Is it "safe" to do marijuana and/or mdma while I'm on a SSRI, antipsychotic and valproic acid-sodium valproate cocktail for my depression therapy?
I'm taking the antipsychotics and the acid thing in 'baby dosages', as my psych says. And what about lsd? There's this festival coming up and my friend wants to 'cure' my depression with lsd . .
MDMA doesn't work on SSRIs, ask me how I know this.
Serotonin syndrome is a concentrated build up of serotonin that effectively adds up to serotonin overdose as a result of not being able to process it, if you take MDMA while on SSRIs and then your neurotransmitters are able to process the resulting serotonin (you get high basically) then afterwards you will feel shitty for a long time because your body is already low serotonin and now you're on an extended comedown due to having depleted your serotonin.
Landon Roberts
>Serotonin syndrome is typically caused by the use of two or more serotonergic medications or drugs.[2] This may include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), amphetamines, pethidine (meperidine), tramadol, dextromethorphan, buspirone, L-tryptophan, 5-HTP, St. John's wort, triptans, ecstasy (MDMA), metoclopramide, ondansetron, or cocaine.
Ian Smith
It's never safe to do any sort of drugs. Try and commit yourself to a clean lifestyle and you'll reap the rewards of a spiritually rich and fulfilling life.
Josiah Hall >RESULTS: > >MDMA, in combination with the widely-prescribed SSRI antidepressant class, can lead to rapid, synergistic rise of serotonin (5-HT) concentration in the central nervous system, leading to the acute medical emergency known as serotonin syndrome.
Landon Sullivan
Drugs are going to be used soon, it's just a matter if which ones. From what I'm gathering in this thread, mdma is off the table. Just curious about weed desu, how will it interfere with my therapy and if should I stop with my drug cocktail for a few days before/after the festival
Matthew Wood
i wouldn't use wikipedia as a reliable medical source tho... just saying.
Chase Torres
>Marijuana is never safe
Which very special episode did you get that from? I don't even like getting high and bullshit like that drives me up a fucking wall. Could we at least discuss this stuff like adults instead of throwing about bullshit propaganda?
Elijah Cox
would be better ?
Mason Jenkins
I'm not the guy you're arguing with in the other posts.
But yes, it would be better.
Adam Reyes
Weed is the filthiest drug. Filthier than meth and meth is fucking bottom of the barrel, son.
Samuel Moore
Yes... Much better to get your medical advice here...
Evan Cox
>Is it "safe" to do marijuana please don't ever say you DO marijuana
Nathan Ward
None is saying that, it's actually much better if you go to a certified medical doctor instead of looking through wikipedia articles.
Unless you're broke of course, then I'm so sorry for you.
Owen Green
wikipedia articles are fine as long as you cite the papers/journals/books wikipedia is citing in your paper instead of wikipedia itself
Adrian Ramirez
I'm a Third Year M.I. Resident, and if you're a medical professional I'm so sorry for you, I'd spit in your face if you came to me with wikipedia articles.
Get real thing instead, the journals and books, wikipedia is not a reliable source, period.
Ian Cooper
I love how this is the point of contention with you people. Of all things, this. Grow the fuck up.
Charles Phillips
>research through Wikipedia >source back through Wikipedia's mandatory, handily-compiled list of sources >Wikipedia does all the compilation for you, you just have to accomplish the mean feat of documenting which lines are attributed to where
Whew. Tough work, I know! The good news is, I wouldn't take shit to you because someone who'd react to something by spitting on people should probably be gassed. So we're in the clear here, which is good. The even better news is that anyone dumb enough to submit a Wiki article instead of the sources listed therein is probably just about on your level so who knows, maybe spitting on them is how you meet your future husband. Fag.
Noah Harris
Lol dude weed will probably cure his depression and boost his immune system. You are a literal mouth breather, fuck you boomer, weed is jesus
Wyatt Lewis
dude... i work at a university (and no, not medical, CS) and i'm telling you it's fine to use wikipedia if you check the journals/papers/books wikipedia is citing and cite them instead of wikipedia directly.
Mason Baker
Your sources are outdated!
And you can't know that
"probably" is not enough in the medical field, look for confirmation, get your facts straight.
Yes, I'd spit in your face, cry me a river...
Jordan Sanchez
Oh how nice... pre-med student fighting a third year resident, this guy would be crying if he had the balls to talk like that at my hospital. I support the resident, Wikipedia is not a reliable source, there's plenty of places in which you can grab an UPTDATED journal.
Tyler Garcia
This guy is so mad... put the sources instead of citing wikipedia faggot. Stop getting so mad about it because being mad won't make you less stupid.
Ryder Morgan
That's what I said, cite the sources. Use Wikipedia. If Sesame Street didn't provide you with academic challenge, you might have picked up on that.
>moves the goalposts >n-no! I got you! >h-hehe, I'd still spit on you. This is why you use wikipedia as a platform to leverage superiority in internet arguments on Jow Forums rather than just, you know, being something or doing something.
Remember: if you don't know a village idiot, you're probably the village idiot.
Isaac Fisher
You are basically saying that you are on a bunch of heavy duty serotenergics and then asking if you should do more serotenergics. Definite no. Also do not do pot if you have psychotic issues. This is bad advice but if you really need recreational drugs opioids are probably your best choice. Can destroy you in other ways but wonMt directly fuck everything up
Samuel Fisher
75% of medicine is "probably". You come in with symptoms, and you get treated for what you "probably" have.
Fuck off with your all knowing healer of men routine. Your profession is so fucking exacting and knowledgeable that half of you got duped by pharmicutical companies into passing out opioids like candy for their profit.