Testing... testing... 1 2
Hello? Do I have your attention?

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What does that actually mean though?

Facebook should actually be given to niggers in recognition of everything they've done for this great country.

wait. what? so, the number of minorities employed by a business should be directly proportional to the number of minorities served by the business.

Oh lets codify this into law right now. I'm going to be a white lineman in the NFL boys.

Dont we all, am i right?



what's the crime rate of black fb employees?

Why doesn't Facebook hire proportional representation for illegal immigrants?

>not enough niggers at FB!
>nigger quits

Blacks really aren't that great at math.

Pick one

And once again, the left eats its own.


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>Testing... testing... 1 2
>Hello? Do I have your attention?
Nope. I don't care that James Earl Ray's fingerprints weren't on the rifle that killed MLK. I don't even care that he asked for a retrial citing coercion and was denied it by the liberal government that killed MLK.

>Facebook should actually be given to niggers
the government already seized them

Just check the sex harassment stats and subtract pajeets

>I have a chip on my shoulder and every time I am asked to stay late or work on a project I interpret it as racism
>facebook only hires people that look dress and talk like white anglo Protestants (while you can be any race, you still ahve to dress and talk like the normal culture. i.e. you made it through college English)) like every successful company for the best 40 years
>facebook should hire thugged out niggas who send Ebonics emails to ad clients instead of black men in suits

What was his job? Regional director? Lead technical engineer? Vice president?

He could've been a fucking cleaner or receptionist.

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

Ahm. and the final thing I'd like to say to all senators that came here tonight

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>facebook only hires people that look dress and talk like white anglo Protestants
Facebook only hires autists, it's why their UX is so epically shit. It's kind of incredible cos they all hate each other and fester in a constant passive-aggressive ambiance.

Yes, this is a HUGE problem. A giant platform such as Facebook should be a BEACON of diversity. This MUST be remedied before the end of 2019!

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I doubt that is true for their sales men

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They hired Nick Clegg as a sales man. That speaks volumes on how "with it" they are.

>black employees are not representative of black userbase
well duh, they are employed after all

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>representative of Facebook's black users
That would be fucking awful

What's the matter berger, can't stand the sight of a strong black women in tech?

"Guy who shows up late every day and makes fun of you for putting mayonnaise on your sandwich"

Kek. Do this. And anyone who continues using FB post-transference will forever be an honorary nigger, and will be regarded as such.

I want to be a non-jew member of the national media.

>strategic partner manager for global influencers focused on underrepresented voices
Affirmative action position.

(((global influencers)))

Friendly reminder: The only reason this is happening, is that the Facebook COO played ball with the Trump political campaign, in order to get some money, and frankly experience in king making for future election campaigns.

Helping Trump is the primordial sin. It's the one thing that aligns everyone's compasses. Facebook will never be able to whitewash this complicity, so Zuck might as well switch over right now and bend the knee, because it is only going to get worse.

It means:
>I am totally incompetent and will use my skin color plus white retardation to get gibs all my life.
Wow, such culture. Aren't black people wonderful? I hope they are never all sent back to Africa!

Asians know to never relax, even at work.
>On a personal note, at least two or three times a day, every day, a colleague at MPK [Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park] will look directly at me and tap or hold their wallet or shove their hands down their pocket to clutch it tightly until I pass. The frequency is even higher when walking through Classic campus or Building 20.

Around January or February, companies release diversity reports or some shit revealing how diverse their workforce is. Large "tech" companies such as Facebook Apple Google are something like 95% either white male or asian. Apple has a dedicated mini-site with real time statistics of POC hires: apple.com/diversity/

Many predominately white businesses and organizations go overboard with window dressing like adding black emojis like Apple and Twitter did and going after other whites who are racially insensitive (see Netflix and Papa John's high profile firings).

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the world has a nigger problem lol facebook just proves how bad of a problem it really is

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Gee. It's almost like nogs generally do not have high enough IQs to become programmers.

