to 2 and did take his shoes off. got called a racist, islamophobe and fined $12,000

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Fuck their halal beliefs!
Grill your damn sandwich.

Thū bist æn amerifat, thu gā gan thin fūcian, giuthenluvere

If you don't understand that learn real English

I like the muzzies more than the anglos desu

>unregistered steel there is circulated amoung the Canadian public
That's refreshing. Maybe y'all can kill your communist traitors someday too.

I'm not kidding you I went to the elementary school that was a block away from the Danforth shooting

>I almost exclude Arabs from the non white category

>John Alabi
he is a nigerian immigrant

I'd make him scrub the toilet and do the shittiest job possible with a bare minimum of 10 hours a week until he quits.
>t. business owner

Because anglos are cucks and a disgrace to their white status while muzzies are doing a better job of it

The Canadian Census excludes Arabs and Pajeets from the non-white category already.

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Yeah but he's not a Muslim, Muzzies always win

SJW hierarchy
1) Muslims
2) Shitskins
4) Women
5) Straight White Men

I'm studying for finals, I don't have time. Plus the meals are kinda free for me

nobody cares.
go fuck your mad cow.

>Mohammed Islam
>Jesus Christian
you forgot Satan Judaism

Figure it out. (Then kill yourself, namefag)

Show your flag

Someone please explain this meal plan to me


I know her irl, and I literally said the same thing bud

Canada could easily have the greatest quality of life in the whole, EASILY. This is such a rich country in natural resources, but yet, it's completely fucked up because of the greed, and sheer stupidity of boomer Anglo-Cucks (primarily), faggots, feminists, and lefties.

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Whole world.


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So basically you $2375 for $1160 worth of food.

>The fine print: Federal and Provincial tax legislation prohibits the use of tax-exempt meal plan funds by individuals who are not qualified to receive these benefits. Only the WatCard holder may purchase meals. WatCard holders purchasing more than one meal at a time will be charged appropriate taxes on the meal with the lower value. All applicable discounts will be applied before taxes. Each transaction the cashier will examine the photo on the WatCard to ensure that the person making the purchase is the WatCard holder. In all cases where the cashier suspects that somebody is using a WatCard other than the cardholder, the cashier must keep the card and prevent its use. The WatCard will be forwarded to the WatCard Office within four hours where it can be picked up by the proper cardholder at that time, or the next business day. Fraudulent use of WatCard funds to purchase food for other people may result in loss of all discount and tax exemption privileges. The security of a WatCard remains the cardholder’s responsibility. WatCards should be treated like a credit or debit card. If a WatCard is lost or stolen the cardholder is responsible for all charges made to that card until the card is reported lost or stolen. A WatCard can be reported lost or stolen at any WatCard cash register on campus, at the WatCard Office, or online at the WatCard homepage. All WatCards are the property of the University of Waterloo.

Attached: canada meal plan.png (1606x984, 231K)

They're conflating things but it's not an outright lie. Mine wasn't double the price but girlfriend's University has cafs where they actually do this.

But the cheese thing is so fucking true, one small slice of cheese is extremely expensive if you get it at an restaurant. This is because the Canadian dairy board, look this up if you're interested.

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>Canadian dairy board
You mean the Cheesa Nostra

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The Ouef Outfit

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There are barely any Asians in my community. Journey an hour South and East and that does change however.

According to Stats Can, in 2016 there are more immigrants who have moved here to my particular district from Germany then there are immigrants who moved from the entire continent of Africa. More immigrant Germans than immigrant Chinese as well, including those who are from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

My community is mostly Euro Canadian in heritage, followed by First Nations People, and a few Asians including some Tibetan's. I actually get along really well with Natives. As for the Chinese, some of them are incredibly sensible and very anti-Communist in my experiences. There are actually a lot of Kuomintang supporters in BC. It is the fifth columnists communist party stooges that people should be concerned about.

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The Beef Barrons

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The modern iteration of the leaf flag sucks. I prefer the Totenkopf/Jolly Roger

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>Day of bacon when????

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Careful, if the federal government catches wind of this lack of diversity they'll be planting it with """refugees""" asap

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Happy Hannukah newfag

I'm down to street sweep through little Italy with you brother.

Their pasta will never be the same again

The Milk Mafia

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The Sausage Syndicate

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Chances are you are from Ontario, at least based on your overall hostility to the notion of Western Separation.

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you are ating at SULTANS you fucking nigger. this is a BROWN establishment. we serve HALAL FOOD here to NON WHITE DOGS!!!!!

Nigger I've been on Jow Forums since 2010

Always been HHH ancap before it was a meme lol

wh*toid dogs"

canadian in name only

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Everyone outside the GTA hates the GTA, and they hate non whites, cottage country Ontarians wishes to join this separatism

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