What does pol think about this? Are you not human?

What does pol think about this? Are you not human?

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Get raped.

>Non-lethal gas is a war crime
We gas our own in the streets the same way, it only gets worse if you make it in.

>us intervention made South America a socialist shit hole

Can't be part of the gang if you can't pass initiation.
All America offers is a test. Can't pass it? Tough rocks, pal.

if only

rodrigostarz has to go back

> Trying to sway men with emotion
It's over, dumbasses. You've abused it too much over the last 40 years. The bill is due.

womp womp

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I wish we were committing warcrimes at the border. I'd be here reading the same stories, but at least it would be honest journalism.

>Just let children under age of 10 enter
>No one else
Good enough?

>Are you not human?
Nah dude I'm an incel

That's a line of Mexican police, bucko.

You know someone has to be on the other side of that camera taking pictures. They're standing in there with all these people taking in their sad pictures so they can post them for news bait.

I think these idiots cant comprehend that anyone who shares that photo to shame or bring emotion out of anyone is more of a monster than anyone not wanting them to invade our borders.

No fuck you

sure we have borders and law, but throw that out the window because a kid is crying

Yes let’s just let in a bunch of uneducated South Americans into our in debt country. It’s also not like it cost us money to process them and send them back.

they keep trying to pass mexican police as American police.

are people really this retarded?

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Lol they address this in the post

It pisses me off that they used tear gas. They should have used bullets. Fuck these invading animals

>international war crime
>USA intervention caused destabilization

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