We need a country just for Ourselves

Ourselves meaning ONLY white people.

Not only white people but NO NPC's.

Anyone get the feeling Atlantis is rising again?

Every country is getting flooded with immigrants fucking them up.

Maybe this happened thousands of years ago where a subset of humanity broke off and decided to flourish on their own?

Attached: atlantis rising.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

show your real flag faggot

imagine making a town but roads are replaced by swimming pools and boats are illegal

it would get nuked.

Allowing people that worship backward religions as islam and judaism is the problem. Just by ridding the world of jews and muslims, it will lead to peace.

Woah, brother! I want what you are smoking.

Attached: 1541958302205.jpg (750x567, 45K)

Who's gonna do all the hard labor then,duh

It would be protected and hidden.

Something like Wakanada but for the superior white race only.

Non-swimmers are subhuman SCUM

You think there is a safe place from us? we are coming werever you are