Be nazi

>be nazi
>believe in very traditional and oppressive roles for women
>invade the USSR because you think slavs are inferior and want to exterminate them
>get BTFO by a bunch of slav women

Were there a bigger group of losers that got more hilariously blown out than the nazis?

Attached: nazis btfo.png (719x755, 569K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The best Female Soviet Sniper wasn't even close to the best Male Sniper, and had a higher rate of PTSD.

Attached: 1536801333878.png (726x720, 230K)

They still killed a fuck load of nazis and the world is a better place for it.

You mean that group whose leader was so weak and pathetic that he took the cowards way out instead of standing up for what he believed?

>Were there a bigger group of losers that got more hilariously blown out than the nazis?
Yeah, modern nazi larpers

i hope china btfos you

propaganda... anyone know a woman who can shoot? ya... fuck off. it was used when fighting pockets of muslims; for obvious reasons. You're on pol you should know this.

>Amerimutt education
Taiwan IS a part of China.

Attached: C6AC6525-9CA3-4788-85CB-51122E00D7EA.png (330x370, 3K)

Millions of nazis were killed and they lost the war, and these women helped.

Sounds about right. The nazis invaded entire countries with the goal of exterminating the civilian population and taking the land for themselves.

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But weren't the Jews considered Axis civilians? Oy Vey

That's me on the left

Why are they all thicc?

Democrats in 2016?

bretty sure the cold BFFO german soldiers but nice try

>believes marxism inspired "cunts can do everything" feminism propaganda
u r a low test fag

The bottom right one... She'll bite your dick off.

>Were there a bigger group of losers that got more hilariously blown out than the nazis?
Commies from USSR

Attached: 1481056083875.png (1000x663, 316K)

Funny how supposedly every soviet murdered loads of germans, but somehow 27 million ruskie faggots still managed to die.

slavic niggers died by the MASSES lmao

During World War II, most of the victims were Chinese and Russians, but the main victims are Jews.

You lost both wars against the USSR, retard.

Slaughtering non-combatant villagers and killing POWs is nothing to brag about, Hans.

it's because russian women were patriotic , they pushed for the right to serve in moscow for a while before they let them .
my great grandmother was an anti aircraft gunner that was in stalingrad and apparently after they ran our of ammo and everyone except her died when the krauts came she dropped a fridge off a building and killed one , they started looking for her in the building but then it collapsed on all of them because it was barely standing anyway .
she always had the weirdest war stories but died when i was young , gave my grandmother a bunch of iron crosses and her stalingrad medal

>relevant when speaking about history or wars

meanwhile degenerate unpatriotic german women sat on their asses even as berlin burned

dude that guy alone overshadows the achievements of these soviet women. Literally took a bullet to the face too.

France always surrenders

Fake and gay.

Without France, you guys wouldn't exist.

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Hanz killed close to 30 million Russians man show some fucking respect man. Holy shit there still strong man. Imagine they had an Air Force hazy holy shit.

They failed twice to conquer us. Pathetic performance.

If you had complied with the initial Soviet demands before the winter war, you would have lost less territories and men than you did. But because you decided to go to war against the Red Army (a MONUMENTALLY stupid idea), the Soviets actually took more land from you than they asked for. LOL

You don't comply with Russians. We would have shared the fate of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in that case. If a man isn't willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he's no good.

fucking hot, 20/10 would bang all of them and make stronk babies

I know lol, Russian fags ended up BTFO'ing themselves more

he chose to stay in Berlin and die with his people, but he didn't want to be raped by the Russians like any man would choose

guess how many female soviet soldiers died in WW2. its disgusting to send women to the front.

He didn’t want to be strung upside down and pelted with rocks like Mussolini. He called the German people a race of whores and that they deserved to lose since they failed under his “great” leadership. Then he an hero-ed.

Except that's wrong. They could have annihilated you in 1944, but they didn't. You invaded the Soviet Union, killed their people, and what did the Soviets respond with? With mercy. They showed mercy and did not occupy Finland. You should be grateful for that.

You are the fake china though and the only reason you exist is because of the US backing you.
I've seen you posting all day and if you are a representation of how the rest of your shitty little country thinks then maybe we should let the commies roll over you. With "allies" like you who needs enemies?

