Please gringonons, come to Brazil and bleach our monkeys.
We can't stand that ape culture anymore, just nuke us ou bleach our macacas sending aryan sperm.
be the difference you wanna see in this world.
i fucking hate this shithole and sucks to be white here in the jungle.
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As far as I'm aware she lives in Orlando now, user.
You know what? That's a great idea! Let's gift all our blacks to some cuck country.
Just import German cum
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legit question. can i come down there, kill a few hundred niggers in a favela then fly back home as if nothing happened?
Is that a midget bicycle with a cactus for a seat?
God in hell what is that...
Why not enslave them and sell them to Arabs?
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I would assume the future of your country is worth a round trip plane ticket and full pension at your place is it not?
>this is your future
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Be my guest. Only 6% homicides are solved anyway, they will not even know about that clean.
we need to open a nigger hunt season here, thats a great idea to boom our economy
"Brazil, the greatest ape hunting zone in world"
I once fucked a chick with tits that big, it was fucking awesome
Our new president is a puppet, he will allow it.
We need a REAL fascist to bleach that shithole inviting you anons, for free ofc
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Wtf is that??
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this is your future unless you send german seeds to bleach the our monkeys before SHTF and they go full apshite migrating to your place
helping brazilian whites is to help every white in Evropa.
Do something about it, we can't hold them here forever
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Have you considered sending your blacks to conquer Angola? Farmland, oil, and minerals enter your economy and blacks leave Brazil.
I have too small of a dick ( 14- 15 cm ) so no hope for me.
>Age: 21 years
what the fuck
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Alright! Once you guys legalize firearms. I’ll make sure to take a vacation!
But was she white or a nigger? And was she a fat ass?
Legalize firearms and do a homesteading deal in conjunction with the mandatory wife -- ie give out land -- and I think a lot would take you up on it.
I did not know that such a creature existed, but now I don't know where to go in life.