Daily reminder circumcision is a vile intrusion of your most basic rights and nothing is more important than stopping...

Daily reminder circumcision is a vile intrusion of your most basic rights and nothing is more important than stopping this vile practice.


Be the generation to end child mutilation.

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Why is he shirtless

dont worry about it fag

Because hes attractive and its a part of the presentation. If you watched it you'd see.

nice projection

based talk and potent redpill

It truly is. Everyone should donate to his defense fund.

Better than being an anteating pagan.
>b-but I'm Christian
You're pagan in spirit. Just like churches in Europe always were.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You realize that Christianity forbids circumcision right?

>jew clings to their pride and arrogance


Nah. Just renounced catholicism.

Galatians and st paul dumb christfag. Read your own dumb sandnigger book

>skips chest day

I have a hunch that he wasn't fired because of this particular viewpoint or because he "named the Jew"but because his presentation was a little "off." He was someone with an extraordinary resume who the faculty and staff at the college at put a lot of investment into. The presentation was a bit wacky and that wackiness gave him doubts about the time and investment they were putting into him.

how the fuck do I cope Im single and I feel like its morally wrong to ask a girl out on the ground that I cant have normal sex with her

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Buzz of jew. We all know the real reason he was fired.

It affects you more than her. If you stretch it would likely be indistinguishable for the female.

true but im afraid to do it incase something turns up where i could get it ALL back

I'm with you there. Thats why I haven't.

I wouldnt worry about the woman, I'd worry about myself. A dildo is pleasurable and it doesnt glide. Its not the same as intact but that doesn't mean it isnt enjoyable.

I can think of like 400 things more important than stopping circumcision.

banning circumcision is raycist.

There is nothing more important than genital mutilation you fucking retard.

but without circumcision where will post-wall roasties get their face cream?

Watch the source material before asking questions you faggot.

the only thing girls really don't like is insecurity.

>muh pleasure
>muh degeneracy
>muh masturbation time is the most important thing in my life!
>I need my me time to masturbate in my room!
>men have feelings too!
>men are vulnerable and must be protected like young girls
>your parents are evil!
>men should receive reparations!

With that said, circumcising babies is evil. But that guy is a flaming, hysterical “muh feels” faggot.

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You need to kill yourself. You would probably fucking be shooting places up if your precious roasties on a pedestal got mutilated. Kill yourself you psychopathic rat kike.

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What the fuck kind of accent does he have? Is he retarded?

Mild speech impediment and Bostonian.

twice redundant

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Bostonian accents are unironically the best American accents. Prove me wrong.

He literally says that circumcision is just as bad as amputating any other part of a man’s body, such as cutting off a hand, an arm, or a leg around 1 hour 28 minutes. Then he goes on to say it’s probably even the worst part of a man’s body to amputate. This is delusional feminist impassioned rhetoric translated to the manosphere. It plays into sexually liberated feminist rhetoric. It is gays and feminist “ethical-sluts” that want to reduce mans worth to simply a penis.


You expect anyone to listen to your fucking drivel after your last post you fucking filthy jew rat?

It is just as bad, its worse than nearly all forms of FGM. I'd rather have lost some fucking fingers than have this happen.

Now fuck off and stop defending this shit you disgusting jew nigger. There is nothing delusional about saying amputating one part of your body is just as bad as amputating others, especially the most erogenous part of your fucking genitals.

How much longer until men start taking off their clothes in the middle of the streets with political slogans written on them? Men with black tape over their mouths in protest? Slippery slope.. the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is the wrong way to go about stopping infant circumcision.

No its fucking not. Literally anyway to get attention to this monstrosity is justified. You are trying really hard here aren't you?

You act like people have no right to be fucking upset about being mutilated. You fucking make me sick.

is this a cbt thread?
>work lats
>nice fridge mode

>making it
pick one

>A video of two dumb whores, one of whom is a nigger
I never said the Bostonian accent is the best because it's sexy, on the contrary; women with Boston accents are horrible imho. I just think it fucking hilarious and fun to mimic. It also has similarities to English accents and is apparently similar to to the accent you would have heard in England in the 1600s.

Also, women with southern accents are pretty fuckin sexy tbqh

No its much more important than a cbt thread will ever be.

