For whom the coal-burn tolls

I predict a massive influx of this as the cultural zeitgeist changes to ridicule these women, probably in the next 10 years when gen Z fully matures.
Mudsharks in ages past had enough family resources and boomers willing to help them and reaffirm that their ooga baby is a strength.
Any new mudsharks are going to be hit with the hard truth by other zoomers that they are not only fucked for life in terms of finding a decent man, but that they will also be the object of permanent ridicule, as a living meme.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>toll paid

Yeah the decline was just magically reverse itself

she probably discovered Jow Forums

toll paid in full.

Based and redpilled


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The wages of sin are death.

Roasties getting toasties is my favorite thing tbqh fampai

I'm actually surprised at the level of self-awareness among these niggers. Maybe they're so sensitive to criticism because they perceive themselves more accurately than I thought, whereas I thought they were the prime example of Dunning-Kruger

Are these all troll accounts?
>Well Deshaun didn't work out try his cousin Daquan because you ain't got a snowball's chance in hell with Trent.
Or do black women really rag on their own people's naming sense?

She did the world a favor it seems.

It is a good call to avoid a woman who has been with a member of the swarth.

Would you really want to have a relationship with a woman who

>has low self esteem
>hates her family
>has no morals
>has no sense of self
>does not have a sense of her future

I guess there's no reason they can't make jokes about themselves. They don't have to live in the PC straitjacket like you and me

Unusually high quality post from the leaf

dem queens laying some harsh truths on silly libgirl

Compensation has been made, toll is no longer due


>dad left during pregnancy
>craczy childless cat aunt to the rescue
>obama president
>x99 happy emoticons
the memes write themselves.


Dating a woman who fucked a black guy is the same as knowing the woman has sex with a dog

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Think of it - you and your family are in a shitty situation. You know it. You can be sarcastic about it, and be real about it.

Would you like to hear all about how shitty your situation is, and how it is all your fault? FROM PEOPLE THAT YOU PERCEIVE AS THE ONES THAT PUT YOU IN THIS SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE? ( yes, I know that the original slave owners were mostly Anglo and Scot descent + some jews, while most white today are German Irish. They don't care about it, much like you don't care that Obama is from Eastern Africa and not Western Africa)


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based kweens

Reminder that dating a single mother with another man's 100% Aryan baby is still grounds for ridicule.
I know several "men" who were desperate enough to care for another man's leavings, and in every case the woman gets fat and refuses to put out after marriage.
Also, investing time & resources towards raising another man's child is L I T E R A L L Y the biological definition of cuckolding.

Attached: Order-cuckoldry-ca1815-French-satire.jpg (807x541, 296K)

So it's not only we who refer to getting cucked as having horns put upon you.

A lot of stupid whores would lie in this situation to see what your reaction is going to be.

Oh no, they don't live in a PC straightjacket. Storytime
>be me, in highschool
>there wasn't any schoolwork during this period so the class was just shooting the shit while I read a novel and tried to ignore it
>there's this kind of round-table discussion going on about how black people love to party. This black girl's talking about "We have house parties, block parties, gettin'-out-of-jail parties. Labor Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, we have a party on erry holiday."
>I think to myself, "Well, except Father's Day, obviously. Heh."
>the room goes dead silent, and I look up to realize I just said that shit out loud.
>the white kids are staring at me in horror, but the black kids...they bust out laughing. I cracked 'em the fuck up. Their sides, at least, I had sent back to Africa.
>One black goes "Many, dat's funny. Dat shit right, there, man...*don't you do that again*. But dis time, dat shit was funny, mang."
>the original black girl goes "And he cute, tho".

...I made the last line up, but the story is otherwise legit.

When I found out my 1st wife hooked up with a black man in her teens, I kicked her out and divorced her. Shes homeless now and works the streets.

Italians do it also


I believe you, user

How much?

But women fucking blacks isn't sexy at all

looooooooooold hard

>t.Canadian in London

Mexico too. Shit's universal, fucking Moloch I'm telling you.

kek based.

>It's 2018
>Why is bestiality still disgusting?

>Would you like to hear all about how shitty your situation is, and how it is all your fault? FROM PEOPLE THAT YOU PERCEIVE AS THE ONES THAT PUT YOU IN THIS SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE?
If I was emotionally weak, would I want someone to tell me the truth? No I probably wouldn't.

