This is Donald. Say something nice about him

I'll start: He's the greatest Israeli ambassador to the U.S. we've ever had.

Attached: donald.jpg (1024x683, 65K)

He triggers the shit out of you faggots and you get so mad about him
It's quite hilarious

He's a big guy

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>It's quite hilarious
Here he is superimposed over Cryus the Great! Nothing funny about that! MAGA!

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He's not Hillary or Bernie or Barack.

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A leaf mad about Trump? How surprising

Oh gosh
Shucky darn
I guess Trump won't gas the Jews after all

I like that he is the reason these boards are not filled with bullshit like: Hillary is going to die any minute now, and how the FBI is secretly investigating the Clinton foundation.

I love this defense by trumptards, after realizing that trump has been completely ineffectual and a lackey for Israel+us neocons they resort to “le ebin troll”


he is very thankful for all the great work he has been doing LOL

*beep beep*
Coming through

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Watching the kike tactics turn into calling him a kike is hilarious.

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TRUMP 2020

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I honestly think at this point Trumptards are funner to troll. You guys get way more butthurt and spazzy when you hear a differing opinion.

Shareblue shill, please.

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Boomer memes, is this a Russian bot lmao

>reads anonymous message board
>takes everything at face value
Leafs. Lol.

>russian bot!
Never change homo.

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Yeah me and Trudeau would get some Tim Hortons. Dank guy desu.

Keep pissing off the "jews"

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I mean are you really going to sit there and pretend that those aren’t boomer memes?

He loves my people

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>mfw I get called out as a shareblue shill

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Depends on whether or not you're going to sit there and pretend you're not a faggot. Calling people a Russian bot unironically is the most boomer meme there is.

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The absolute state of that response, bravo user

"Charles Kushner (born May 16, 1954) is an American real estate developer......Before 2016, Kushner was a donor to the Democratic Party."

"Joshua Kushner (born June 12, 1985) is an American businessman and investor......Although he is the brother of President Trump's Senior Advisor and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, Joshua stated through his spokesman that "he loved his brother and did not want to say anything that might embarrass him. Nevertheless, the spokesman also said that Josh is a life-long Democrat and did not vote for Donald Trump in November,"[1] with their parents being Democratic donors until 2016.[35] He and his wife also published photos in support of the March for Our Lives.[36] "

"Jared Corey Kushner (born January 10, 1981) is an American investor, real-estate developer, and newspaper publisher who is currently senior advisor to his father-in-law, Donald Trump, the President of the United States.......Jared Kushner had been a lifelong Democrat prior to Donald Trump entering politics.[43] He had donated over $10,000 to Democratic campaigns[44] starting at young age of 11."

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Thanks for closing the border.

It’s a tweet-sized opening statement so it’s possible you’re one of those ugly Jew bitches from Twitter, in which case you are a fellow traveler.

I wonder if this mornings kikery are related to this
Doesn't look good for Israel. His speech included "imagine them rubbing their hands together".
Where were you when Rand Paul named the merchant?

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Oh shit nigger is there video?

>rubbing their hands together
He said that?!?!

Attached: 1543347458940.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

he grabbed her by the pussy!
there are only 2 other guys who did this befor, mr.clinton and biden.

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He's not Hilary.

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