What did they mean by this??

What did they mean by this??

>Russia is Jow Forums, and China is Facebook. If you’re not familiar with Jow Forums, imagine the worst losers you knew in high school—not the nice, dopey stoners, but the rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures—and then imagine them encouraging each other to be even worse people online. Like Jow Forums, Russia is all about chaos, mixed with a hearty dose of anti-Semitism and homophobia.

foreignpolicy.com/2018/10/10/russia-is-Jow Forums-china-is-facebook/

Attached: Russia Is 4chan- China Is Facebook – Foreign Policy.png (938x572, 664K)

Other urls found in this thread:


kinda makes sense because I'm a russian spy

I just hope that Putin will give me my very own AK-74 or PKM if I shill for him online.

I feel loved

Reddit is the ZOG

didn't read the article but the quote isn't that off base tbhwy

>rat faced
>implying ugly person=bad person
Our intellectual elites, folks.

>a hearty dose of (...) homophobia
How is that a bad thing for Mike "Suck a cock, get a shock" Pence?

>they are scared

A great honor for Jow Forums and Russia.

Can they stop riding the Jow Forums fame wave for once so pathetic..

>china, the productive one, is Facebook
Pls no lies

truly coming from these cucks at foreign policy no less.

>"...the rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures...

Pic: Author of this article

Attached: palmer.jpg (1365x1024, 1.17M)


Sexy and not fat-faced

>Russia is Jow Forums
>China is Facebook
>Europe is twitter
>Australia is Myspace
>Japan is 2ch
And America is that geocities site you made when you were 12.

America is Reddit + Tumblr



So my brother is a communist spy and I am a Russian bot I see. Interesting.

True LOL

Beepski boopski comrade

>rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures

That describes most of the Jewish kids I went to school with perfectly.


If this is the case where tf are my rubles Putin?

>won't show the website name in pic or anons would immediately ignore.
>uses meme flag.
0/10, unironically kys.

Fuck, they are on to us, comrade.
Hide the vodka and bears.

Doesn’t a Russian own Jow Forums now
And zuck gave the Chinese Facebook so he could introduce it in China

Yeah man, those dudes over at /diy/ and /out/ are real pieces of rat faced scummy shit.
I fucking sick of journalists characterizing this place like it's an outlaw den. It's a fucking image board originally targeted at fans of Chinese cartoonery. Get a god damn grip.

>6 pack
>lambo dirver
>yach owner
sure made me feel like a loser
Does he even realize how much he is projecting?

He thinks he's the dopey loveable one. What an asshole.

that's 4channel now

>Russia is Jow Forums
Is that supposed to be an insult?

Attached: 1543165432548.png (604x675, 587K)

Nice Larp faggot

Sure it is. Half measures will never be respected.

>nice, dopey stoners

>calling others ugly
>coming from this moon faced fatty

Attached: Too_hot_cassette_alanis_morissette.jpg (220x338, 16K)




Wrong. The hacker know as Jow Forums is a far left hacker on steroid providing child pornography to pedophiles.

alright lads time to shut down their organization

>Doesn’t a Russian own Jow Forums now

WTF! ??!
I love Russia now!
Vodka is great
I will name son Putin.

[sweating profusely]

>not the nice, dopey stoners, but the rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures

only a virgin like pence wouldn't realise they're the same fucking people

t. the same fucking people

we're accually north korea but ok

it was better when Jow Forums was still underground


Maybe they think that because they think that Russia elected trump, even though we all know the kekistani forces gave that privilege to america.

beep boop cyka blyat


in other news, einhorn is finkle.

We're act shoe lee Sentinel Island

are there any exploitable flaws on their website that we can take advantage of?


>If you’re not familiar with Jow Forums, imagine the worst losers you knew in high school—not the nice, dopey stoners, but the rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures—and then imagine them encouraging each other to be even worse people online. Like Jow Forums, Russia is all about chaos, mixed with a hearty dose of anti-Semitism and homophobia.
[this is what liberals actually believe]

Attached: 1412689877993.png (555x504, 281K)

тoвapищи, дaвaйтe cдeлaeм этo

These people are dumber than dirt.