>One autistic Finn got more than half of all those kills put together
>Hans Ulrich probably killed 1000+ with all the tanks he blew up

if you "won", how come you relinqueshed your best terretories and paid such huge reparation?

>With "allies" like you who needs enemies?
All your "allies" are thinking the same thing since Trump came to power.

Attached: tumblr_obfxcb8s521ruckzqo1_500-e1471451827922.jpg (480x328, 42K)

Because you are sensationalist moron. The TV tells you what to think and you fucking obey. Like a bitch.
Also I've never seen the US get along with Mexico so well in my life, so I honestly don''t know what the fuck you are even talking about.

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I'm talking about Canada and other other NATO countries, which Trump has repeatedly insulted while getting closer to Putin.

Damn. They are ugly as shit.

The nazis invaded your country, planned to exterminate your people, and what did you do? Form entire SS divisions to fight for the nazis!

You are literally the biggest cucks of WW2. You have no right to talk.

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Like I said. You are a sensationalist moron.
Nothing more needs to be said here.

>Believing literal Soviet propaganda
I thought gooks were supposed to be smart.

Russian soldiers were basically civilians. Useless fodder propped up by the allies industry.

The soviets didn't view women as women they view them as numbers. Women have feet and hands, so what they are weaker, Stalin didn't give a shit. The Red Army sent unarmed men to kill German troops. Those who refused died anyways. So you shouldn't be surprised that they fielded women.



Why did i read what a monkey wrote.

Go get cucked by your somalian bull.

Also, Karelia was definitely "our best territories".

lmao dumb jew

The soviets started both wars, one by a false-flag artillery strike and the second by bombing targets inside finland. We also didn't "kill" or genocide soviet people as the people living in those areas were of Finnic stock and finland was a civilized country unlike the soviets.
Have picture of your "soviet mercy".

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It's a sad thing the japs didn't murder all of you

They bombed you because you were about to join the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, and they were right.

Why do you dumbfucks still think there are any real chinks on this website? The idiots that make these bait threads and posts are always some shitty ESL making under 35K, living in a studio apartment with some farmer slut that's waiting for him to preggo her clap filled vagina so she can get an F4. You're better than this.

Too bad they didn't turn the gun on themselves.

>scraping the barrel

Hmm, and why could this be? Is it because the soviets tried to invade us just a year before. It was also just to allow german equipment to launch and operate from finland.

This ONE German

Attached: zombomeme26012018193539.jpg (371x547, 62K)

any woman that is unable or unwilling to defend her nation when it is needed is degenerate and does not deserve to procreate .

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Check this list out, the highest scoring non-german ace is a Finn. Soviet genociders btfo.

>USSR propaganda
Totally legit, you just need a pinch of pic related first

Attached: salt.jpg (230x219, 9K)

Finnish border markers using Soviet bodies

Attached: Body of frozen Soviet soldier propped up by Finnish fighters to intimidate Soviet troops, 1939.jpg (900x1145, 149K)

> Be Nazi Chad
> Believe in Traditional And Godly roles for women
>Invade the USSR because they wanted to liberate Russia from the Red Pest (Judeo-Bolshevism and Communism)
>Implying the Red Kike Army was Slavic
kek go back to /leftycuck/ faggot Chink gook

you were saying commiecuck ?

Attached: 1509076162981.jpg (1347x1746, 1.48M)

so brave

Attached: Photo 18-03-2018, 16 06 33.jpg (1600x1200, 785K)

I doubt it.

what's going on here?

>taking Soviet propaganda at face value
you're a fucking retard OP. Female soldiers or units literally only existed for propaganda value. Either way being a nazi or a communist doesn't have anything to do with skill in combat, and ethnic differences between germans and slavs don't either

>20% axis
absolute bullshit. Those allied numbers likely count the millions upon millions that died from famine and disease in French Indochina, Indonesia and India. It is rather unfair to compare German, Japanese and Italian dead to fucking India. Apples to apples would compare major combatants because a few million people dying from famine in a country with hundreds of millions that contributed almost no troops or material to the war is hardly comparable to people killed in combat or in an occupation

The most striking thing about black and white photos is just how ugly women are without fakeup

>judeo bolshevism is the reason why traditionalism is under attack by lgbt etc (also jewish ofc) in europe and america
>all eastern euro (aka commie) countries are extremely anti lgbt and traditional compared to western europe and america
really gets the noggin joggin, it's almost like someone lied to you user

Attached: THINK.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

20 million deaths on the slav side
about 4 million on nazi side 5:1 KD ratio I'd say they did pretty well just bad targeting at a bad time

What do you care about any of this you jungle monkey? Enjoy that Chinese takeover soon lol.

