What is your take on Right Wing Internet Academia's takedown of Jordan Peterson?
Has anyone read it to TLDR?
What is your take on Right Wing Internet Academia's takedown of Jordan Peterson?
Has anyone read it to TLDR?
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I unironically hope Juden Peterstein outlives his usefulness to his Jewish overlords soon and they take him out. Fuck all e-celebs and shills.
Haven't read it but Jordan Peterson spoke at the fucking Balfour Society and the sum of his wisodm is roughly, use common sense, sort yourself out, brush your teeth
>Fuck all e-celebs and shills.
Yeah honestly anyone that thinks he's the second coming is a moron, Owen Benjamin is right (also a fag)
Jordanetics is a book premised on the idea that the author has secret knowledge about what jordan REALLY means when he talks that the average listener doesn't have.
In other words, it's a waste of time and money.
link pls
>reddit spacing
>typical shill proxy being used
>Bla bla bla Juden Peterstein
>Listen to this other e-celeb instead
Hopefully you die when Iran drops bombs on Israel too kike.
Take your dominance-hierarchy-seeing pills, goy.
Respect the dominance hierachy- they're at the top because they're superior to you, and you will rise when the time is right.
>>Listen to this other e-celeb instead
I also called Owen Benjamin a fag, doesn't it bother you some of the things Peterson does?
From what I can gather he has been used as he pied piper of Hamelin. He appealed to the right wing by saying things that everyone already knows are true but no other academics were prepared to say, but then conveniently skips over some of the really meaty issues or takes a mainstream stance. This means he ultimately doesn’t threaten the status quo even though the media pretends he’s incredibly controversial