Paul Joseph Watson

What are your thoughts on him?

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I don't think he's Neanderthal

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PooJeW is a faggot hypocrite who performs mental gymnastics to not come off as a racist because reasons.
Fucking queer untermensch. If you're gonna have a policy, be open, be consistent, and fucking well stick by it in every aspect of life.

Bonafide faggotoid

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He sucks Jew dick and takes it in the bum from niggers.

At the same time.

It’s called the Jew-Jigaboo-Boogaloo.

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empty-headed dipshit edge lord with a punchable face

perfect for infowars

How the fuck did he find an even more untermensch (yet clearly related because of course he's a fucking inbreeder) lover/partner/"friend" than himself?

He's a male version of a trad thot. He simply uses the conservative platform to make money just like Alex Jones, Milo, and every other faggot that hops in front of a camera.

Not much... except that he really pisses off the world's retards big time, that in itself is priceless. just read the replies :P

I watched some of his videos on 2016 but I havent checked it out since.

Narcissism is a key characteristic of homosexuality.
That'y why you'll find fags and dykes fucking people who look so similar to themselves.

Cringey and bluepilled.

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He's a thin skinned alt-light faggot, who doesn't believe half the things he says. The only reason he keeps doing videos and collaborating with Alex Jones is because it pays the bills.

Other than the gay-loving and being cheesy as fuck he's great for redpilling normies. Get them idiots who still think that Peterson is the most radical right wing thing out there to become more and more red-pilled each time he (PJW) shows how fucked the West is becoming.

If Jow Forums is a wildfire, PJW is the spark.

Cringe AF
And always in favor of (((our best allies)))

Nice observation, back in 2016 he was one the first right-wing e-celebs I found, which subsequently lead me to other people and sites.

Is he really gay tho?

pop/homeopatic redpill



He called out Jews and left info wars. He has props. He even refers to the Jews as they or them.


a fag first and a zionist second.

He actually included statistics on black crime in one of his recent videos, the madman

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Annoying faggot with an annoying voice.

What kind of accent does he have? Midlands?

>What are your thoughts on him?
Imagine my shock. Mainstream meteor's hot take on planet fag-ville
>eCeleb trash

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>this thread again

Low-brow content for "durr, I'm smarter than you" people. His videos are filled with nothing but outrage and sensationalism, offering no real solutions to the problems he presents.

Pretty fucking sure he sucks cocks. Not in metaphorically, like actually sucks dick.

He's aan who wears lipstick. Bright red lipstick. No way in hell does he not guzzle more semen than Courtney cox

his ex wife is Chinese and had family in the Chinese government

Alex Jones mentioned it sometime recently

i doubt he believes most of what he says

A degenerate faggot that must be hanged

But for now hes a useful idiot