Literally didn’t happen. The Soviet female battalions were pure propaganda.

>believing Russian propaganda
Confirmed retard

>100% Latgalians
>Latgalians were primary collaborators in Northern Crusades
good riddance. Any way the Nazis were assholes but we're not talking about a dichotomy where you either like the Nazis or like Stalinism. Don't know why you care so much about Nazis when the communists were responsible for at least as much suffering. The liberal democracies were the closest to being innocent but they pretty much extinguished nationalism instead of containing it so ultimately I don't know they're much better either

he's probably mad about those fucking yellow fever threads. I can't blame him.

Yeah. That’s why everyone mocks the Jewish USSR.

gulag body search

100% propaganda and nobody but the soviets themselves could have “verified” those numbers.

>these women killed 775 German soldiers
>conscripted military service, many German soldiers were children by the end of the war

I hate the left, and especially Reddit so very much. WWII German Soldier =\= “Nazi”. OP is a massive faggot.


>>all eastern euro (aka commie) countries are extremely anti lgbt and traditional compared to western europe and america
He fell for the Eastern Europe being Traditional Meme
Eastern Europe is as fucking degenerate as Western Europe is
They are rapidly adopting nigger culture and the youth imulate niggers
The infrastructure is shitty and crumbling, Soviet-Era infrastructure from the fucking 50's
Putin is flooding Russia with millions of mongrel Asiatics from former Soviet States in Central Asia
Russians will become the minority within 20-30 years like all other Western Nations
No to mention the degenerate post-soviet , Neo-Soviet Bolshevik kike "GOPNIK" culture that has turned Russians into degenerates.
fuck off with this meme
Also the Russian Fifa World Cup really showed how degenerate Russia really is.
Millions of shitskin subhuman scum just went and flooded Russia for one reason and one reason only, to fuck and defile Russian Slavic Women.
And I saw no Russians fight off these shitskins at all, I didn't even see Russian Males walking the streets, all I saw were non-white, non-Russian men patrolling the streets and acting like they owned Moscow.
the Russian Men got cucked and they stayed in their houses.
Oh yeah i'm just seeing how BASED eastern Europe is.

average american vassal bootlicker.
we love america!
we are best allies!
wait? are you not going to give us tons of free shit, guarantee our independence give us unrestricted access to your markets for absolutely nothing in return, why have you become evil, we hate you now (but not enough to refuse all those free gibs)
fucking asian niggers.

You're talking about oppressive roles for women yet ignoring that the USSR forces those women to fight? Even if they didn't get selected to fight, living in a communist state is akin to slavery. Don't work to promote the state or say anything bad about the state and you end up in a gulag ffs. I'd much rather be a German woman receiving state aid to have babies.

Look up the differences in kill verification between soviet and German snipers. Also, Soviet snipers were often propaganda, particularly women snipers.

>Were there a bigger group of losers that got more hilariously blown out than the nazis?

Idk probably all the dudes that got chewed up before they had to start using women

The Wehrmacht and the German people knew good and goddamn well what was happening in their country. Hitler literally told them what was going to happen.

I have no respect for anyone here trying to make victims out of the deaths of those soldiers.

Even doing Olympic level mental gymnastics you can’t feel sorry for any German during that time period, poor soldiers who realized they were doing something wrong... but did it any way. It’s not like Hitler and his plans were a surprise. His Mein Kampf came out in the 20’s.

>be nazis protect women
>be soviets toss women to be.murdered

"When you go to war do not go as the first, but as the last, so that you may return as the first"

- Pesachim F. 113B

Get redpilled on the USSR you fucking casual. Stalin purged Jews and fags, and Russian women were actually patriotic, and didn’t throw themselves at the invaders like the French . But the point is the USSR is only communist from 1920-1930, then it’s a state run command economy built on labor and nationalism. Hitler started off with the most industrialized nation in Europe, stalin had a peasant land