James Fields trial, a scapegoat for shitlibs

Friendly reminder James Fields trial has started
>he is being scapegoated by the left and the libshit judicial system in Carolina


Spread the word, Antifa has flooded his courtroom and nobody Is there for James... well we are HERE and we can spread the truth that he was set up .


Imagine sitting in a jail cell and do some good works and spread this message

Give the thot audit a break for a moment and bump for justice bump for james

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Literally who?

the guy who drove thru a crowd in charlottesville. they've overcharged him and are claiming it was intentional, terrorism, hate crimes, etc.

Does he have a half-decent lawyer? I mean it can't be that hard to get him out based on the fact that he was surrounded and attacked by leftist and the only fatality was some beached whale dying of a heart attack

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bump, people here aren't even talking about shit currently happening here
/news/ is good

so much for fair and speedy trial.


He has a court-appointed lawyer, but Dwayne Dixon is on the witness list. I wish this shit was televised.

I just don't know if he has a chance. If the jury is held to the standard of reasonable doubt, he might have a slight ray of hope.

Fields waived his right to a speedy trial in January, probably trying to put some more distance between the incident and the trial. I'm no lawyer but the judge's refusal to change venue has got to justify an appeal if he does get convicted.

he has a public defender who is probably dying to take the easy road here as not to have antifa throwing bottles of shit at his house
that said, unless there is something that we don't know, this should be easily-winnable due to how aggressive the charges are. i still think it's time-served and he's out, and that's in light of how rotten the jacob goodwin trial was.
she was legitimately struck by his car. it's very clear in the most iconic photo of the event. her death might have ultimately been a heart attack, but she was hit, and even if she wasn't, that's not a defense
the defense is that he was threatened with violence in a declared state of emergency, was under attack, and tried to flee.
yes, they will be. it's just an issue of how sick the jury selection has been. again, he's got a public defender. i'm frankly amazed that there wasn't a plea deal. that's basically the number one goal of a public defender. makes me wonder if maybe this attorney has balls and wants to make a name of himself

James field wasn't driving the car here is a new angle from the attack that just surfaced

Heyer wasn't hit by the car, there was a different fatty who got hit, they're wearing different colors.

no, she was definitely hit. 100%
time to dig for it once again. this is a bad meme and it is extremely counter-productive. i'll find it shortly
pic related isn't it, although it does show injuries a lot more consistent with impact and not being trampled or suffering a fall regardless of how fucking fat she was. hang on

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i will remind them



Stop posting this obscene """girl""" nigger. Fuck off.

i couldnt find the one where i highlighted heyer, but she's clearly levitating in this shot
look at the faggot with the tramp stamp at 1 o'clock
heyer is just behind his left knee, levitating. she was hit and this disinfo needs to end. doesn't mean this was murder or terrorism or a hate crime or anything. it's so obvious i really wonder what anglin has been trying to do for the last 15 months on this subject

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Oh, that is her. I stand corrected

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i dont blame you
a ton of people have been running with this "she wasn't even hit it was cardiac arrest lol" narrative and it is maddening. tds, anglin, stormfront, Jow Forums, all dissident social media
she was hit by the car. it's in that photo, clear as day. this alone has eroded my confidence in all of the aforementioned because it's just so fucking obvious

Attached: arm.png (568x402, 346K)

that's likely her, yeah
but a lot of these people were dressed in black and also look like slobs. the photo i posted is 100%. this one, although i am sure it is heyer, is of low quality and will just fuel this faggot shit

If you do a "crime" in a liberal part of the country, don't be surprised if the jury in that area judges you as a liberal would.