kek has left and meme magic is dead.
Kek has left and meme magic is dead
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how many of those in comment do you guys think are only saying it for social points and acceptance?
this dude fucks
KeK is eternal sorry senpai
You dare speak ill against LORD KEK????
Based just because bad shit happens doesn’t mean he isn’t still with us
All of them
Why though
Pick one
also my autism likes that your replies both have 35.
Kek Wills It
this dude is gonna wreck so much sentimental arthoe pussy in college I can’t even believe it
he’s investing big in the college cumrag industry, absolute mad lad
Good for him & her /shrugs
There goes the NPCs again trying desperately to kill memes
I think most of them are honest because they all boiled down to:
>gee fag, thanks for taking this one for the team
>You can't be a human
The only reasonable comment
i wonder what she looks like naked
I bet she has a killer body.
no, we've just been flipping timelines like mad.
meme magic is... alive
The way he phrase it makes it sound like he is saying that she does look bad.
Trump build wall next year checkm
Believe or not, people who look like that aren't supposed to breed. It's natural to be disgusted by looks. Not being rude, just stating facts.
Did he smash?
This guy is getting more pussy than half of Jow Forums
>Quaid, start the reactor
Both look like goblins
Imagine the things she'd do, I used to fuck fat chicks just because they put in more effort, but fuck she would make your thing spin.
He is right it is nice that the girl doesn't judge him like everyone else does...
i guess ill just delete my over 1000 pepe meme folder then
actually 1304 to be exact
Kek bless
>We're reaching virtue signalling levels we didn't know were possible.
>It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you.
The fact that this was posted with the pic of a hideous person is defacto calling them hideous. It's amazing what virtue signaling can do.
Imagine someone posting a pic of a black child, and saying "it doesn't matter how stupid or violent you are, so as long as somebody loves you."
Mine is 6431 strong although I suspect there are quite a few duplicates. Hard to keep track of what you've already downloaded at these quantities.
wow, thats insane lol. can you pls upload the whole folder pls?
>make a mega drop please.
Pepe will return with a vengeance.
I don't like the idea of uploading my reaction folders anywhere, I've been building them for so long that they almost feel personal, the way they're structured and the kinds of pics I usually save.
How would I find out which of them is #1488? Using Thunar btw.
Friendly reminder James Fields trial has started
>he is being scapegoated by the left and the libshit judicial system in Carolina
Spread the word, Antifa has flooded his courtroom and nobody Is there for James... well we are HERE and we can spread the truth that he was set up .
Imagine sitting in a jail cell and do some good works and spread this message!!!!.!.!.
easy pussy, who cares?
oh so all those are not just pepe pics then?
all off the 1304 of mine are just pepe
kek has been replaced by Christ GOML
hmmm .... I don't know. I wasn't the one who dropped her or nothing, but it's definitely fixable. Just smoosh her face upward, scrunch her conehead down and give her a breast implant and that guy is slammin' some stripper quality pussy in the back of his prius ...
good goy
Maybe a nosejob and some caps on those horse teeth too. See, all women can be beautiful.
just put a bag in her head and you're good to go
nvm, found a workaround using a text editor that counts lines. #1488
You misunderstand me. I have over 150 000 reaction pics in total. It's just that I view the larger folders as organically grown structures that reflect my thinking and how it has evolved over the years.
She grew up fast
Atleast she has a nice body. I'm afraid that their kids will be fucked up too tho
wow, yeah i understand man, my full big main folder with all folders probably has about 5 to 7k in total and i wouldent give it up i guess. Btw how old are you? im ofc just 18, and not a day younger lel
Its virtue signalling, nothing more.
kek, is that actually her?
He's in for some major head
checked for he is with us
just a joke. this is one is famous because her dad presented the Brazilian version of the reality show Trump hosted in the US, so she's always in our media, which keeps reminding us how pretty and strong and smart she is
(as you can see in the pictures, she's gone through a ton of surgeries already to try to make her less scarier)
fuck you
she has the kind of halitosis you can smell from across the room. the kind that smells like literal feces.
He is going to destroy this poor girl when he finds someone new. What an asshole.
Niggers don't know what chaos means. Stay the course and we'll win. Checked.
>how old
Around mid-20s. I lost my old reaction folders around 2011 due to hard drive failure so now I make a regular backup of the current one. Feels nice having a mostly Unix timestamped collection of what kind of content I was browsing and when, considering I've spent so much time here.
It's always a male with the deformed female. Women fuck ugly/old guys if they have money, but I've yet to see a case of one with a deformed man. Even for signalling purposes.
btw i redid the colors, felt a bit inspired
He remains.
Go back to /b you retarded fag. Saged and reported.
these colors are worse
she was kinda ok as a loli tbqh
the comments turn into random gibberish near the bottom. are you sure this is real?
Can you feel it?