Where is the best place to buy a fake diploma in the UK?
I don't need it for work or anything, it's merely to keep family at bay for a year whilst I finish my degree. Was supposed to graduate this year but had to take a year off and for some reason I kept lying to them.
Telling them the truth isn't an option, I know exactly what the diploma and transcript should look like but don't have the capability to print them properly or know how to design them.
>there was a miscommunication with my advisor, I need another class for my degree. ain't that some bullshit?
Logan Phillips
Wait, they want the diploma as proof? Not attending to your graduation and helping out with the party, they just want the paper? You got weird parents.
Ethan Smith
I can see why you haven't graduated.
Matthew Rogers
Probably somewhere on tor
Easton Lopez
Jaxon Kelly
You can literally just google them. You also need a raised seal so you cant print it out yourself.
Adam Thompson
Doesn't work like that in the UK
Not attending graduation as I'm moving away
Thanks for the input friend!
I've found copies of the one from my uni, but it would be difficult for me to re-create without having access to a physical copy not to mention I don't have the capability of printing a legitimate looking one myself.