>This is the wrong way to go about stopping infant circumcision
You need to appeal to emotion to gain a foothold in the female brain. By being emotive and hyperbolic, women are swayed easier. And I'd like to see the statistics of parents who make the decision to/not to circumcise their sons. I would hazard a guess and say that mothers, in the majority of cases, are the ones who opt for their sons to be circumcised. So appealing to women to cease infant circumcision is an effective measure.

But to go off of your statement; what would you propose be done in the fight against circumcision? I've found a trend that the vast majority of posters who debase the actions of someone trying to change something rarely (if ever) have their own suggestions/solutions/alternatives that are more effective.

this guy and his presentation has such momentum, but was slide so hard. he has a great message.

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He really does. He says everything I thought and felt in that video. I just wish more people would see it and wake up. Its absolutely insane that this shit still happens in the 21st century.

>watch this 2 hour play to find out
I will watch it, but if you post an odd picture people will ask about it. Pull the stick out of your ass.

I like how threads about dump shit get all kinds of traction where people just fling shit at each other but threads about this very real issue of horrific barbarity occurring to kids everyday is just not even cared about.


Thanks mate

If you want to circumcise yourself you are free to do so, biblically. What the bible is against is the idea that you MUST circumcise yourself to participate in the new covenant initiated by Christ. There were Judaizers who were saying that gentile believers must be circumcised before they can become fully Christian which was not the case.

>nothing is more important
>nothing is more important
>nothing is more important

What about "if you are circumcised Jesus is of no use to you"?

Its not. Nothing is more important than the basic rights of having a complete body without getting mutilated out of the womb. Dumb tripfag.

Bombing children.

That is important but the bombing is collateral damage and a side effect of fighting Israels wars. Stop circumcision as its a direct harm and more important (especially since its literally purposeless), wake people up to Jewish control, and the rest will follow.

There are over 100m cut men in this country, it doesnt get much more important than that.

>children being bombed is less important than circumcision
Repeat that.

You have no sense of proportionality do you? There are what 100 children that are victims of drone strike collateral a year? There are more victims of mutilation (something that's pointless and easily stopped) every day.

I already said its important, but considering the scale and stupidity of it all the mutilation is more important. Its literal pointless mutilation.

Youre a woman aren't you?

Thanks for using a trip and making it easier to identify you parasites

You repeated it.
Have a good one.

Whose bombing just children? Children being bombed is a very small number and is always accidental. 100s of millions of kids are circumcised in the US, on purpose.

You too roastie bitch.

I had this mindset 10 years ago. Once I hit 30 I realized it wasn't going to happen anytime soon and broke down and got a tugger. It was the best penis-centric decision and highly recommend it.

I want my foreskin back

Fuuuuuuck that, no wonder circumcised boys are more proned to be serial killers

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Ive considered it but I really want the ridge band and ALL of the mucosal tissue back. Dont you generally get some mucosal tissue back restoring your way though or no?

I do have some of my frenelum, so the main thing I'd be missing I suppose is the ridged band.

Me too user. Me too.

How much extra does a circumcision cost the parents? Or rather whoever's footing the bills? Seems to be an easy way to get 2k guaranteed on every Male birth? Why stop now :vO

The biggest gain is dekeratinization of the glans.

>I want my foreskin back

This dawned on me in my 20s, and years later it still sometimes fills me with rage. The rage really comes when you really society at large doesn't give two fucks about it. People freak the fuck out over female circumcision and send everyone involved to jail. They cry and wail about some poor 80-IQ Aztec trying to get into the country illegally. But bring up the fact that thousands of boys are sexually mutilated every day and the usual response is something like "Oh whatever. It's totally normal, uncut dicks are gross. You're weird even thinking about it."

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Yes ive heard that, but I read somewhere that glans weren't the main point of sexual pleasure but rather it was there for the foreskin and ridged band to move around to provide pleasure. Not having a ridged band or lots of "real" foreskin still seems like a big negative.

Do you feel like you have more feeling and also more control of orgasm? Because I always hear people say foreskin let's you control orgasm, last longer and feel more, so I'm curious. I cum very quickly with masturbation personally.

i wear my Manhood (soft cloth hood) every day for 4+ years now. I recommend it. Not that it's ANYTHING like the real deal. Nothing. But for whatever reason, it has greatly improved my life.

