It's me Jow Forums (pic related)
>Im the product of 2000+ years of rich culture and strong genetics
>the inbred JEWS were jealous of my beauty
>So they've flooded my country with MILLIONS of niggers and Arabs...
>So now probably going to end up falling for the BBC LARP
>i dont want to become a coal burner submissive to sharia
>this is the direction the (((establishment))) is pushing me to go
>no one seems to be objecting...
>the migrant crisis has already been exposed as a SCAM
>where have the strong white men defending our race?
>why are you letting everything we've built be cucked and turned to mud..?
>I'll be gone in a generation Jow Forums
>I guess this is goodbye
Based on a True Story.

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Other urls found in this thread:

sorry sweetie we're too busy jerking off to it all and playing based vidya

gay. she looks like a boy.

Attached: fuckhijabi.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>where have the strong white men defending our race gone?
Probably died in WW2.

>I tried to warn you...
>we died trying to save you ALL from the jew
>why didnt you listen?

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>be germany
>send all your men to fight in war
>so many die you start sending children and the elderly
>still lose
>get pushed back into your capital by extremely pissed off russians
>berlin is metaphorically and literally raped
>the only german men to survive this are those that hid like cucks when literal children were sent out to fight
>the only german men to survive were those that chose to survive despite the death of german pride and dignity that was so significant even hitler killed himself
>also russian rape babies

and people wonder why modern germany is the cuck capital of the world


I'll paypal you 25 for your (used) underwear.

hit or miss

>Im the product of 2000+ years of rich culture and strong genetics

way more than that

What if I told you that you can have a high culture with standards of living far greater than that of a Babylon or Assyria entirely made out of wood?

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and yeah... its LITERALLY the Jews doing this



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I guess they never miss, huh?

But the master race can't go extinct?

You are probably right, the european history was jewed really hard and it doesn't make any sense. The only part we have more details are the civilizations that became good goyim.

>be faggot
>thinks not fighting against jewish communism will allow you to survive
>thinks soviets wouldn't steamroll Europe if the Germans never fought
>being this retarded, ever.

Attached: 1543166618527.jpg (422x463, 117K)

Eastern Germany*
Rest of the smart germans headed west into the advancing allies... doesnt mean american chads didnt destroy the german puss tho

Attached: european history.png (1785x857, 2.52M)

She's the type of gal to make sweet passionate love to... I couldn't fuck her rough. She's just too white and pure.

>That pic with all the races:
>Some mishmash indioblood

>that pic couldn't be real..... its real

>I couldn't fuck her rough
either you do it or she'll find someone who will

Attached: Gorilla-Rolling-Around-in-Leaves.gif (350x196, 1.76M)

strong white men will always be here to repair civilization. shitskins, jews, etc, will always be spared by the merciful whites and they will always bring about the deterioration of great empires. look no further than ancient rome.

Come to nz and we can work out a solution to end the degeneracy

how fucking gay are you

Women are inferior creatures, long live the cock tight AI! - Last White Chad, 2018

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The jews

Its just a numbers game at this point. This girl used to date chads, but got involved with nogs in Vegas and had to leave to CA, where she again got hooked up in the heavy drug scene and beaners. Sad story actually.

Attached: Beaner Whore.jpg (1080x1346, 113K)

tarpley sure has gone down the shitter since trump rose to power. used to really respect the guy

All of the alpha bloodlines were either killed first one or the next


I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful.

Isn't that the girl from blacked?

the original video is the hottest, brown qts mog basic white girls every day of the week.

she's ugly as fuck though, who cares.

>Black eyebrows
>Brown hair
I wonder which part is dyed

That's my 12 year old sister you perv

If the mere presence of other races of men means women won't go for you, what does that say about you?

This, you can just get contacts and hair-dye anyway.

WHO IS SHE?!?!?!??!

shut up idiot

My great grandfathers and most of their sons fought in ww2, some of them died. The only reason my grandfathers didn't fight is because they where little children at the time.

that's not what I'm thinking or saying at all, only acknowledging the result of germany's failure

>strong genetics

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i offer 2 chickens for her

I offer a cow and a gigantic brown cock.

What the fuck kind of pants are those?

you're paying way too much for your whites my friend

How sad is it when you do it to yourself? It's one thing to lose a war.. another to submit to weaker people who couldn't do anything until you gave it to them.

i'm a generous man, love the look on their faces when they think they're worth that much, like happy puppies

>I’m going extinct
Welcome to the club faggit. Enjoy the ride

your people fuck goats and live in a failed state


I’ll give you three Qurans for her mehmet

It says I'm a man you should fear and fear greatly.

She used to be attractive before she did drugs and got tatted up...

Attached: Pre Whore Leigh.jpg (600x800, 54K)


jesus christ op whats her name? prolly scandi as everyone on the bus is blonde

>implying thots think like this

shoulda, woulda, coulda been.

I wanna date you OP.

but you don't even know what he looks like.

I wanna slide my peepee trough her meaty buttocks and insert it in her anus balls deep if you know what im saying

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>The only part we have more details are the civilizations that became good goyim.

Except we have tons of details of Rome which obliterated the Jews multiple times. Jews had zero power until the 18th century.

You got a boyfriend

i guess so, maybe we'll get another shot in the next life, hopefully somewhere far from here.

>everything we've built
>we've built

that's NOT whats going on user.

multi-cultural "enrichment" & BBC is being pushed at an establishment / academic level.
Her brain was filled with that crap thanks to the (((educations system))) (((tv))) etc

literal kids books pushing race mixing
white moms babies etc
its institutionalized brainwashing

Meme flag with a quality post.

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You look like a nigger, checkmate.

She's not pouting because she's "going extinct", she's pouting because a sweaty, unattractive autist was taking pictures of her while she wasn't looking.

Also, compare her eyebrows to her hair color. Hair dye isn't going extinct anytime soon, my dude.

>she's pouting because a sweaty, unattractive immigrant was taking pictures of her while she wasn't looking.

fixed it for you

If I was that blonde and pale I would book a flight to the Mediterranean and get bombarded with hordes of willing med women to satisfy all my sexual needs in exchange for my nordnigger seed.

Women like dark (but white) men.

how long can we stay on a visa, each year???Are there still plenty of Chads in NZ??

Right now she is getting brutally gang raped by somalis. Why didn't you stop it, Sven?

>woman going extinct

surely some user can identify the city by the pattern on the train seats? Just curious

He he he he he we r coming for u he he he he. Very nutritionous he he he

I can't help you, I'm not 100% white

it's too late

>slavmonkey going "extinct"
Who else but pic related could think like that?

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Oh yeah she's not a whore in that photo or anything

Caurderoy bellbottoms

Pity you were all too willing to vote against the very men that you expect to protect you.

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Honestly though, it sounds like your the one being psychologically effected.

Many have been psychologically affected by the propaganda.

Fuck off, we're full. American immigrants are just as bad as the chinks

This pic is retarded and so are you.

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>White inventors

>don.t be evil

you can see outside the train through the sunglasses lens