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Why can't Slavic countries get along?
Camden Allen
Ryder Martinez
Because culture > ethnicity
Bentley White
Robert Hernandez
Because slavs are not white. They live in 3rd world countries. The best they could do.
Isaiah Ramirez
>Because slavs are not white.
Nice bait
Camden Martinez
it's true.
Isaiah Hall
Easton Russell
can confirm, not a single white person around me
Justin Robinson
slavs aren't an ethnicity it's a language group. it's like asking why semites don't get along
Aiden Jones
Unironically jews
Adrian Lopez
If by white you mean being in the same group as: mutts, swecucks, frogs, bongs, krauts then yeah, we're not fucking white
Jordan Morris
Seconded, all I see is 3rd world slav brothers and sisters.
Tyler Moore
We’re too busy killing each other from time to time
Austin Parker
Slavs are 2nd world imo
Brandon Campbell
We do get along,we love each other,its the paid politicans and puppets serving globalists and EU and constantly getting conquered by someone that divides us
Dominic Ward
100% this. can confirm. been neighbors with them for thousands of years.
Blake Nelson
Collectivism. It implies centralization of power. What follows is inherent unequal treatment of regions by rulers, fostering differences that lead to or worsens friction between populaces.
The same thing happens in China in a worse scale, here in my country, and many other places.
Wyatt Martinez
Jayden Gutierrez
serbs and russians
Luke Gutierrez
imagine living next to the eternal destroyer of Europe though
Luis Murphy
pic related
Leo James
fucking ungrateful fuck
Christopher Turner
Because Slovaks are half-Hungarian, half-gipsi subhumans and Poles are fraudibg kurwas.
Hudson Morgan
>Poland has a plan to dump all the european jews in Madagascar
>France on board, Bongs on board
>Send a dude to find out dumping grounds
>Dude nearly done
>Some autistic, one balled, vegetarian, drug addicted, niece fucking austrian autists start yet another episode of kraut destruction
>Half of the continent in commie hands, Israel exists and jews have political immunity, marxism infiltrated everything, nationalism is a taboo
Thanks germany
Blake Myers
Landon Morris
Sry bro but poland guy is woke as fuck,truth is rulers and western capitalists were always afraid of Slavic union,because it would put an end to their hegemony,as Slavs are the most Christian people out there,kicking the shit out of LGBT and other western degeneracy.Also we could single handedly millitarily defend ourselves from the EU totalitarianism.Our manufacturing would be unmatched.Thats why throughout history we were always divided and Russia demonized being the mother of all Slavs.Its just the way it is
Easton Miller
Not to mention who stopped and saved Europe from Islam.Was it France,Germany,UK ? Give me a break
Aaron Perez
Andrew Jenkins
Brayden Williams
No one is idolizing the war with Poland or the Soviet alliance. The modern followers idolize the idea of a white fighting force fighting for white values, ideals and a white place in this shitskin ridden world.
>inb4 posting black Wehrmacht soldiers
Jack Peterson
>plunges half of europe into communism and poverty
>kills 10,000,000 white men
saviors of europe. good thing that you folks purged europe from the jews, it's very nice and non-degenerate now. getting whiter by the hour, too.
>inb4 56% meme
yes, thanks to you sending anything nationalism related into disrepute for 80 years
Jonathan Peterson
btw you can actually report krauts posting here for being hateful and their government will absolutely imprison them where they'll get buttfucked by Jamals and Abduls for decades :^)
Aiden Powell
>real german nazism wasn't tried before
that's how you sound. you can't pick and choose.
Liam Allen
never happened; should really happen this time
ftfy, kikes
Grayson Lopez
sounds like winning to me!
Hudson Fisher
>0% in southern texas
Jason Garcia
Germany allied with Japan to team up to fight their mutual enemy, the Russians.
Elijah White
two Slavic countries have delusions of grandeur that make it impossible to get along with each other (hint: Russia isn't one of them)
Anthony Butler
I get your point, but it represents a template to be used in the future(hopefully). It's easy to look at the bad stuff, but we need to take the good stuff and make it better.
Robert Price
Leo Carter
>Slavs are the most Christian people out there,kicking the shit out of LGBT and other western degeneracy
How characteristic of you to limit degeneracy to LGBT
LGBT is only 3% of population and it has little effect whatsoever on the rest of the country
If you had any leftovers of honesty in you, then you would notice that Slavs have more abortions, divorces, porn stars, promiscuity levels than even some Western states
But you're just comfortable telling yourself bullshit about slavic traditionalism. Insightful people will call out your hypocrisy soon, like Nietzsche once did
John Adams
>Slavs have more abortions, divorces, porn stars, promiscuity levels
Poland has some of the lowest abortion and divorce rates not only in Europe, but the world.