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Link should have been in the OP. Along with an archived link. As if this shit was worthy of archiving. Or even being posted here in the first place. Faggot. Sage.

>Stare at every white person they pass
>Some notice and act uncomfortably at stranger eyeing them
>Fucking wypipo hate me.


>“In some buildings, there are more ‘Black Lives Matter’ posters than there are actual black people."


I think It's part of a more general black People don't learn useful skills outside of the metric system and basic sales.

I mean Why hire somebody if they're not qualified for the job.

>gibs money racist

>I think It's part of a more general black People don't learn useful skills outside of the metric system and basic sales.

Apple only has high diversity numbers because it owns retail stores which employ many a basketball american: >apple.com/diversity/

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Didn't these niggers watch the Facebook movie? No way in hell they will pass that coding competition. Do these tribesmen think computers run breath stank and coco butter?

I love that every single group hates facebook

Oh, God. THIS.
>be clearly going to be the first to arrive at a checkout
>see a black woman walking up, clearly to arrive second
>she glares at me, gives me kill whitey look
>I slow my pace and check my phone
>She arrives first, buys her shit
>As she walks away she sneers at me and juts her chin out high
>I resist the urge to trip her trashy ass

I got tired of this sort of thing happening. Now I just don’t look at them at all, ignore them if I bump into them, and hope the door slams in their flat faces behind me because I am not holding that fucker open for them. There is no way to win with them. Why be nice? It just makes them worse. They’re not grateful at all. Just holding the door open for them gets you a “DAS RITE” stare.

>Man at facebook claims facebook has black people problem
>Zuckerberg refers man to facebook live posts from black people
>black man at facebook shuts his mouth.
>Zuckerberg eats crickets

>says a black employee
>a white man face in the opening image

That’s a robot in the photo, user.

As it's effectively an IT company, you could hire literally every single black applicant with literally ANY IT experience or education whatsoever and they would still be woefully underrepresented.

I've have had this shit happen so fucking much lately. Mostly at fast food places. It is actually good because it keeps me out of those trashy places. Seems to be working on other whites as I have never seen a white person at a McDonald's these days.

If you thought bergbook couldn't get any worse it's about to be turned into literal WorldStar
Can't wait to see the absolute mushroom cloud of stock collapse from this one. Why did we ever let normies on the internet.

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Except Faceberg is powerful enough that it doesn't need to bend the knee and could instead just take down a bunch of others around them.

>you have to hire them because they are black and for no other reason.
Isn't that institutional racism?

Reciprocal (You) for my new diversity-hire fren.

>the government already seized them
The niggers? Is Trump actually not cucked?

>FB has a nigger problem
>america has a nigger problem

>Facebook has a black people problem.

Well just fire the fuckers.

I think the US has a black people problem in general

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Friendly reminder James Fields trial has started
>he is being scapegoated by the left and the libshit judicial system in Carolina


Spread the word, Antifa has flooded his courtroom and nobody Is there for James... well we are HERE and we can spread the truth that he was set up .


Imagine sitting in a jail cell and do some good works and spread this message.

>niggers wear Nike
>therefore a nigger should be the CEO of Nike

You think this has something to do With Zuck's feud with Soros? He accused Soros of trying to drive his stock price down and now he is being accused of being non kosher.

Blacks are a problem in general

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Facebook and their employees actively tried to influence the election through their platform you stupid faggot. Their number #1 internal memo was "how can we stop Trump".

That headline is definitely deceiving at first glance. I got overly excited

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They could easily solve that problem by making you have to pay to use Facebook

I really wish they would compare the diversity gap versus how many actually graduate from college. How the fuck can you hire representative populations when they are not even interested in schooling for it?

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Would need to demand equal representation and laugh after they collapse

clearly the zucc needs some kind of final solution to this problem


Is there a BLACKFACE BOOK like black twitter?

To own?