>el venado el venado!

Someone post the picture of the kid looking at the Muslim with the huge sword as the hippy prances about.
This thread is literally that

Ex dated a black guy, but freaked and lett when he tried introducing her to his parents. She told me way into our relationship, never really bothered me as he didn’t seem to leave an impression, and her fetish was obviously blonde white guys based on the rest of her relationship history. She was not ethnically Norwegian herself though(adopted)might have bothered me more if she was white?

Based as fuck

The last reply is absolutely brutal level of banter from a negress.

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Same here.


I expected all the other neo-latin languages but not German.

>you aint got a snowball's chance in hell with Trent

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It's worse IMO.

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Not wrong either. I wouldn't date a black woman, but I'd consider it before I'd consider a white woman with a black kid.

I speak German but what's the word or phrase for that?

>Hoop earrings
>Applies makeup with a shovel
>Shiny clothing

She's really go the whole "I like to fuck niggers" look down pat.

anyone else read 'oops' not cops...

If she did anal, remember his bacteria will forever stay in her gastrointestinal system which will affect her hormones -> behavior -> thoughts.
>She is now part-Nigger.

I prefer this modified template.

Attached: Treadway.png (1182x1876, 247K)

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As much as I despise coal-burners,I find it amusing that the general consensus on Jow Forums seems to be that white woman are disloyal,coal-burning roasties when in fact EVERY single piece of data regarding racial dating preferences posted here tells us they are infact more racially "loyal" than white men.

What do we do with the white-male roastie problem Jow Forums?

Because it’s true. I’m not looking for black chicks but I would definitely date a childless one over some over the hill white bitch with a mutt child. The child isn’t even the biggest problem here, it’s the fact that you had a kid out of wedlock with a person who is statiscally more likely to murder you than propose marriage. But most white girls think stats are racist so they don’t want to hear that they made a life ruining decision and THATS the real reason why no self respecting man regardless of race wants to pick up her slack.

>t. roastie

Single mother spotted

>I'm beginning to notice a lot of (((white women))) with half-black kids try to accuse white men of being racist and guilt trip them for not wanting to date them.
>Fact is, the average white man would rather date and have kids with my black ass than date a (((white woman))) who had a child by a black man.
>I bet that really eat away at Becky's soul.
dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dare i say "dats da troof", nigs gonna nog, 3 black thumbs down.

That data is on marriage rates and dating site preferences though
If data existed on number of sex partners and their race I'd imagine white women being more degenerate than men

Those see two of the least ugly mixed kids I've seen.
And she still did it.

Nice arguments you dumb niggers

Haven’t seen her in 2 years. So that doesn’t really bother me..

>arguing with single mothers

You have a crying mutt child to feed Christine.

Pussy grabs back -> coal burner burns black

>Talk about a serious question
So she knows the ramifications of what she did.
They'll also lie if they predict you'll have a negative reaction.

FFS they accuse people of rape because they're late for work.

>Everyone I don't like is a single mother
You are a dumb nigger

2 brutal
2 true

Im the type of guy that would love to raise a child and be with a women and stick by us at any downs and ups in life.

Women are spoiled want a half million dollar house a and they want me to take care of their fucking kids because some chad ass fuck left them bitch i work really fucking hard to build a savings to take care of your stupid mistakes.

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Fucking Savages!

And as long as you keep crying on the floor waiting for whitey to pick you up you'll stay in the shit forever. Good plan.
Jesus, with affirmative action and all this anti whitey racism and PC horseshit all you have to do is not be complete shit and they can't even pull that off

>Towson MD

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Top bantz you disgusting mongrels.

I would respect the ones who fuck their dogs more. It's a cultural thing in Canada.

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Black women hate it when Black men sleep with White Women almost as much as White men do.

I call that a hole in one.

Gonna dump my collection.

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>after getting vaginally ravaged by tyree and the shitspawn deshawn
>still smoking hot

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It's true. If only they were traditional as well. But that's no excuse for getting a riceball instead. Yeah, maybe your riceball is a traditional, loving wife that's easy on the eyes but she will create 0 white children.


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can we ddos this site or is that illegal now