Blake Mitchell
Abortion rate - maybe. Divorces - not really
But the rest of Slavs are more degenerate than Western Europe. Slavs lie to themselves about their traditionalism because they take a narrow definition of degeneracy as being just anti-LGBT
Even pornstars can be anti-LGBT
Easton Hughes
>Abortion rate - maybe. Divorces - not really
Kevin Gomez
poland is eternally butthurt about Russia, which is the only slavic country to be relevant on a world stage, fucking retarded butthurt poles
slovakia are eu cocksuckers, no real identity, a meme country full of gypsies and leftits
hungary are the first immigrants, a bunch of mongoloid slavshits whos hatred for others is only overshined by the hatred of darkskins
czechs are retarded german wannabees and the biggest degenerates in europe, pic related
rest of slavs isnt worth talking about, Russia doesnt even consider itself slavic anymore, and I dont blame them
kys mutt
Caleb Watson
I don't trust these bullshit maps
Matthew Myers
Slavs are not white .We are second world tier countries .Closest thing to whites in Balkan are Dinaroids
Angel Collins
retard poleshit
Zachary Sullivan
pretty much this.
the worst Slavs are the Burglar-ians, they are the least white and least human of all Balkans.
Being Bulgarian is like being given a curse from God.
A backwards weak race, with adopted language, customs, culture, traditions and without history. A people who are helpless in the face of nationalism and West-European civilization. Weak economy, weak army, weak nation, the shameless Turk stands without clothes and ready to accept help for his mongrel nation from the master-races, Romanians, Serbians, Greeks, and other master-races, civilized, Germanic, advanced. Oh how I curse God that I was born a dirty, small, disgusting Bulgarian peon.
With stolen dual histories, one from the pathetic Ottoman slaves, farmers, whores, and thieves and another from the lowest scum of the Romanian masters of the Balkans, I can barely stand at all to say I am cursed to be Bulgarian, and I hate my land from the very first moment.
Bulgaria can't be saved, may it be forever forgotten.
Leo Martin
Balkan servs no purpose at all .Fuck all our lives
Jackson Adams
your self awereness is truly impressive, hats off for real, well it served as one purpose, to be a shield againts the muslim invasion, fucked you all up good
Noah Collins
The source is in the lower right of the image
It could be lower, but for developed nations Poland is doing pretty good.
Lincoln White
>this level of delusion and projection
David Torres
based and redpilled
Elijah Evans
Yes, Slavs are 2nd world. We don't have the virtues of 1st world but also the vices of 3rd world like excessive violence, though former Soviet Union is fighting to get to African/Brazil tier
Jason Carter
The decline in the West is happening beacuse of the decline of RELIGION.
Prove me wrong. Pro-tip, you can't
Evan Diaz
No its because of capitalism and individualistic ideology.
Caleb Mitchell
The shit thing about it ,in Yugoslavia we saw the potential that the Turks took away from us early on.
Alexander Johnson
Oliver Foster
>though former Soviet Union is fighting to get to African/Brazil tier
Retard poleshit once again, can you ever drop the russian butthurt or is that literally your nourishment at this point?
I really cant, except its important to point out its not because of the absence of some sky daddy but because of the absence of a strong herding hand disguisted as an institution
Zachary Jenkins
thank you for it.
Carol I did nothing wrong.
Parker Ward
This also, but religion is still a big part of it
Lucas Jenkins
you really did, but the west sold you out, the fucking anglos man, raped your people genetically forever, your countries and everything, just so they could make profit themselves, fuck the westerncucks bro
Isaac Ortiz
You what? Slavs are individualist as fuck. Hermit lifestyle is considered the best by everyone. Pretty much like finns, shouting to each other from other side of forest.
Hudson Anderson
>and individualistic ideology.
Yes. You should pay 70% taxes to feel you belong to a community you stupid fucking romanian trash
Chase Davis
>Carol I did nothing wrong.
Just end yourself monarchist scum.
No religion would not be needed if we would have a collectivist mindset and would agree to sacrifice our immediate pleasure for greater things.
Ryan Edwards
The subhumanism in Slavic world is the fact that we have shitone of crime related problems .Romanians ,your nation and us if you consider us slavs are the ones that are commiting crimes .Our governments havent find a way to channel our fighting spirit as it ends up in crime related incidents
Caleb Rodriguez
Ask your gramps how his slaves used to get along
Nolan Allen
>said the retard who helped the ottomans and later starded WW1 and later try to invade neighbor countries and now God knows what is thinking
Blake Powell
>Yes. You should pay 70% taxes to feel you belong to a community you stupid fucking romanian trash
I would gladly pay 70% taxes if I know that all my ethnic romanian bothers and sister will be given a fair chance at life and good healthcare and schools.
Alexander Price
shut the fuck up mohammed, why is my flag up there with you niggers?