>yfw you used to beat your meat to the 6s in your school and always got picked last in PE so now you write worthless opinion articles where you equate entire nations to Mongolian basket weaving forums in some pathetic attempt at influencing retarded normals

>If you’re not familiar with Jow Forums, imagine the worst losers you knew in high school—not the nice, dopey stoners, but the rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures—and then imagine them encouraging each other to be even worse people online. Like Jow Forums, Russia is all about chaos, mixed with a hearty dose of anti-Semitism and homophobia.
can we just casually change this article to a hitpiece on tumblr

>the rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures
Do they realize that this person didn't exist in high school? Pretty sure that no one will hear that and actually have anyone in particular come to mind.

>foreignpolicy.com/2018/10/10/russia-is-Jow Forums-china-is-facebook/
LOL This Fucking Faggot is talking shit on us. I guarantee nobody in this thread is as fat / ugly as this guy

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 2.10.07 PM.png (1084x604, 651K)



>not the nice, dopey stoners, but the rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures

Attached: 87E04C8B-5A67-4C82-839A-3A2CFBD15995.jpg (650x459, 35K)

>that hair

c le jewman

Hey Guys - lets send James our thanks for writing such a Top Notch Article, I have heard he particularly enjoys gay personal ads
[email protected]

And the author, James Palmer, is a phaggot.

Think this out for yourself you Eurocuck shill

might be a good start


i like this idea

they really want me to set up a beatdown on their asses

Attached: fuck niggers and jannies.jpg (518x488, 132K)

Why either? You can buy an AK-74 for $1200 or so right now. A PKM costs several times more to dozens of times more.

kek make sure to screen it


>the rat-faced scumbags trying to take upskirt pictures
shes getting angry

Attached: joanjabba.jpg (515x500, 31K)

found his twatter
Here's James' wife

Can we somehow put the thotpatrol in on this, surely there is some unreported income here or in kind donations that our gloruous IRS is unaware of

lmfao his wife is a chinaboo traitor that looks like a dude in drag

wasnt Jow Forums going to be bought by the guy who made vk?

fatty sure is projecting

Attached: mfw.jpg (600x656, 27K)


> Looked at him
> Looked at her

Our calculations say that she is definitely fucking Chad's on the side.

I hope he knows he's a beta bux.

>but the rat-faced scumbags

that sounds anti-semitic

Attached: 1522220544399.png (317x293, 45K)

anyone have a way to send loads of emails at once to this lad


>8 people in my grade knew about Jow Forums
>5 of them were in the popular crowd, including me
>Chad/semi-Chad, had gfs, entire friend circle consisted of the indie rock/stoner/hipster/snow boarder/Stacy cliques

...and the other guys were some metalheads who sort of stayed among themselves, but who had a big circle of friends outside school and who were really chill, with a great sense of humor (obviously). Meanwhile only the sort of people who would end up writing articles like this one, were the actual social outcasts. Which is all the more significant since our grade was pretty accepting, with great comeradery and fluid boundaries across friend circles etc.


>but the rat-faced scumbags


notice how he links to his wifes page when she doesn't. I think we have an opportunity to strike here.

its ironic that he's calling us Russia, since he's about to learn the true meaning of "poking the bear" :^)

It does, doesn't it?

>believing the kike media. even listening to them.
100% shlomo

I cannot take any modern “article” seriously when 99% of the authors are fucks like this.
Why would I take their opinion on ANYTHING?

i have decided my gender is fucking alpha male

Jow Forums- controlling the world with fictional stories that only an idiot would believe (Russia)

Facebook-not giving a fuck about your privacy and making all the money (chingchong)

someone give me gore links for emailing this nigger

America is JewTube

we should use it against them. lefty shabbos goyim are terrified of challenging their jewish overlords