>i wear my Manhood (soft cloth hood) every day for 4+ years now

Does it actually make a difference? I don't even know how the fuck I would pull that off, I'm married with lots of kids now. Haha. Not sure how to explain to my wife that I'm now wearing a penis hood every day.

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It might be psychosomatic, but I've felt like it had slightly more feeling. It's still a work in progress; I've only been at this for a year and they say it could take 2-4 years.


No retard. It's probably so dumb product hes trying to sell or just fucking with you

You need to understand that regular people think like this, and woman even more so. To the average person, what people around them think and do is reality to them and defines their sense of what is OK. Everything else is considered foreign and weird, i.e. so they might accept that exotic, to them, cultures might take in bizarrities, and this might fascinate them, they will not willingly step back and so what their own culture does in the same light, that is, unless a decent number of people who they admire or know and trust express concern over it.

>ITT insecure fags and literal fags

So do you have dekeratinization yet? Or are your glans still not covered?

Yeah the scariest part is the normality of it. Mutilating a baby is just shrugged off. This is probably part of the reason so many Americans don't care about bombing the shit out of people for vague geopolitical goals. We've been conditioned to inhumanity.

Strange it wasn't the Jews who started it, in this case, it was the protties. I'm sure Jews love to continue it, but it's always silly to me when people don't also blame their own. All the white doctors who took a Hippocratic oath who still do it? It's insane. All war-like expansive nations torture children, in imperial Britain, Prussia, Napoleonic France, etc, it was corporal punishment in schools and strict dismissal of individuality. It also isn't an accident the American public school system is based on the Prussian model. We got rid of the corporal punishment but the production line mentality still remains. Of course, Jews and Arabs, also circumcised people, aren't exactly known for their level-headedness. Feminism (matriarchy) just attached to the pre-existing model and use it to suppress men now, instead of using it for the sociopathic aspect of imperial war.

Hello deluded man. There is nothing gay about not mutilating people you stupid low IQ fuck.

This is hilarious

Unrelated, but how many kids do you have and do you home school them?

I do feel for you yanks that have been mutilated.

Thanks man

Pretty low user

What do you mean? It's hilarious to imagine him telling his wife, "Oh, that? That's my new penis hood."

Sure it is, the only people who give a shit are faggots that are sad they can't dock dicks with other fags and eat dick cheese.

This is literally textbook coping mechanism. I know its hard to accept you got mutilated out of birth but if you can't accept what has happened and make sure it doesnt continue and become perpetuated youre a shit person.

>Unrelated, but how many kids do you have and do you home school them?

I will just say I have two sons and I would not allow either of their dicks to be cut when they were born. My wife was totally fine with it, actually once we started talking about it and she became conscious of the entire procedure and what it entails she was also convinced that it's barbaric and inhuman. It's amazing how many women have not given male circumcision even 10 seconds of conscious thought or discussion. Well, maybe it's not amazing after all. They are women.

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It is truly astonishing. Men do it because it was done to them and they can't cope with the idea that they have been mutilated and women just do it because they're social animals and are fucking naive retards who don't think at all.


It won't end unless the hospitals and doctors get sued.
Lawyers need to contact men on their 18th birthday and get a ton of lawsuits going.

tumblr gif

This is a really good idea. Would help to accelerate things.

He didn't say that!

lol forever at americans jewdicking their sons.

Laughing at mutilation. Youre one sick fuck.

all this cope

Don't parents have to sign consent for the procedure? Hospitals and doctors will just laugh and tell you to sue your parents.

When you look at the reasons you chop your dicks.. you deserve to be ridiculed

Just in case the world doesn't know why you do it, I'll tell them: It's because they think it makes them whiter

Not even making this up. They actually believe dick mutilation is the mark of whiteness. This is 100% truth. This is the reason and they can't deny it because this is what comes out of their mouths.

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Reminder that it is Satanic ritual abuse and trauma based mind control. There is nothing the Jews cling to more fiercely than circumcision. Understand the neurobiology of trauma and you will unlock a 5000 year old riddle.

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You fucking idiot when you say things like "why you chop your dicks" youre just showing your ignorance. I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING. I didnt want to be like this, dont fucking put it on me.