Ammosexuals BTFO!!

Ammosexuals BTFO!!

Attached: me.jpg (1013x1206, 508K)

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NRA is a terrorist hate group and gunfags in general need to leave the country. I am so tired of the ridiculously lax gun laws we have here.

Maybe you should leave if you don't like it so much

>Hate group

Boy you guys sure do love to throw around that buzzword like it's candy, don't you?

Then you move, faggot.

>checks gun locker
>yep, they’re all still there
>doesn’t give a shit

Found the liberal faggot

Attached: eyes.gif (491x316, 1.41M)

Attached: 1540923442397.png (600x600, 17K)

How many mass shooters were NRA members? I’ll wait

You can move to literally anywhere else and get what you want.