Adrian Russell
>cause culture > ethnicity
Russians have no culture. Is that why they are so based ethno-nationalists?
Croatia and Poland?
Julian Hill
I would say Slavs are more anarchistic and passive, while Celto-Germanics are more coordinated and expansive
Celto-Germanics are more prone to official moral relativism while Slavs don't openly promote moral transgression like abortion or LGBT but in practice they do moral transgressions
Slavs are also more oriented around basic concepts like homeland, courage, tough character while Celto-Germanics aren't as crude and rigid
Brandon Clark
Ok go hang out with your own niggers
Carter Martinez
das rite, no shoo shoo you sour grapes pussy, all of your nordic friends hate you lmao
Kayden Perry
You're a corrupt country and you still trust in giving money to fucking bureaucrats
Michael Harris
>all of your nordic friends hate you lmao
Not really. Slavs can't into sarcastic banter. That's why you always fight
Carson Garcia
Yes .british policy of not allowing any country in the Balkans to rise .Even though the core of Yugoslavia was Strong Yugoslavia weak Serbia ,the life was still decent .Brits created the Yugoslavia ,and they were the ones that took it down .But only the Serbs saw the long term problem that destroyed Yugoslavia would posses .Everyone else wanted independence .So fuck them all
Jonathan Harris
>it's a language group
Kill yourself, leftist leaf shitposter. Slav is both an ethnicity and a language group. An ethno-linguistic group. All slavic people share the same close ancestry and are divided into western, southern and eastern slavs.
There are no other ways for slavs to describe slav ethnicity. You are slav, and you are either western, eastern or southern slav.
Nationality, on the other hand, is not an ethnos. There is no Ukrainian ethnos, no Belorusian ethnos, not even a Russian ethnos, its all eastern slavs that are too closely related that you will never be able to tell them apart. Its pretty much the same with western slavs, although there are more differences between them due to much greater mixing with other European people that are ethnically non-slav.
Josiah Brown
Slavic countries are Jow Forums on Earth. We are only one who lives by Jow Forums standard. We don't get along with anyone, everyone else is responsible for our failures. Rest is not slavic /white/ enough, or they follow some idiotic courses, so in general everything is awesome.
So we live in a world as it was, as should be, and as it will be.
Justin Foster
I dont really care for low test banter when I can just smash your head in with a rock and ooga booga my way out of prison
Eli Morris
Why not if things will improve for all my ethnic romanians I dont mind if the leaders mooch a bit from the money and develop the nation.
Blake Collins
>Russians have no culture
Russians simply view themselves as Slavs, they don't see themselves as a culture. They even had an ideological movement like Slavophilia
Jace Miller
Because they’re subhuman
Luis Green
If this if that. We had religion and we still have it widespread. Codreanu teachings would take time to be swallowed by the public but religion is present in basically everyones life.
Joseph Campbell
because you can't make me
Camden Gonzalez
Why did you stole the Philippines flag you polish retard?
Brayden Russell
thanks for acknowledging him.
wished he lived in WW2 to become leader like Pavelic did.
Isaac Young
But it's just common sense. Those politicians are robbing you off your money to spend it on expensive holidays, drugs and prostitutes
Connor Gray
But Christian religion is foreign to our core culture and if truly followed to its core would mean a borderless war and mixed people.
Kayden Green
Slavs are not known for originality.
Nathan Parker
kek spaghetti nigger btfo
Evan Martinez
And I wouldnt mind it if they would develop the nation too, corruption will always exist the question is how much we lose because of it.
Dominic Ross
Because survival of the gibs
Chase Robinson
rather be on welfare than occupied by the US for 80 years lmao
Nathan Phillips
Fair point, but I wasn't talking about following the Bible to the T. We were Christians before and we sticked to our own, it was some sort of Christian Nationalism beacuse we mixed our native pagan traditions with Christianity.
I get that paganism would possibly be the best way in a perfect world, but we don't live in a perfect world and I personally doubt that many people would become pagan in this day and age
Ryder Peterson
Why would you want to be ruled by ever newer offices... Money always gets lost in bureaucracy, you really don't know how the world works
Gabriel Sullivan
I dont have a problem with Christianity, heck because of it we kept our culture and people alive but we need to reform it to take in consideration the ethnic aspect, other than that I dont have an issue with it.
And where did I say anything about bureaucracy? I just want my people to have better lives and I am okay with paying higher taxes if everyone of them will get more in life.If the politicians will steal some money, this will happen in all political specters, then so be it but it must not be too much to affect the development of the nation.
Nolan Russell
American bases soon coming near your area!
Poland is already paying them.
Aaron Clark
We can get along, but first we should banish fake (((slavic))) nations who come not from original slavic tribes, but from austrian ass